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File metadata and controls

174 lines (132 loc) · 15.8 KB

GitLab Enhancement Database

This library uses PgDCP SQLa to create an enhnanced GitLab schema which includes utility views and repositories cache.


  • Just
  • Deno
  • Perl
  • PostgreSQL client
  • miller (for testing generated CSVs)

To check if your dependencies are properly installed, run:

just doctor

One-time Setup

git clone 
cd gitlab-enhanced


  • Copy gitlab-canonical.env.example to gitlab-canonical.env and fill out GitLab database information. The gitlab-canonical.env file is included in .gitignore and will not be git-tracked. All environment variables in gitlab-canonical.env will be available, automatically, to the just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets target. These two environment variables are important and they should not share the same value -- the just context=production db-deploy-clean target will destroy any existing $SQLACTL_GITLAB_ENHANCE_SCHEMA_NAME schema so be sure to separate the schemas as shown by default otherwise you could accidentally delete your production GitLab database.
    • SQLACTL_GITLAB_ENHANCE_SCHEMA_NAME=stateless_enhance_service_gitlab
  • Copy gitlab-project-repo-assets.env.example to gitlab-project-repo-assets.env and fill out database information for the destination of the gitlab_project_repo_assets table. The gitlab-project-repo-assets.env file is included in .gitignore and will not be git-tracked. All environment variables in gitlab-project-repo-assets.env will be available, automatically, to the just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets target below.

If the gitlab_project_repo_assets table will be in the same database/schemas defined by gitlab-canonical.env then gitlab-project-repo-assets.env could just have the same database credentials. However, if the gitlab_project_repo_assets table will be in a different database then the contents of gitlab-canonical.env then gitlab-project-repo-assets.env should point to their respective databases.

Creating SQL objects

To drop the enhanced schema and recreate basic SQL objects:

just context=production db-deploy-clean

To idempotently create basic SQL objects without dropping the enhanced schema:

just context=production db-deploy

What's available after db-deploy in database pointed to by .env:

  • gitlab_qualified_namespaces view delivers Gitlab namespaces with level and hierarchical qualifications (e.g. path/path/... and Name::Name::...) instead of flat only
  • gitlab_qualified_projects view delivers GitLab projects with namespace-qualified names and logical paths with hierarchy
  • gitlab_qualified_project_repos view delivers GitLab projects with namespace-qualified names, logical paths, and physical Gitaly repository paths with hierarchy
  • gitlab_qualified_project_repos_clone(gitlab_host_name) function delivers GitLab projects with namespace-qualified names, logical paths, and relative Gitaly repository paths on disk plus cloning paths on a given host
  • gitlab_qualified_project_repos_clone(gitlab_host_name, parent_namespace_id) function delivers GitLab projects under a specific namespace ID with namespace-qualified names, logical paths, and relative Gitaly repository paths on disk plus cloning paths on a given host
  • gitlab_qualified_project_repos_bare(gitlab_bare_repos_home_on_disk) function delivers GitLab projects with namespace-qualified names, logical paths, and absolute paths to Gitaly bare Git repositories
  • gitlab_qualified_project_repos_bare(gitlab_bare_repos_home_on_disk, parent_namespace_id) function delivers GitLab projects under a specific namespace ID with namespace-qualified names, logical paths, and absolute paths to Gitaly bare Git repositories

Discovering and persisting Gitaly Git bare repository content in PostgreSQL

The just db-deploy target deploys convenience PostgreSQL views which can then be used by these four just targets:

  • discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets
  • persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets
  • discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content
  • persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content

There is a convenience target that will run all the above in sequence:

  • discover-persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content

How to mirror bare repo content into database

just discover-persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content 8

The above command will run all the following targets in sequence:

just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets 8 
just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets
just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content
just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content
  • just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets 8 uses PostgreSQL convenience views to generate a CSV file (gitlab-project-repo-assets.csv) of all the Gitaly bare Git repositories under GitLab Namespace ID '8' (any GitLab group ID may be passed in).
    • The generated CSV file contains the latest commit information (only meta-data, not content) for each branch of each GitLab project repo.
    • On a 6-core i5 processor with direct access to the GitLab bare Git repos this take around 90 seconds for about 3,500 small project repos (assuming about 37,000 cumulative files included in the 3,500 or so Git repos).
  • just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets validates gitlab-project-repo-assets.csv using miller and then inserts all rows in gitlab-project-repo-assets.csv into the gitlab_project_repo_assets PostgreSQL table using the COPY FROM SQL command. This should take less than 30 seconds to complete if the database is on the same server as the CSV file.
  • just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content uses rows in the gitlab_project_repo_assets PostgreSQL table to generate a CSV file (gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv) which contains the name, size, and base64-encoded content of each unique Git object in all the files discovered through just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets 8.
    • The generated CSV file contains the Git Object ID, file name, file size in bytes, and base64-encoded content for each unique Git object (uniqueness is determined by Git object ID, git file name, and git file size).
    • On a 6-core i5 processor with direct access to the GitLab bare Git repos this take around 45 seconds for about 9,000 small-ish files.
  • just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content validates gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv using miller and then inserts all rows in gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv into the gitlab_project_repo_assets_content PostgreSQL table using the COPY FROM SQL command. This should take less than 10 seconds to complete if the database is on the same server as the CSV file.

What discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets does

discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets uses the gitlab_qualified_project_repos_bare(gitlab_bare_repos_home_on_disk, parent_namespace_id) function to find all Gitaly bare Git repositories under a specific GitLab namespace ID (group). Once it finds the bare repos, it uses xargs to run Git commands in parallel (using numproc processes) to create a CSV file with the following:

Column Type Purpose
discovered_at timestamptz Timestamp of when the discovery of this row occurred
gl_project_id integer GitLab project ID acquired from [GitLab] table
gl_project_repo_id integer GitLab project repo ID acquired from [GitLab] table
gl_gitaly_bare_repo_host text GitLab project Gitaly bare repo path host
gl_gitaly_bare_repo_host_ip_addr text GitLab project Gitaly bare repo path host
gl_gitaly_bare_repo_path text GitLab project Gitaly bare repo path
git_branch text Git branch acquired from bare Git repo using git for-each-ref command
git_file_mode text Git file mode acquired from bare Git repo using git ls-tree -r {branch} command
git_asset_type text Git asset type (e.g. blob) acquired from bare Git repo using git ls-tree -r {branch} command
git_object_id text Git object (e.g. blob) ID acquired from bare Git repo using git ls-tree -r {branch} command
git_file_size_bytes integer Git file size in bytes acquired from bare Git repo using git ls-tree -r {branch} command
git_file_name text Git file name acquired from bare Git repo using git ls-tree -r {branch} command
git_commit_hash text Git file commit hash acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_author_date timestamptz Git file author date acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_commit_date timestamptz Git file commit date acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command (commit date is usually the same as author date unless the repo was manipulated)
git_author_name text Git file author name acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_author_email text Git file author e-mail address acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_committer_name text Git file committer name acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_committer_email text Git file committer e-mail address acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command
git_commit_subject text Git file commit message subject acquired from bare Git repo using git log -1 {branch} {git_file_name} command

What persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets does

persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets uses the CSV file created by discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets target and:

  • drops the gitlab_project_repo_assets table
  • creates the gitlab_project_repo_assets table
  • imports the CSV file into the gitlab_project_repo_assets table

Since the repo trees are now just SQL, every file's meta data and latest commit status is a query away:

select *
  from stateless_enhance_service_gitlab.gitlab_project_repo_assets
 where git_file_name = 'offering-profile.lhc-form.json'
   and git_branch = 'draft'

What discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content does

  • just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content uses rows in the gitlab_project_repo_assets PostgreSQL table to generate a CSV file (gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv) which contains the name, size, and base64-encoded content of each unique Git object in all the files discovered through just discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets.
  • Git objects IDs are considered "globally unique" so we can have the same file content used across Git repos stored only once.
  • There might be some long-term issues with content conflicts that should be considered. Read SHA-1 collision detection on and 10.2 Git Internals - Git Objects.
Column Type Purpose
discovered_at timestamptz Timestamp of when the discovery of this row occurred
git_object_id text Git object (e.g. blob) ID acquired from bare Git repo
git_file_name text Git file name acquired from bare Git repo
git_file_size_bytes integer Git file size in bytes acquired from bare Git repo
git_file_content_base64 text Git file commit content, in Base64 format, from bare Git repo using git show -r {git_object_id}

What persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content does

  • just persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content validates gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv using miller and then inserts all rows in gitlab-project-repo-assets-content.csv into the gitlab_project_repo_assets_content PostgreSQL table using the COPY FROM SQL command.

persist-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content uses the CSV file created by discover-gitlab-project-repo-assets-content target and:

  • drops the gitlab_project_repo_assets_content table
  • creates the gitlab_project_repo_assets_content table
  • imports the CSV file into the gitlab_project_repo_assets_content table

Since the repo contents are now just SQL, the content and meta data are now a query away:

select gl_project_id, 
       convert_from(decode(git_file_content_base64, 'base64'), 'UTF8')::jsonb as lhc_form       
  from stateless_enhance_service_gitlab.gitlab_project_repo_assets pra,
       stateless_enhance_service_gitlab.gitlab_project_repo_assets_content prac
 where prac.git_file_name = 'offering-profile.lhc-form.json'
   and git_branch = 'draft'
   and pra.git_object_id = prac.git_object_id