Governance meeting held @ 3PM UTC in grincoin#general channel on Keybase. Meeting lasted ~ 50 min.
Notes are truncated, and conversations sorted based on topic and not always chronological. Quotes are edited for brevity and clarity, and not always exact.
Community attendance:
- cekickafa
- phyro
- quentinlesceller
- mcmmike
- antiochp
(apologies if I missed someone - submit a PR or contact @lehnberg to add)
- joltz: status of spending log updates?
- antiochp: no blockers that I know of - just need to spend some time on it
The proposed agenda was accepted without changes.
- Spending log//
quentinlesceller: Latest update I got from @mark_hollis is the following: "I'm currently looking at the default lifecycle provider. I think I need a custom implementation for the hardware wallet. The main task I'm now looking into is how grin-wallet could initialize a wallet using a device. I've added a CLI subcommand." - Last tuesday. Will ping him today.
quentinlesceller: Update regarding Ledger bounty (
joltz: My understanding of current state of community fund decision making:
"Split Fund" proposal seems to come closest to council's preferences
4 strong candidates have council consensus, the remaining 2 seats do not have clear support
Asking community for 1 more week for candidates to come forward for remaining 2 seats in "split fund" proposal
After 1 week, a forum member vote (accounts must have been made before initial candidate announcement) will be held to indicate preference between 2 remaining candidates
Hope that we have enough viable candidates for the "split fund" proposal to move forward
Not a major update, the decision making process is still ongoing.
mcmmike: I would like, once we agreed on the candidates to have a public announcment where we (or you as a council) descibe what we have done and what the community fund will be used for. This is more like a "press release" because I am getting a lot of questions regarding the history of this community-funds on why it exists, etc. its important to put it into context I think for the public
👍: _renzokuken, _goyle, _defistalker, _ollx2070, _quentinlesceller
joltz: I think it would be a good idea to have a high-level post describing this change in context of community, ecosystem, technology etc. Feel free to start on that post and I am happy to help as you go. Then maybe we can open it up to more feedback before posting it etc It is such a big change it will be nice to explain the changes and benefits clearly for both new and existing community members If anyone else would like to contribute to that please ping @mcmmike
6. RFC Update (mimblewimble/grin-rfcs#77)
- It is in Final Comment Period so please review and make any comments if you have not already. Barring anything unforseen it will likely be accepted and merged April 20
- Consensus to approve @ antiochp funding request for q2 2021 passed:
- 👍:_dburkett, _renzokuken, _goyle, _defistalker, _ollx2070, _quentinlesceller, _mcmmike, _cekickafa, _geneferneau, _phyro, _tromp, _defistalker, _dtavarez, _unpourtous
Meeting adjourned.