diff --git a/contributed_definitions/NXxpcs.nxdl.xml b/contributed_definitions/NXxpcs.nxdl.xml
index 9839fbb2a..a258147e0 100644
--- a/contributed_definitions/NXxpcs.nxdl.xml
+++ b/contributed_definitions/NXxpcs.nxdl.xml
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
**Locally** unique identifier for the experiment (a.k.a. run or scan).
- * For bluesky users, this is the run's `"scan_id"`.
+ * For bluesky users, this is the run's ``"scan_id"``. If ``scan_id`` is not available, use the run's ``uid``.
* For SPEC users, this is the scan number (``SCAN_N``).
@@ -134,10 +134,10 @@
the data and its axes are self-describing as per NeXus recommendations. However, the data is preferred in one
of the following two formats:
- * iterable list of linked files (or keys) for each :math:`g_2` with 1 file (key) per :math:`q`, where `q` is called by the nth roi_map value
- * 2D array [#]_ with shape (:math:`g_2`, :math:`q`), where `q` is represented by the nth roi_map value, not the value `q` value
+ * iterable list of linked files (or keys) for each :math:`g_2` with one file (key) per :math:`q`, where `q` is called by the nth roi_map value
+ * 2D array [#]_ with shape (:math:`g_2`, :math:`q`), where :math:`q` is represented by the nth roi_map value, not the value :math:`q` value
- Note it is expected that "g2" and all quantities following it will be of the same length.
+ .. note:: It is expected that ``g2`` and all quantities following it will be of the same length.
Other formats are acceptable with sufficient axes description.
@@ -152,8 +152,8 @@
We encourage the documentation of other formats not represented here.
- * one array representing entire data set ("one_array")
- * data exchange format with each key representing one ``q`` by its corresponding roi_map value ("data_exchange_keys")
+ * one array representing entire data set (``"one_array"``)
+ * data exchange format with each key representing one :math:`q` by its corresponding roi_map value (``"data_exchange_keys"``).
@@ -194,14 +194,14 @@
- delay_difference (also known as delay or lag step)
+ (Also known as delay or lag step.)
This is quantized difference so that the "step" between two consecutive
frames is one frame (or step ``= dt = 1 frame``)
It is the "quantized" delay time corresponding to the ``g2`` values.
- The unit of delay_differences is ``NX_INT`` for units of frames (i.e., integers) preferred,
+ The unit of delay_differences is ``NX_INT`` (i.e., integers) for units of frames preferred,
refer to :ref:`NXdetector` for conversion to time units.
@@ -220,7 +220,7 @@
- two-time correlation of speckle intensity for a given q-bin or roi (represented by the nth roi_map value)
+ two-time correlation of speckle intensity for a given :math:`q`-bin or roi (represented by the nth roi_map value)
See Fluerasu, Phys Rev E (2007), Eq 1 and Sutton, Optics Express (2003) for an early
description applied to X-ray scattering:
@@ -231,8 +231,8 @@
the data and its axes are self-describing as per NeXus recommendations. However, the data is preferred in one
of the following two formats:
- * iterable list of linked files (or keys) for each q-bin called by the nth roi_map value. data for each bin is a 2D array
- * 3D array with shape (frames, frames, q) or (q, frames, frames), where :math:`q` is represented by the nth roi_map value, not the value `q` value
+ * Iterable list of linked files (or keys) for each :math:`q`-bin called by the nth roi_map value. data for each bin is a 2D array.
+ * 3D array with shape (frames, frames, :math:`q`) or (q:math:`q`, frames, frames), where :math:`q` is represented by the nth roi_map value, not the :math:`q` value.
The computation of this result can be customized. These customizations can affect subsequently derived results (below). The
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@
* Other normalization methods may be applied, but the method will not be specified in this
definition. Some of these normalization methods result in a baseline value of ``0``, not ``1``.
- * The various software libraries use different programming languages. Therefore, we need to
+ * To avoid committing to one specific programming language, we need to
specify the ``time = 0`` origin location of the 2D array for each :math:`q`.
* A method to reduce data storage needs is to only record half of the 2D array by populating
@@ -251,7 +251,7 @@
- storage_mode describes the format of the data to be loaded
+ The format of the data to be loaded.
We encourage the documention of other formats represented here.
@@ -264,9 +264,9 @@
- baseline is the expected value of a full decorrelation
+ The expected value of a full decorrelation.
- The baseline is a constant value added to the functional form of the auto-correlation
+ The ``baseline_reference`` is a constant value added to the functional form of the auto-correlation
function. This value is required.
@@ -276,7 +276,7 @@
- time_origin_location is the location of the origin
+ Location of the time origin.
@@ -285,7 +285,7 @@
- populated_elements describe the elements of the 2D array that are populated with data
+ Describes how elements of the 2D array are populated with data.
@@ -298,10 +298,10 @@
frame weighted average along the diagonal direction in ``two_time_corr_func``
- The data format and description should be consistent with that found in "/NXxpcs/entry/data/g2"
+ The data format and description should be consistent with that found in ``g2``.
- * iterable list of linked files for each :math:`g_2` with 1 file per :math:`q`
- * 2D array with shape (:math:`g_2`, :math:`q`)
+ * Iterable list of linked files for each :math:`g_2` with one file per :math:`q`.
+ * 2D array with shape (:math:`g_2`, :math:`q`).
Note that delay_difference is not included here because it is derived from the shape of
extracted :math:`g_2` because all frames are considered, which is not necessarily the case for :math:`g_2`.
@@ -493,7 +493,7 @@
"roi_maps" provide for representation of pixel binning that are arbitrary and irregular,
which is geometry scattering agnostic and most flexible. The maps work as a labeled array for N rois.
- "Dynamic" represents quantities directly related to XPCS and NXxcps/entry/data and
+ "Dynamic" represents quantities directly related to XPCS and NXxpcs/entry/data and
"Static" refers to finer binning used for computation not strictly used for the final
@@ -507,7 +507,7 @@
roi index array or labeled array
The values of this mask index (or map to) the :math:`Q` value from the
- the ``dynamic_q_list`` field. Not that the value of ``0`` represents in-action. XPCS computations
+ ``dynamic_q_list`` field. Note that the value of ``0`` represents in-action. XPCS computations
are performed on all pixels with a value > 0.
The ``units`` attribute should be set to ``"au"``
@@ -523,8 +523,8 @@
The only requirement for the list is that it may be iterable. Some expected formats are:
* iterable list of floats (i.e., :math:`Q(r)`)
- * iterable list of tuples (i.e., :math:`Q(r)`, :math:`\varphi`), but preferable use the seperate :math:`\varphi` field below
- * iterable list of tuples (e.g., (H, K, L); (qx, qy, qz); (horizontal_pixel, vertical_pixel))
+ * iterable list of tuples (i.e., :math:`Q(r)`, :math:`\varphi`), but preferable use the separate :math:`\varphi` field below
+ * iterable list of tuples (e.g., :math:`(H, K, L)`; :math:`(q_x, q_y, q_z)`; (horizontal_pixel, vertical_pixel))
* iterable list of integers (for Nth roi_map value) or strings
This format is chosen because results plotting packages are not common and simple I/O is required by end user.
@@ -543,7 +543,7 @@
roi index array.
The values of this mask index the :math:`|Q|` value from the
- the ``static_q_list`` field.
+ ``static_q_list`` field.
The ``units`` attribute should be set to ``"au"``
indicating arbitrary units.
@@ -551,7 +551,14 @@
- 1-D list of :math:`|Q|` values, 1 for each roi.
+ 1-D list of :math:`|Q|` values, one for each roi.
+ Array of :math:`\varphi` value for each pixel.
+ List order is determined by the index value of the associated roi map starting at ``1``.