If you would like to access the corpora that we are using for your fuzz targets (synthesized by the fuzzing engines), please follow these steps.
The corpora for fuzz targets are stored on Google Cloud Storage. To access them, you will need to install the gsutil tool, which is part of the Google Cloud SDK.
Follow the instructions on the installation page to login with a Google account thats listed in your project's project.yaml
The fuzzer statistics page for your project on ClusterFuzz will contain a link to the Google Cloud console for your corpus under the "corpus_size" column. You can browse and download individual test inputs in the corpus here.
![viewing_corpus] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/oss-fuzz/master/docs/images/viewing_corpus.png)
If you would like to download the entire corpus, from the cloud console link, copy the bucket path highlighted here:
![corpus_path] (https://raw.githubusercontent.com/google/oss-fuzz/master/docs/images/corpus_path.png)
And then run the following command to copy the corpus to a directory on your machine.
gsutil -m rsync gs://<bucket_path> <local_directory>
Following the expat example above, this would be:
gsutil -m rsync gs://expat-corpus.clusterfuzz-external.appspot.com/libFuzzer/expat_parse_fuzzer <local_directory>