tags |
ggg, ggg2024, ggg201b |
Lab for Fri, Jan 26th, 2024
Note: I'm going to end 10 minutes early today to help people out with the homework.
Today we're going to explore:
- going from mappings to variant calling
- the impact of sequencing depth on variant calling
See Lab 2 notes
You should be at a prompt that looks like this:
(You might or might not be in RStudio, that's up to you.)
module load mamba
mamba activate mapping
Note: If mamba activate mapping
fails, you may need to run:
mamba create -y -n mapping minimap2 samtools vcftools bcftools snakemake-minimal
cd ~/2024-ggg-201b-variant-calling
git pull
:::warning If the above returns errors, you may need to check out a copy of the github repository. Do:
cd ~/
git clone https://github.com/ngs-docs/2024-ggg-201b-variant-calling/tree/main
cd 2024-ggg-201b-variant-calling
cp ~ctbrown/data/ggg201b/SRR2584857_1.fastq.gz .
Run the updated workflow:
snakemake -j 1 -p
This will run the commands in the call_variants
rule, here.
This will produce a .vcf file (a variants call file). BUT! Will it be valid!? You might note the error:
Note: none of --samples-file, --ploidy or --ploidy-file given, assuming all sites are diploid
🙀 what do we do??
What strategies are there for figuring out what to do?
Thikn about it for two minutes and/or chat with neighbors; enter your thoughts here.
(Fix Snakefile by editing around line 60 view @ link & re-call variants!)
This will produce a file outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf
If you look at the VCF file in the editor, you will see a lot of stuff at the top; or, via cat:
cat outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf
You can remove the cruft at the top with:
cat outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf | grep -v ^#
What does this ouput mean? It's ok to guess!
Let's re-run variant calling on the first 100,000 reads only:
snakemake -j 1 -p make_subset_vcf
This will produce a file outputs/SRR2584857_1.sub100k.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf
with a LOT more rows, i.e., a lot more variants -
cat outputs/SRR2584857_1.sub100k.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf | grep -v ^#
Talk amongst yourselves, fill in this form with your thoughts: link
samtools coverage outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted
You will see:
#rname startpos endpos numreads covbases coverage meandepth meanbaseq meanmapq ecoli 1 4629812 2116548 4623406 99.8616 46.1237 35.2 58.5
focus in on 99.8616 46.1237
- this is how many bases are covered, and what the mean depth is.
What about when we look at the coverage stats for the subset data set?
samtools coverage outputs/SRR2584857_1.sub100k.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted
and you will see:
#rname startpos endpos numreads covbases coverage meandepth meanbaseq meanmapq ecoli 1 4629812 99433 4048019 87.4338 2.1667 35.1 58.4
note 87.4338 2.1667
. 87% of bases only! mean depth of 2!
Let's look at the variants in the full coverage file:
cat outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.vcf | grep -v ^#
Pick one location (second column) and use samtools tview
to look at it:
samtools tview outputs/SRR2584857_1.x.ecoli-rel606.bam.sorted outputs/ecoli-rel606.fa -p ecoli:<location>
and remember to replace <location>
with the actual number.
What do you see??
Remember -
to quit- left/right arrow to move left or right
to toggle view
What do you think you would see in the lower coverage file if you looked at some of the positions there?
Let's go through some or all of:
- what's the goal of variant calling?
- what's the process of variant calling? mapping, pileup, calling variants
- what feature of shotgun sequencing are we taking advantage of?
- how does Illumina sequencing work?
- what impact does increased depth have on variant calling?
- what are the actual steps of variant calling?
- why: farm; UNIX shell; srun; snakemake
Next time!
- more on VCF and stats
- exploring variants in multiple samples