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neovim configuration

This is my neovim configuration.

Big thanks to Allman for the inspiration and configuration layout, most of this is stolen from his neovim repo

Currently this configuration is working on my Macbook Pro M1, but it does require a neovim dev build (0.8+)


I wanted to completely update my neovim/vim configuration from the old vimscript into something a bit more configurable with Lua. This will give me a chance to get up close with Lua and learn a bit about the language

Features & Plugins

General ⚙️

Navigation 🧭

Coding 🖥️


Each plugin to be installed is defined in plugins.lua and each plugin has its own configuration file (if necessary) in lua/config/ which is loaded by packer.

├── after
│   └── ftplugin      # file specific settings
├── init.lua          # main entry point
├── lua
│   ├── config/       # each plugin configuration is in its own file
│   ├── autocmd.lua   # autocommands
│   ├── functions.lua # lua functions to extend functionality
│   ├── mappings.lua  # Vim keymaps definitions -> config/which.lua for more
│   ├── options.lua   # non plugin related (vim) options
│   ├── plugins.lua   # define plugins to be managed via Packer
│   └── user-conf.lua # parameters to configure some settings
├── plugin            # packer_compiled
├── snippets          # snippets directory (luasnip style)
└── spell             # my spell files linked from another repo


Mode key binding
n space Leader key
n ⬆ ⬇ ⬅ ➡ Resize panes
n <c-h | j | k | l> Change pane focus (including Tmux panes)
n <leader>Tab Switch to previously opened buffer
n <Tab> Switch to next buffer (bnext)
n <S-Tab> Switch to previous buffer (bprev)
n st Visual selection with Treesitter hint textobject
v sa Add surrounding
n sd Delete surrounding
n sr Replace surrounding
v ga Easyalign
n gcc Toggle line comment
n/v gc Toggle line comment (works with movements like gcip)
n ss Search 2 char forward (lightspeed)
n S Search 2 char backward (lightspeed)
i/s <c-j> Luasnip expand/forward
i/s <c-k> Luasnip backward
i <c-h> Luasnip select choice
n <c-n> Toggleterm (opens/hides a full terminal in Neovim)
i <c-l> Move out of closing bracket
n <CR> Start incremental selection
v <Tab> Increment selection
v <S-Tab> Decrement selection

Which-key leader key clusters

Mappings are clustered according to their topic/tool.

See ./lua/config/which.lua for details.

key cluster
b Buffer management
c Language specific actions (only in Go, e.g. run tests)
d Debugging
f File management
g Git actions
l LSP integration (only when a LSP is attached)
m Misc stuff
q Quickfix
s Searching
w Window management
x Languagetool integration
z Spell bindings

User configuration (experimental)

The intention of my Neovim configuration was never to be a fully customizable "distribution" like LunarVim, SpaceVim, etc but from time to time I like to change my color scheme and the idea of making this configurable came to my mind. Based upon this idea I implemented some further lightweight configuration options that might be useful.

All options can be found in ./lua/user-conf.lua.

Remove plugins

Basically, you can remove unwanted plugins by just removing the appropriate line in ./lua/plugins.lua and, if applicable, delete its configuration file in ./lua/config/.

ℹ️ Keep in mind that some plugins are configured to work in conjunction with other plugins. For instance, autopairs is configured in ./lua/config/treesitter.lua. For now there is no logic implemented that cross-checks such dependencies.

Add plugins

If you want to follow my method adding a plugin is straight forward:

In lua/plugins.lua add the plugin to Packer. You are free to use a name for the configuration file (should be a valid filename).

use {"<Address-of-the-plugin>", config = get_config("<name-of-the-plugin>")}

Create lua/config/<name-of-the-plugin>.lua where you put the plugins settings. If your plugin does not require additional configuration or loading you can omit the config part.

Open another instance of Neovim (I always try to keep one running instance of Neovim open in case I messed up my config) and run PackerSync.


There are some tools that are required in order to use some features/plugins:


Vale configuration

Vale requires some setup, otherwise you will get error notifications when opening some files.

Install vale using your systems package manager

$ brew install vale

You have to set up a configuration in your $HOME directory. Here is an example configuration at $HOME/.vale.ini

StylesPath = .styles
MinAlertLevel = suggestion

Packages = Google, Readability, alex, proselint, Hugo
# Only Markdown and .txt files; change to whatever you're using.
# List of styles to load.
BasedOnStyles = alex, proselint

Next we need to setup the $HOME/.styles directory and download the styles

$ mkdir ~/.styles
$ vale sync

LSPs, Formatting, Linters, DAP

The following programs should be installed on your system so that the appropriate tools can be installed:

  • Go
  • Python
  • NodeJs > 12
  • Cargo


Go related dependencies are managed by go.nvim and are installed by running :GoInstallBinaries (when a Go file is loaded). They are installed in your $GOPATH.



All other

All other dependencies are managed by Mason and Mason tool installer. Tools are installed by running :MasonToolsInstall (in vim.fn.stdpath("data") .. "mason"). Mason requirements must be available on your system.

For advanced spell checks via vim-grammarous Java 8+ is required