Gitlab events can be connected to Kanboard automatic actions.
- Gitlab commit received
- Gitlab issue opened
- Gitlab issue closed
- Create a task from an external provider
- Close a task
- On Kanboard, go to the project settings and choose the section Integrations
- Copy the Gitlab webhook url
- On Gitlab, go to the project settings and go to the section Webhooks
- Check the boxes Push Events and Issues Events
- Paste the url and save
- Choose the event: Gitlab commit received
- Choose the action: Close the task
When one or more commits are sent to Gitlab, Kanboard will receive the information, each commit message with a task number included will be closed.
- Commit message: "Fix bug #1234"
- That will close the Kanboard task #1234
- Choose the event: Gitlab issue opened
- Choose the action: Create a task from an external provider
When a task is created from a Gitlab issue, the link to the issue is added to the description and the task have a new field named "Reference" (this is the Gitlab ticket number).
- Choose the event: Gitlab issue closed
- Choose the action: Close the task