Each user can have a predefined timetable. This feature mainly is used for time tracking, project budget calculation and to display subtasks in the calendar.
Each user have his own timetable. At the moment, that need to be specified manually for each person. You can also schedule time-off or overtime.
The timetable section is available from the user profile: User profile > Timetable.
This timetable is dynamically calculated according to the regular week timetable, time-off and overtime.
The week timetable is used to define regular work hours for the selected user.
To add a new time slot, just select the day of the week and the time range.
The time-off timetable is used to schedule not worked time slot. This time is deducted from the regular work hours.
When you check the box "All day", the regular day timetable is used to define the regular work hours.
The overtime timetable is used to define worked hours outside of regular hours.
This timetable is used when the checkbox "All day" is checked for overtime and time-off entries.