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Applying blankLinesBetweenImports removes indentation of imported modules between pragma when indentation is disabled #1970

acosmicflamingo opened this issue Feb 6, 2025 · 1 comment


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This is probably the smallest corner-case in the world, but thought I'd make this ticket in the off-chance it's an easy fix. I'm finding that when I try and commit this code, I see the following change:

// swiftformat:disable indent

import UIKit

#if DEBUG && canImport(SwiftUI)
  import ClientModels
- import MediaInterfaceFeature
- import SwiftUI
+import MediaInterfaceFeature
+import SwiftUI


// swiftformat:enable indent

This only happens when I disable indentation, which makes sense. But then I would've expected import ClientModels to also move in the same way.

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I'm currently using SwiftFormat version 0.55.3, and this is the config I'm using:

# Rules can be found in the following URL:
#   -

## File Options
# --conflictmarkers reject
--exclude */Derived
--exclude **/Autogen
# --fragment false

# Enabled Rules
--enable                        \
  acronyms,                     \
  anyObjectProtocol,            \
### Disabled because sometimes it is better to use the ampersand
### to demonstrate the AND condition
#  andOperator,                  \
  assertionFailures,            \
  applicationMain,              \
  blankLinesAroundMark,         \
  blankLinesAtStartOfScope,     \
### Disabled because it does not support @spi(Internals) import Foo
#  blankLineAfterImports,        \
### Disabled because it removes newlines after guard/else statements
#  blankLinesAtEndOfScope,       \
  blankLinesBetweenImports,     \
  blankLinesBetweenChainedFunctions, \
  blankLinesBetweenScopes,      \
  blockComments,                \
  braces,                       \
  conditionalAssignment,        \
  consecutiveBlankLines,        \
  consecutiveSpaces,            \
### Disabled because double parantheses are useful
### for general comments within functions
#  docComments,                  \
  duplicateImports,             \
  elseOnSameLine,               \
  emptyBraces,                  \
  enumNamespaces,               \
  extensionAccessControl,       \
  fileHeader,                   \
  genericExtensions,            \
  headerFileName,               \
  hoistAwait,                   \
  hoistPatternLet,              \
  hoistTry,                     \
  indent,                       \
  initCoderUnavailable,         \
  isEmpty,                      \
  leadingDelimiters,            \
  linebreakAtEndOfFile,         \
  linebreaks,                   \
  modifierOrder,                \
  numberFormatting,             \
  opaqueGenericParameters,      \
  preferKeyPath,                \
  redundantBackticks,           \
  redundantBreak,               \
  redundantClosure,             \
  redundantExtensionACL,        \
  redundantFileprivate,         \
  redundantGet,                 \
  redundantInit,                \
  redundantInternal,            \
  redundantLet,                 \
  redundantLetError,            \
  redundantNilInit,             \
  redundantObjc,                \
  redundantOptionalBinding,     \
  redundantParens,              \
  redundantPattern,             \
  redundantRawValues,           \
  redundantReturn,              \
  redundantSelf,                \
  redundantStaticSelf,          \
  redundantType,                \
  redundantVoidReturnType,      \
  semicolons,                   \
  sortDeclarations,             \
  sortImports,                  \
  sortSwitchCases,              \
  sortTypealiases,              \
  spaceAroundBraces,            \
  spaceAroundBrackets,          \
  spaceAroundComments,          \
  spaceAroundGenerics,          \
### Disable for now since it interferes with <@FunctionProxy>
### and adds a space when it should not
#  spaceAroundOperators,         \
  spaceAroundParens,            \
### Disabled because space inside braces do not look as nice
#  spaceInsideBraces,            \
  spaceInsideBrackets,          \
  spaceInsideComments,          \
  spaceInsideGenerics,          \
  spaceInsideParens,            \
  strongOutlets,                \
  strongifiedSelf,              \
  trailingClosures,             \
  trailingCommas,               \
  trailingSpace,                \
  todos,                        \
### Disabled because extension Array<S> is preferred to
### extension [S]
#  typeSugar,                    \
  unusedArguments,              \
### Disabled because it should be used with care
#  unusedPrivateDeclarations,    \
  void,                         \
  wrap,                         \
  wrapArguments,                \
  wrapAttributes,               \
### Disabled because conditional bodies should not be
### wrapped when they are guard/else type
#  wrapConditionalBodies,        \
  wrapEnumCases,                \
### Disabled because formatting of multiline statement
### braces is atrocious
#  wrapMultilineStatementBraces, \
  wrapSingleLineComments,       \
  wrapSwitchCases,              \

## Enabled Rules
--acronyms \
#  ID,      \
#  URL,     \

# blankLinesAroundMark
--lineaftermarks true

# blankLinesAtStartOfScope
--typeblanklines remove

# braces
--allman false

# elseOnSameLine
--elseposition same-line
--guardelse next-line

# emptyBraces
--emptybraces no-space

# enumNamespaces
--enumnamespaces always

# extensionAccessControl
--extensionacl on-declarations

# fileHeader
--header ignore

# genericExtensions

# hoistAwait

# hoistTry

# hoistPatternLet
--patternlet hoist

# indent
--indent 2
--tabwidth unspecified
--smarttabs false
--indentcase false
--ifdef indent
--xcodeindentation disabled
--indentstrings true

# linebreaks
--linebreaks lf

### Disabled for now because it customizes too much
# # markTypes
# --marktypes always
# --typemark "MARK: - %t"
# --markextensions always
# --extensionmark "MARK: - %t + %c"
# --groupedextension "MARK: %c"

# modifierOrder

# numberFormatting
--decimalgrouping 3,6
--binarygrouping 4,8
--octalgrouping 4,8
--hexgrouping 2,4
--fractiongrouping disabled
--exponentgrouping disabled
--hexliteralcase uppercase
--exponentcase lowercase

# opaqueGenericParameters
--someAny true

### Disabled for now because it customizes too much
# # organizeDeclarations
# --categorymark "MARK: %c"
# --markcategories true
# --beforemarks 
# --lifecycle 
# --organizetypes  \
#     actor,       \
#     class,       \
#     enum,        \
#     struct
# --structthreshold 0
# --classthreshold 0
# --enumthreshold 0
# --extensionlength 0

# redundantSelf
--self init-only

# redundantType
--redundanttype infer-locals-only

# redundantVoidReturnType
--closurevoid remove

# semicolons
--semicolons never

# spacesAroundOperators
--operatorfunc spaced
--ranges spaced
--typedelimiter space-after

# sortedImports
--importgrouping testable-last

### Disable for now since it interferes with <@FunctionProxy>
### and adds a space when it should not
# # spaceAroundOperators
# --operatorfunc spaced
# --nospaceoperators *,...,..<
# --ranges spaced

# trailingClosures
--nevertrailing dependency

# trailingCommas
--commas always

# trailingSpace
--trimwhitespace always

### Disabled because extension Array<S> is preferred to
### extension [S]
# # typeSugar
# --shortoptionals always

# unusedArguments
--stripunusedargs unnamed-only

# void
--voidtype void

# wrap
--maxwidth 100
--assetliterals visual-width
--wrapternary before-operators

# wrapArguments
--wraparguments before-first
--wrapparameters before-first
--wrapcollections before-first
--closingparen balanced
--wrapreturntype preserve
--wrapconditions preserve
--wraptypealiases preserve
--wrapeffects preserve

# wrapAttributes
--funcattributes preserve
--typeattributes preserve
--varattributes preserve

# wrapEnumCases
--wrapenumcases always

# yodaConditions
--yodaswap always

## Disabled Rules (force opt-in)
--disable all

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