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This document gives several examples of how RTAMT library can be extended in a way that maximizes reuse of existing code.

Semantic Extension

In this scenario, we show how to extend classical STL robustness semantic to the Interface-Aware STL (IA-STL). We first start by recalling the theory behind the IA-STL extension.

We assume that both STL and IA-STL share the same syntax. A formula phi is defined over some set of variables X, where a subset I of X is declared as input, and a subset O of X are declared as output variables.

Let phi be an STL formula defined over X and U and V be disjoint (and possibly empty) subsets of X. We define relative robustness rho_U_V(phi, w, t) as a robustness measure that is dependent on the sets of variables U and V. It is defined in the same way as the classical robustness rho(phi, w, t), except for the case of a predicate:

rho_U_V(f(R) > 0, w, t) = 0 if R is not a subset of U union V
                          f(w_R(t)) else if R is not a subset of V
                          sign(f(w_R(t))*inf otherwise

Let phi be an STL formula defined over X, and I and O subsets of input and output variables. There are four interesting IA-STL interpretations:

  • Output robustness - rho_X\O_O(phi, w, t)
  • Input vacuity - rho_{}_I(phi, w, t)
  • Input robustness - rho_X\I_I(phi, w, t)
  • Output vacuity - rho_{}_O(phi, w, t)

It follows that in order to extend STL to IA-STL, one needs in essence to extend the way how the predicate is evaluated. We recall that RTAMT implements four flavors of RTAMT monitors:

  • Discrete-time online (AbstractDiscreteTimeOnlineInterpreter)
  • Discrete-time offline (AbstractDiscreteTimeOfflineInterpreter)
  • Dense-time online (AbstractDenseTimeOnlineInterpreter)
  • Dense-time offine (AbstractDenseTimeOfflineInterpreter)

We show how discrete-time online STL monitors are extended to IA-STL output robustness monitors. The other combinations are similar.


We first need to create an appropriate container for an IA-STL specification and its associated monitor that is interpreted:

  • in an online fashion
  • in discrete time
  • with output robustness

This is done in spec/iastl/discrete_time/

from import \
def StlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineSpecification():
    spec = AbstractOnlineSpecification(StlAst(),
    return spec

IAStlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineInterpreter creates a monitor in the form of a visitor defined by IAStlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineAstVisitor.

from import \
def IAStlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineInterpreter():
    iastlDiscreteTimeOnlineInterpreter = discrete_time_online_interpreter_factory(
    return iastlDiscreteTimeOnlineInterpreter

The IA-STL output robustness visitor IAStlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineAstVisitor inherits from the standard STL visitor StlDiscreteTimeOnlineAstVisitor all the functionality, except the way how it visits a predicate. In fact, it creates a special IA-STL PredicateOperation object, instead of the default one used by STL monitors.

from import \
from import \
from rtamt.enumerations.options import Semantics

class IAStlOutputRobustnessDiscreteTimeOnlineAstVisitor(StlDiscreteTimeOnlineAstVisitor):

    def visitPredicate(self, node, *args, **kwargs):
        self.visitChildren(node, *args, **kwargs)
        self.online_operator_dict[] =
                        PredicateOperation(node.operator, Semantics.OUTPUT_ROBUSTNESS,
                                           node.in_vars, node.out_vars)

The PredicateOperation class is defined in rtamt/semantics/iastl/discrete_time/online/ The monitoring evaluation at a given time step done using the update function first uses the classical STL monitor to compute the robustness of the predicate. If no output variable appears in the predicate, then the robustness value is translated to inf if the predicate is satisfied and -inf if it is violated.

class PredicateOperation(StlPredicateOperation):
    def __init__(self, comparison_op, semantics, in_vars, out_vars):
        StlPredicateOperation.__init__(self, comparison_op)
        self.semantics = semantics
        self.in_vars = in_vars
        self.out_vars = out_vars

    def update(self, sample_left, sample_right):
        out_sample = StlPredicateOperation.update(self, sample_left, sample_right)

        sat_sample = self.sat(sample_left, sample_right)
        if (self.semantics == Semantics.OUTPUT_ROBUSTNESS and not self.out_vars) or (
                self.semantics == Semantics.INPUT_ROBUSTNESS and not self.in_vars):
            out_sample = float('inf') if sat_sample == True else -float("inf")
        elif (self.semantics == Semantics.INPUT_VACUITY and not self.in_vars) or (
                self.semantics == Semantics.OUTPUT_VACUITY and not self.out_vars):
            out_sample = 0

        return out_sample