- Next.js + REST + Tailwind
Please divide your features in 3 priorities
- Profile editing
- predefined avatar support [-]
- Post a new Topic
- Commenting on the topic
- HTML support (html sanitizer)
- Integration with an html editor/ library/component [-]
- Search feature
- Image upload (cloudinary)
- friends request
- Role creation
- moderators
- Admin
- only read users
- user rank
- email integration for password update and notifications hello
TODO: create wireframes for the app
- create a database schema Please Create an API design as shown in the API lecture and define the endpoints
TODO: api design /api/topics/
- POST => topic
- GET => topic[] /api/topics/:id/comments
- GET =>
- POST =>
Once you have this tasks come back to a mentor/teacher for feedback
Create Migration for Topics [-]
Create migration for TopicComments[-] 3.Confrn that it exist in database[-] 4.Create TopicForm in front end simmilar as AnnouncementForm[-] if its go to topic page(ask)[]
Instide of TopicForm I need title of the topic and need user.id[]
How do I get user.id? [] const cookieStore = cookies(); const sessionToken = cookieStore.get('sessionToken'); const user = !sessionToken?.value ? undefined : await getUserBySessionToken(sessionToken.value);
6.Create topic API endpoint(rout) [] 7.create the topic [] 8.database querry topic (same CreateUser) [] 9.use querry on the topic rout [] 10.display topics on the frontend. [] 11.single topic page is the where to user to create a topic>> [] 12.user id, topic id, user comment send to announcemnt rout []