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Upgrade guide

Hey, Flyers! We’ve been busy for the past 12 weeks keeping up with changes to PatternFly’s HTML and CSS. We’ve replaced babel with tsc as our compiler of choice and removed prop-types in favor of using our .d.ts types, which are supported in most editors.

This upgrade guide details what was broken and how to fix it. To learn why a change was made, check out the linked pull requests.


  • We no longer support UMD builds for individual packages. Consider using our react-core.umd.js bundle instead. (#4076)
  • We no longer define propTypes for our components. Consider using our Typescript types under each package's dist/js folder instead. (#4076)
  • We have updated our React peer dependencies so that our packages now can possibly use hooks, which requires react@^16.8.0 instead of react@^16.4.0. We recommend upgrading your version of React if it is below 16.8.0.

React core

  • Major changes include removing the Toolbar layout in favor of a new PageHeaderTools component. DataToolbar has been renamed Toolbar. Expandable has been renamed ExpandableSection.

About modal

  • AboutModalContainer:
    • Removed prop ariaLabelledbyId in favor of aboutModalBoxHeaderId
    • Removed prop ariaDescribedById in favor of aboutModalBoxContentId


  • Removed prop noBoxShadow. If a shadow is needed, the accordion can be placed in a card, or a shadow can be applied either using CSS or a box-shadow utility class. (#4022)


  • Changed default variant to default. To maintain current default behavior, set the variant property to info. (#3903).
  • If you were previously using the action prop for the close button, use the actionClose prop instead (#4190)
  • If you were previously using the action prop for a link button, use the actionLinks prop instead (#4190)

Application launcher

  • Removed deprecated prop dropdownItems. the prop items should be used instead (#3929)

Background image

  • Replaced [BackgroundImageSrc.{sm,xs2x,sm,sm2x,lg}] with strings 'sm' | 'xs2x' | 'sm' | 'sm2x' | 'lg' (#3886)
  • Removed always ignored [BackgroundImageSrc.filter] for new filter prop of type ReactNode (#3886)


  • Removed props isHover and isFocus (#4116)


  • CardHeader:
  • CardHeadMain:
    • Renamed to CardHeaderMain (#4170)
  • CardHead:

Chip group

  • Chip:
    • The overflow chip no longer contains a button. To specify an overflow chip as a button do use <Chip component='button' isOverflowChip>Chip</Chip> (#4246)
  • ChipGroup :
    • Removed prop withToolbar. Use the categoryName prop instead to add a chip group with a category. (#4246)
    • Removed prop headingLevel. The category name has internally been switched to a <span>. (#4246)
  • ChipGroupToolbarItem: This component has been removed in favor of <ChipGroup categoryName="name">. All props that were on the <ChipGroupToolbarItem> have been added to <ChipGroup>. To use the new API, move props from <ChipGroupToolbarItem> to <ChipGroup>. (#4246)

Context selector

  • ContextSelectorItem:
  • ContextSelectorToggle:
    • Removed props isHovered and isFocused (#4116)

Data list

  • Renamed noPadding to hasNoPadding. (#4133)


  • Removed promoted component from experimental index file. Change import path from import { Divider } from '@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/experimental'; to 'import { Divider } from '@patternfly/react-core/dist/esm/components'; (#4029).


  • Renamed noPadding to hasNoPadding. (#4133)
  • Removed import path '@patternfly/react-core/dist/js/experimental'. The import path '@patternfly/react-core' should be used instead. (#4176)


  • Dropdown:
    • Removed props isHover and isFocus from Toggle, KebabToggle, and DropdownToggle (#4116)
    • Removed prop variant. If you were using variant="icon" before, use the new prop icon instead. (#4147)
  • DropdownToggle:
    • Removed prop ariaHasPopup in favor of aria-haspopup
    • Renamed iconComponent to toggleIndicator (#4038)
  • DropdownItemIcon:
    • This component has been removed in favor of <DropdownItem icon={<Icon />} /> (#4147)

Empty state

  • EmptyState
    • Changed the default width to full instead of large. To maintain the previous default behaviour, set the variant prop to large. Example <EmptyState variant={EmptyStateVariant.large}> ...</EmptyState> (#3933)
    • Variant large has been updated to lg (#3933)
  • EmptyStateIcon:
    • Removed deprecated size and title from IconProps.

Expandable section (formerly Expandable)

  • Renamed component to ExpandableSection (#4116)
  • Removed props isFocus and isHovered from ExpandableSection (#4116)


  • Flex:
    • Removed breakpointMods prop in favor of spacer, spaceItems, grow, shrink, flex, direction, alignItems, alignContent, alignSelf, align, justifyContent, display, fullWidth and flexWrap (#4310)
  • FlexItem:
    • Removed breakpointMods prop in favor of spacer, grow, shrink, flex, alignSelf, align, and fullWidth (#4310)

Form select

  • Removed boolean isValid prop in favor of validated?: 'default' | 'success' | 'error' | ValidatedOptions;. Update your boolean logic to use the new 'default' or 'error' options instead. (#3975)


  • Removed prop gutter in favor of hasGutter (#4014)


  • Removed prop gutter in favor of hasGutter (#4014)


  • Removed prop isCompact from Label (#4116)
  • Default color changed to grey. Design also adjusted. (#4165)


  • Removed prop gutter in favor of hasGutter (#4014)

Login page

  • LoginForm:
    • Removed prop rememberMeAriaLabel (#3924)


  • Modal
    • Collapsed the isLarge and isSmall properties into a single variant property. To maintain the current behavior, set the variant property to large or small, or use the newly added ModalVariant enum as ModalVariant.large or ModalVariant.small. (#3920)
    • Removed prop ariaDescribedById in favor of modalContentAriaDescribedById (#3924)
    • Removed prop isFooterLeftAligned . This prop is now always enabled and cannot be opted out of. (#4017)
    • Removed prop hideTitle. To hide the Modal header, do not pass a title prop, a description prop, or a header prop. If there is no title or header passed, provide an aria-label prop to the Modal component to make it accessible. (#4140)
  • ModalContent:
    • Removed prop ariaDescribedById in favor of modalBoxAriaDescribedById
  • ModalFooter:
    • Removed prop isLeftAligned (#4017)


  • Nav:
    • Changed default theme to dark. To use the light variant, use theme="light". (#4116)
  • NavList:
    • Removed prop variant. Pass variant="horizontal" or variant="tertiary" to Nav instead. (#4225)

Options menu

  • OptionsMenu:
    • Removed prop ariaLabelMenu.
  • OptionsMenuItemGroup:
    • Removed prop ariaLabel in favor of aria-label
  • OptionsMenuToggleWithText:
    • Removed prop ariaHasPopup in favor of aria-haspopup
    • Removed props isFocused and isHovered (#4116)
  • OptionsMenuToggle:
    • Removed props isFocused and isHovered (#4116)


  • Page:
    • Made mainContainerId a required property for skip to content component (#3904)
    • Changed default theme to dark. Use theme="light" if you wish to use the light variant. (#4116)
    • Renamed noPadding to hasNoPadding. (#4133)
    • Removed prop hasNoPadding in favor of padding={{ default: 'noPadding' }} to prevent conflicts when setting both hasNoPadding and padding={{ default: 'padding' | 'noPadding' }} (#4310)
  • PageSection:
    • Removed prop noPaddingMobile from PageSection in favor of hasNoPaddingOn={PageSectionBreakpoints[]} (#4133)
    • Added hasPaddingOn and hasNoPaddingOn properties to PageSection, accounting for page size breakpoints. Breakpoints are defined in the PageSectionBreakpoints enum. (#4133)
  • PageHeader:
    • Removed prop avatar. Add the avatar to the PageHeaderTools component instead (which is passed into PageHeader via the headerTools prop) (#4223)
    • Removed prop toolbar. Use the headerTools prop instead. Also, if you previously used the Toolbar, ToolbarGroup, or ToolbarItem components for the header, replace them with the PageHeaderTools, PageHeaderToolsGroup, and PageHeaderToolsItem components. (#4223)


  • Removed obsolete 'left' and 'right' variants. These should be replaced with 'top' (default) or 'bottom'. (#4202)


  • PopoverHeader:
    • Title size now defaults to medium instead of extra large (#4030)


  • Progress:
    • Removed deprecated that adds no styling. Do not pass this prop or pass null instead. (#3886)
  • ProgressBar:
    • Removed prop ariaProps in favor of progressBarAriaProps (#3924)
  • ProgressContainer:
    • Removed prop ariaProps in favor of progressBarAriaProps (#3924)


  • Select:
    • Removed prop ariaLabelledBy in favor of aria-labelledby (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelTypeAhead in favor of typeAheadAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelClear in favor of clearSelectionsAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelToggle in favor of toggleAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelRemove in favor of RemovedelectionAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Renamed isExpanded property to isOpen (#3945)
    • Removed deprecated CheckboxSelect and CheckboxSelectOption in favor of variant="checkbox"
  • SelectOption:
  • SelectToggle
    • Removed prop ariaLabelledBy in favor of aria-labelledby (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelToggle in favor of aria-label (#3924)
    • Removed props isFocus and isHovered (#4116)

Skip to content

  • Removed component prop in favor of always using an anchor tag (#4116)


  • Removed prop gutter in favor of hasGutter (#4014)


  • Removed prop gutter in favor of hasGutter (#4014)


  • Tab:
    • The title should be wrapped with <TabTitleText> for proper styling. If you would like to place an icon in the tab, it should be wrapped with <TabTitleIcon> for proper styling. (#4146)
  • Tabs:
    • Removed prop variant in favor of component (#4146)
    • Removed enum TabVariant in favor of TabComponent (#4146)


  • Updated onSelect type from (event: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void to (event: React.FormEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => void (#3296)
  • Removed cellHeightAuto transformer (#4170)
  • cellWidth('max') has been replaced with cellWidth(100) (#4170)

Text input

  • Removed boolean isValid prop in favor of validated?: 'default' | 'success' | 'error' | ValidatedOptions;. Update your boolean logic to use the new 'default' or 'error' options instead. (#3975)

Text area

  • Removed boolean isValid prop in favor of validated?: 'default' | 'success' | 'error' | ValidatedOptions;. Update your boolean logic to use the new 'default' or 'error' options instead. (#3975)


  • Make headingLevel required and remove default of h2 to improve accessibility (#3922)
  • Removed enum TitleLevel. Use one of the string values h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, or h6 instead.
  • Heading levels should be set contextually and and always be increasing or decreasing by 1 when read top-to-bottom in the DOM.
  • Rename enum TitleSize to TitleSizes (#3922)
  • Removed invalid values xs and sm for size prop. Use size md instead.

Toolbar (formerly DataToolbar)

  • Toolbar:
    • The old Toolbar component that is normally used in the PageHeader has been removed in favor of PageHeaderTools (#4223)
    • Removed separator variant (#4116)
  • ToolbarItem:
    • Removed breakpointMods prop in favor of visibility, alignment, and spacer (#4310)
  • ToolbarToggleGroup:
    • Removed breakpointMods prop in favor of visibility, alignment, spacer, and spaceItems (#4310)


  • Wizard

    • Removed prop ariaLabelNav in favor of navAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Removed prop ariaLabelCloseButton in favor of closeButtonAriaLabel (#3924)
    • Removed props isFullHeight and isFullWidth (#4116)
    • Renamed prop hasBodyPadding to hasNoBodyPadding. (#4136)
    • Removed inPage prop. By default the wizard will be displayed in page, filling its parent container. If the consumer passes a managed isOpen flag then the wizard will be displayed in a modal. (#4140)
  • WizardBody:

    • Renamed hasBodyPadding to hasNoBodyPadding. (#4136)
  • WizardHeader:

    • Removed prop ariaLabelCloseButton in favor of closeButtonAriaLabel (#3924)
  • WizardNav:

    • Removed prop ariaLabel in favor of aria-label (#3924)
    • Removed prop isCompactNav (#4142)
  • WizardNavItem:

    • Renamed prop text to content. The type of the prop has been changed to React.ReactNode to allow for flexibility. (#4063)

React charts

  • Updated Victory to package versions to 34.3.9 (#3974)
  • Removed the @types/victory dependency and updated the PatternFly charts to use the types introduced with Victory 34.x. (#4138)
  • Updated label prop types to sync with Victory 34.3.9 (#4152)
  • Use containerComponent={<VictoryZoomComponent />} with Chart instead of allowZoom. (#4278)
  • Use containerComponent={<VictoryZoomComponent />} with ChartGroup instead of allowZoom. (#4278)
  • The allowTooltip prop was removed from ChartVoronoiContainer because Victory always provides a default tooltip.

React icons

  • Updated types.
  • Removed OutlinedFontAwesomeLogoFullIcon. (#3978)

React inline edit extension

  • Changed and added many types while converting this project to TypeScript. (#4073)

React styles

  • Removed all exports except for the css function and CSS-in-JS stylesheets in the css folder since we no longer use emotion. To use these functions, import directly from emotion instead. (#3886)

React tokens

  • Removed tokens global_BackgroundColor_150 and global_BackgroundColor_300 (see associated Core PR). At the discretion of design, use global_BackgroundColor_200 with its new value #f0f0f0 instead.
  • Updated some of our tokens' values to be correct. (#4058)
  • Added new files with a different structure to the index. (#4058)