PatternFly reference implementation
This reference implementation of PatternFly is based on Bootstrap v3. Think of PatternFly as a "skinned" version of Bootstrap with additional components and customizations. For information on how to quickly get started using PatternFly, see the Quick Start Guide. If you wish to contribute to PatternFly, please follow the instructions under "Contributing to PatternFly".
PatternFly can be installed and managed through NPM. To do so, either add patternfly
as a dependency in your package.json
or run the following:
npm install patternfly --save
PatternFly stays up to date with the Node LTS Release Schedule. If you're using PatternFly downstream, we suggest the use of an actively supported version of Node/NPM, although prior versions of Node may work.
PatternFly can be installed and managed through Bower. To do so, either add patternfly
as a dependency in your bower.json
or run the following:
bower install patternfly --save
Are you using Wiredep? PatternFly's CSS includes the CSS of its dependencies. As a result, you'll want to add the following to your Wiredep configuration so you don't end up with duplicate CSS.
exclude: [
A Sass port of PatternFly is available, as is a Sass-based Rails Gem.
A set of common AngularJS directives for use with PatternFly is available.
The following sections provide information on how to get started as a developer or designer in the PatternFly codebase. In order to set up your environment, two different types of dependencies will need to be set up. Please follow the instructions under "Development - Build Dependencies" (Node.js/Ruby) and "Development - Code Dependencies" below. If you wish to use PatternFly in your project, please follow the Quick Start Guide instead.
Development setup requires Node.js and Ruby. If you do not already have Node.js, npm, and Ruby installed on your system, see and
The PatternFly code includes a number of dependencies that are not committed to this repository. To add them, follow the instructions below under "Install NPM Dependencies". Please make sure you keep them updated (see Keeping NPM Dependencies Updated).
The npm-check-updates tool is available and configured to apply dependency updates to the project by running the command npm run ncu
. The package.json changes will have to be committed and a PR created.
Patternfly uses Autoprefixer to auto add prefixes to its output CSS. Since Patternfly extends some of the core Bootstrap3 less which contains prefixes, we also explicitly add prefixes in these cases to ensure backwards compatibility with Bootstrap3. If consuming Patternfly LESS and compiling, you can define your own target prefixes using browserlist.
The development includes the use of a number of helpful tasks. In order to setup your development environment to allow running of these tasks, you need to install the local nodejs packages declared in package.json
To do this clone, and change directories into PatternFly:
cd [PathToYourRepository]
npm install
This should take care of the majority of dependencies.
Since PatternFly is shrink wrapped, npm 3 will install all necessary development packages into node_modules/patternfly/node_modules
. At this point, the gruntjs tasks are available for use such as starting a local development server or building the master CSS file.
If you prefer a flat dependency structure, you can define your own dependencies explicitly. That will flatten out the node_modules structure and place dependencies in the root node_modules directory.
Additionally you may need to install the grunt command line utility. To do this run:
npm install -g grunt-cli
Test pages are optionally generated using Jekyll. To use jekyll to build the test pages, ensure Ruby is installed and available then run:
npm run jekyll
gem install bundle
bundle install
During the install you may be asked for your password as part of the Ruby installation process.
Next, set the environment variable PF_PAGE_BUILDER=jekyll. eg.: PF_PAGE_BUILDER=jekyll grunt build
Anytime you pull a new version of PatternFly, make sure you also run
npm update
so you get the latest version of the dependencies specified in package.json.
A local development server can be quickly fired up by using the Gruntjs server task:
npm start
grunt server
This local static asset server (i.e., http://localhost:9000) has the advantage of having livereload integration. Thus, if you start the Gruntjs server, any changes you make to .html
or .less
files will be automatically reloaded into your browser and the changes reflected almost immediately. This has the obvious benefit of not having to refresh your browser and still be able to see the changes as you add or remove them from your development files. Additionally, any changes made to Jekyll source files (tests/pages/
) will trigger a Jekyll build.
PatternFly uses the semantic-release tool to provide a continuous release mechanism for PatternFly. In order for this tool to correctly increment the project version, and include your changes in the generated release notes, you will have to format your commit messages according to a well-defined commit message format.
We have configured the commitizen tool to assist you in formatting your commit messages corrctly. To use this tool run the following command instead of git commit
npm run commit
Alternatively, if you are familiar with the commititzen message format you can format the message manually. A summary of the commit message format is as follows:
Each commit message consists of a header, a body and a footer. The header has a special format that includes a type, a scope and a subject (full explanation):
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
fix(pencil): stop graphite breaking when too much pressure applied
feat(pencil): add 'graphiteWidth' option
perf(pencil): remove graphiteWidth option
The tool will prompt you with several questions that it will use to correctly format your commit message. You can then proceed with your PR as you normally would.
In development, styling is written and managed through multiple lesscss files. In order to generate a CSS file of all styling, run the build Gruntjs task:
npm run build
grunt build
This task will compile and minify the lesscss files into CSS files located at dist/css/patternfly.min.css
and dist/css/patternfly-additional.min.css
PatternFlyIcons font is generated using IcoMoon. Go to manage projects and import the project PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json
. Load it and update as necessary. When finished, return to manage projects, and download the updated PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json
file. Also generate the fonts. Please commit the updated PatternFlyIcons-webfont.json
file, the updated font files and supporting LESS/CSS changes.
For detailed instructions, please see our PatternFly Icon Guide
The tests/
directory contains HTML pages with component and pattern examples in order to facilitate development. Please consult the official documentation (see below) for full details on how to use PatternFly. The latest PatternFly test directory examples can be seen at
If you are developing on PatternFly and would like to provide a link to a test directory from your fork, TravisCI can be configured to create a copy of your branch with the dist files generated for you. No code changes are necessary to enable this, all that is needed is to login to TravisCI and configure it to point at your PatternFly fork. The first three steps at their Getting Started page provide instructions on how to do this. You will also need to add an AUTH_TOKEN variable to Travis generated in your GitHub account to allow Travis to connect to your fork.
The HTML pages in dist/tests
are generated using Jekyll. Do not edit these files directly. See tests/pages
to change these files.
Unit tests are written for [Karma test server] ( with Jasmine
npm test
grunt karma
Visual regression tests provide a way to detect if unintended visual changes have occured as a result of changes in the code. They work by taking screenshots of what components or pages should look like in a browser (known as references), and then comparing the references to screenshots of those components or pages with your code changes applied. Once the tests are complete, you will be a shown the test results in a browser.
You can run all of the test scenarios with npm run regressions
You can run specific test scenarios with npm run regressions <scenario-name>
. This
will probably be most useful while you are doing active development and only want
to check a few scenarios without running the entire suite.
(Ex. npm run regressions alerts buttons
To approve conflicts run: npm run approve-conflicts
. This is the command you want to run
when the tests find conflicts, but the conflicts are intended. This command
will replace the base image, so if you run the regression tests again, the
tests should pass.
Visual regression tests provide a way to detect if unintended visual changes have occured as a result of changes in the code. They work by taking screenshots of what components or pages should look like in a browser (known as references), and then comparing the references to screenshots of those components or pages with your code changes applied.
In order for these tests to work you must have references generated before you
make any code changes. This is done by running npm run regressions:reference
while the development server is running.
After you have generated the references, you can run the tests at any time. This
is done by running npm run regressions:test
, while the development server is
running. Once the tests are complete, you will be a shown the results in your
The steps for the entire process would like like this:
- clone the project if needed
- install the dependencies with
npm install
if needed - start the development server with
npm start
- generate the references with
npm run regressions:reference
- make any code changes that you would like to make
- run the tests with
npm run regressions:test
See and
Since PatternFly is based on Bootstrap, PatternFly supports the same browsers as Bootstrap excluding Internet Explorer 8, plus the latest version of Firefox for Linux.
Important: starting with the v2.0.0 release, PatternFly no longer supports Internet Explorer 8.
Official tracking of bugs occurs in Jira. See
Modifications to Bootstrap are copyright 2013 Red Hat, Inc. and licensed under the Apache License 2.0.