- The
routes always represent the current release of Anchore Enterprise. - Previous releases' documentation are available by version prefix: e.g. /1.2/, or /1.1/.
- Any request for the current version prefix (e.g. /1.0/) in the site will redirect to /current/*, e.g /1.0/overview -> /current/overview.
The master branch always builds and deploys as /current/ in the target s3 bucket.
The /version.json resource in the root of the site contains the version listing, updated with each deploy of master.
Semantic versioned branch names are also deployed to a /<major>.<minor>/
site, if present.
Assuming current version is N (1.0), process for a 1.1 release follows.
Repository admin creates new branch from master:
git checkout -b 1.1-dev
Update data/versions.toml to have this_version="1.1"
Update versions.json to include new version with 'current'=true for its entry, append only, do not remove previous versions.
Push to main repository:
git push origin 1.1-dev
Authors fork and work from forked repositories. Changes brought in via PRs to the 1.1-dev branch on this main repository.
Create new branch, N, (e.g.
) from master before any merge of dev branch to master:git checkout -b 1.0
git push origin 1.0
... then CI will build and push to path/1.0/
on the site. -
At this point the deployed site has
with the same content. -
On main repo, create PR to merge
to master. -
Merge PR (squash merge is optional) -- The CI build deploys the new version to
. At this point the site now contains/1.0/
where they have different content. -
Manually push the new versions.json to the root path of the site (e.g. /versions.json) from the master branch (e.g. aws s3 cp versions.json s3://...) (NOTE: this will eventually be done by CI)
Update any route rewrite rules on the site itself (e.g. s3 website route rules) to rewrite /1.1/* to /current/, replacing the previous '/1.0/ -> /current/*` rule if present.
As general practice, previously released versions of the documentation are not updated, only master branch and the current version.
The branch name is used for setting the baseURL in the docs build, so it should match the this_version value in data/versions.toml for non-master branches that are releases.
- Dev branches should not be named with a release. Semver named branches are for releases only.
data/versions.toml should have one value, and it should be the value that is the version (mapping to "current" is done elsewhere)
versions.json is the global tracker of all released versions on the site and populates the version selector. This should be up-to-date in master branch.
Deployment of versions.json is manual and done on release, but not by CI (yet)
The build_site.sh and deploy.sh translate the branch name to the proper path prefix for site-gen, where master->'current'.