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-A listing of tools & services freely available to open source projects at [ossPerks.com](http://ossperks.com/).
-For updates, be sure to follow [@ossPerks](https://twitter.com/ossperks) on Twitter.
+MVP Perks
+A listing of tools & services freely available to Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) at [http://xavierdecoster.github.io/mvpperks](http://xavierdecoster.github.io/mvpperks).
-## How to Add Your Favorite Perk
+Note: Most of these offers are also available to Microsoft Regional Directors (MS RDs).
+## How to Add a Perk
* Fork the repository
* Use the following [YAML](http://www.yaml.org/) template to create an additional perk.
- #name of the product/service & the uri to apply for a license
-- perk: {name: GitHub, uri: 'http://github.com/'}
+ #name of the company & the uri to apply for an MVP license
+- company: "Microsoft"
+ uri: "http://mvp.microsoft.com/"
#product/service description
- description: Powerful collaboration, review, and code management for open source and private development projects.
- #categories the produce/service fits in
- categories: [Source Control, Issue Management]
- #the development platform the product/service is for
- platforms: [Any]
- #name of the product/service vendor & the uri to their site
- company: {name: GitHub, uri: 'http://github.com/'}
+ description: "MSDN Enterprise Subscription"
+ #the products/services offered to MVPs
+ products: ["Visual Studio", "Microsoft Azure Subscription"]
-* Add the results to the `perks:` list at the top of `index.html`.
+* Add the entry to the collection in `_data\perks.yml`.
* Submit a pull request
### Notes
-* Try to use `{URL to Product/Service Page}` that points to information about what is needed to qualify for a free license.
-* `platforms:` is a development platform like `.net`, `Java`, `JavaScript` or `Ruby`.
- * For non-platform specific tools, enter `Any`, not an operating system.
-* Do not submit freeware or shareware to be listed, those aren't really *perks* :wink:
+* Try to use `{URL to Product/Service Page}` that points to information about what is needed to qualify for the MVP license.
+* `products:` is a list of tools provided by the company like `Visual Studio` or `Microsoft Azure`.
+ * If the company offers licenses to any tool of choice, enter `Any`.
+ * Do not submit freeware or shareware to be listed, those aren't really *perks* :wink:
-## About ossperks.com
-The long term plan is to build something big and beautiful that provides value for open source projects, consisting of
-a community edited information source. But for starters we're keeping it simple while taking the pulse of the
-community. Is there any interest? What are the needs?
+## About mvpperks
+This is a fork of [http://ossperks.com](http://ossperks.com). The long term plan is to build something big and beautiful that provides value for any developer community, whether open source, Microsoft MVP, user group sponsoring offers, etc. But for starters we're keeping it simple while taking the pulse of the community. Is there any interest? What are the needs?
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+- company: "Microsoft"
+ uri: "http://mvp.microsoft.com"
+ description: "Obviously! Besides the MVP Award itself, you'll get a nice award package, an invitation for the MVP Summit, early-access to software or product info (subject to NDA), a MSDN Enterprise Subscription, and more!"
+ products: ["MSDN Enterprise Subscription", "Microsoft Azure", "MVP Award Package", "MVP Summit", "Others"]
+- company: "CData Software"
+ uri: "http://www.cdata.com/community/mvp/"
+ description: "Microsoft MVPs can claim a complimentary personal licenses for any one of our drivers for real-time access to on-line or on-premise applications, databases, and Web APIs. (Salesforce, Dynamics CRM, MongoDB, BigQuery, Marketo, HubSpot, etc.)"
+ products: ["ADO.NET Data Providers", "ODBC Drivers", "SQL SSIS Tasks", "Cloud Drivers", "BizTalk Adapters"]
+- company: "Cherryware"
+ uri: "https://www.showmaster.app"
+ description: "Get your PowerPoint presentations to the next level with an array of exciting animations, countdown and music themes, framing your upcoming talk. Create a stunning intro for your next presentation. To receive your free MVP license, write to support@cherryware.com with a link to your MVP profile."
+ products: ["PowerPoint", "Showmaster PRO"]
+- company: "Infragistics"
+ uri: "http://www.infragistics.com/community/blogs/d-coding/archive/2015/04/01/infragistics-benefits-for-microsoft-mvps.aspx"
+ description: "You will have completely unrestricted access to the entire Infragistics library, including all of our .NET platforms, our new Xamarin.Forms controls, and even our prototyping tool, Indigo Studio."
+ products: ["Infragistics Ultimate"]
+- company: "JetBrains"
+ uri: "https://www.jetbrains.com/community/support/#section=dev-recognition"
+ description: "We provide Microsoft Most Valuable Professionals with an All Products Pack, including licenses for .NET tools such as ReSharper and Rider, WebStorm, DataGrip and many more."
+ products: ["All Products Pack", "ReSharper", "Rider", "dotTrace", "dotMemory", "dotCover", "WebStorm", "ReSharper C++", "..."]
+- company: "MyGet"
+ uri: "https://www.myget.org/mvp"
+ description: "MyGet allows you to create and host your own NuGet, symbols, npm, Bower and VSIX feeds. Include packages from the official NuGet or npm repositories or upload your own. Compatible with NuGet, the Visual Studio Package Manager Console, Orchard, SymbolSource, and many more."
+ products: ["MyGet MVP Subscription"]
+- company: "Cerebrata"
+ uri: "http://www.cerebrata.com/pricing/mvp"
+ description: "All Microsoft MVPs can claim a complimentary NFR license for any one of our products."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Pluralsight"
+ uri: "http://blog.pluralsight.com/2015-vexperts-mvps-free-training"
+ description: "Pluralsight’s special gift is one year of free, unlimited dev, creative and IT training. That’s 3,000+ courses on the latest technologies including topics ranging from virtualization and security, to SQL Server and .NET."
+ products: ["Annual Plus Subscription"]
+- company: "Telerik"
+ uri: "http://developer.telerik.com/community/microsoft-mvps/"
+ description: ".NET Developer Tools and Controls, End-to-End Mobile Solution and Testing."
+ products: ["DevCraft Complete Edition", "Telerik Platform Business Subscription", "Test Studio Ultimate Perpetual License"]
+- company: "SyncFusion"
+ uri: "http://www.syncfusion.com/sales/licensemodel#MicrosoftMVP"
+ description: "We know that Microsoft MVPs provide resources and guidance to the development community. Syncfusion would like to reward that contribution with free, not-for-resale (NFR) licenses of our products to MVPs."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Visual SVN"
+ uri: "http://www.visualsvn.com/visualsvn/purchase/mvp/"
+ description: "VisualSVN Subversion integration plug-in for Visual Studio"
+ products: ["Visual SVN"]
+- company: "First Floor Software"
+ uri: "http://xamlspy.com/purchase"
+ description: "As a Microsoft Regional Director or Microsoft MVP, you are eligible for a free Personal License of XAML Spy."
+ products: ["XAMLSpy Personal License (NFR)"]
+- company: "Aspose"
+ uri: "http://www.aspose.com/corporate/community/2012_05_08_nfr-licenses-for-community-leaders.aspx"
+ description: "Aspose will be glad to provide free NFR (Not For Resale) licenses for any of our development products to any current members of the Microsoft MVP, Microsoft Regional Director, Java Champion and Oracle ACE programs."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "TypeMock"
+ uri: "http://www.typemock.com/mvp"
+ description: "Did you know that as a Microsoft MVP, you are eligible for a free version of Typemock unit testing products? Take advantage and start unit testing."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "OrcsWeb"
+ uri: "http://www.orcsweb.com/complimentary-microsoft-mvp-hosting/"
+ description: "OrcsWeb has been and will continue to be a major supporter of Microsoft’s MVP and ASP/.NET Insider programs and the folks that have achieved that designation. As a way of showing our support, we offer a complimentary Small Business Shared Hosting plan to everyone active in either of these programs."
+ products: ["Small Business Shared Hosting"]
+- company: "NCover"
+ uri: "http://www.ncover.com/nfr-mvp"
+ description: "NCover offers not-for-retail licenses of NCover Desktop to active Microsoft MVP .NET Developers. These license are only for personal use and may not be transferred or used for commercial purposes. All requests subject to final review and approval by NCover."
+ products: ["NCover Desktop"]
+- company: "ESET"
+ uri: "https://store.eset.com/us/research/offers/mvp/"
+ description: "ESET provides MVPs with a free (Not-For Resale) licenses for your personal use."
+ products: ["File Security for Windows Server", "Endpoint Security", "Mail Security for Exchange Server", "Mobile Security for Android", "Security for SharePoint Server"]
+- company: "CloudBerry Lab"
+ uri: "http://www.cloudberrylab.com/free-licenses-for-bloggers.aspx"
+ description: "CloudBerry lab offers FREE license for CloudBerry products to bloggers. To qualify as a blogger you should have minimum Google PR3 blog with related content. When filling in the form you should specify the URL to your active MVP profile."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "SiaqoDB"
+ uri: "http://siaqodb.com/pricing/"
+ description: "SiaqoDB provides MVPs with a free Bundle license for their NoSQL embedded object and document database engine."
+ products: ["SiaqoDB", "NoSQL"]
+- company: "elmah.io"
+ uri: "https://elmah.io/"
+ description: "elmah.io provides MVPs with a free Personal subscription for logging errors from your blog, personal website or similar."
+ products: ["elmah.io"]
+- company: "Synergy Si, Inc."
+ uri: "http://docs.google.com/forms/d/1eq7r9YCgIc0tsb5GbtYFs6Fn7GMQnv-__5ztK5247x4/viewform"
+ description: "Request a free NFR (not for resale) Synergy account with download access. It's software for sharing your mouse and keyboard between multiple computers on your desk. It works on Windows, Mac OS X and Linux."
+ products: ["Synergy"]
+- company: "OzCode"
+ uri: "http://www.oz-code.com/CurrentPurchase/MVP"
+ description: "The revolutionary debugging extension, which complements Visual Studio and supercharges the C# debugging experience."
+ products: ["OzCode"]
+- company: "SysKit"
+ uri: "https://www.syskit.com"
+ description: "We provide you with a free subscription for our tools SPDocKit, SysKit Monitor, SysKit Insights, SysKit Security Manager, SysKit Shell. Send us an email to support@syskit.com with a link to the MVP Profile."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Digicert"
+ uri: "https://www.digicert.com/friends/mvp.php"
+ description: "Offers free SSL certificates to Microsoft MVPs and Microsoft Employees for testing and personal use"
+ products: ["SSL Certificates"]
+- company: "thycotic"
+ uri: "https://thycotic.com/about-us/events/free-nfr-key-for-microsoft-mvps-and-vmware-vexperts/"
+ description: "Offer Secret Server Professional Edition Key for 10 Users for 1 year"
+ products: ["Secret Server Professional Edition"]
+- company: "code4ward"
+ uri: "https://www.royalapplications.com/ts/nfr/"
+ description: "Offer Royal TS/X NFR License for personal use"
+ products: ["Royal TS/X NFR License"]
+- company: "veeam"
+ uri: "https://www.veeam.com/blog/how-to-get-free-veeam-nfr-key.html"
+ description: "NFR Keys for Veeam Availibility Suite"
+ products: ["Veeam Availibility Suite"]
+- company: "Aomei Technology"
+ uri: "http://www.aomeitech.com/partners/free-nfr-license.html"
+ description: "AOMEI is glad to reward that contribution with free, NFR licenses of our products to MVPs."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Lepide"
+ uri: "http://www.lepide.com/nfr-license-for-mvps.html"
+ description: "Lepide Software offers innovative solutions for IT Management, Server Management, Network Management and Change Auditing. Its solution range includes Change Auditing, Identity and Access Management, IT Administration, Business Continuity, Exchange Server, SQL Server, and Active Directory."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Solarwinds"
+ uri: "https://thwack.solarwinds.com/community/solarwinds-community/announcements/blog/2014/05/09/solarwinds-nfr-licenses-for-thwack-mvps-partners#start=25"
+ description: "Calling all thwack MVPs and SolarWinds Technology Partner MVPs. We have some wishes to answer. You can now get your own perpetual license provisioned for any SolarWinds product! Below is the process for obtaining a NFR (not for resale) license of SolarWinds product(s)."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "KEMP Technologies"
+ uri: "http://kemptechnologies.com/de/microsoft-pros-loadmaster-license-request/"
+ description: "As a Microsoft Certified Professional, you are entitled to a complimentary NFR copy of LoadMaster VLM-5000 for personal and non-commercial use."
+ products: ["LoadMaster VLM-5000"]
+- company: "Devart"
+ uri: "https://www.devart.com/highfive.html"
+ description: "If you have any kind of MVP award (Microsoft MVP, Oracle ACE, Embarcadero MVP, ALM rangers, Salesforce MVP etc.) send us a link to your MVP profile, and get a free license. We also ask our MVP customers to write short reviews of advantages and disadvantages of our products."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Liquid Technologies"
+ uri: "https://www.liquid-technologies.com/request-mvp-key"
+ description: "We are pleased to provide Microsoft MVP’s with a Free license to our entire Liquid Software Suite, this includes Graphical XSD, JSON Schema, WSDL & XML editors, a graphical Data Mapper, XML Data Binding, Visual Studio Integration, Web Service tools and much more."
+ products: ["Any"]
+- company: "Codealike"
+ uri: "https://codealike.com"
+ description: "Sign up to Codealike. Then e-mail or send us a tweet just saying what your Codealike username and MVP profile page is. Codealike Premium will be free to MVPs forever."
+ products: ["Codealike Premium"]
+- company: "PostSharp"
+ uri: "https://www.postsharp.net/purchase/request-free"
+ description: "We offer free PostSharp licenses to Microsoft MVPs, influential bloggers, authors, user group leaders and qualified freelancers."
+ products: ["PostSharp"]
+- company: "ApexSQL"
+ uri: "https://blog.apexsql.com/apexsql-to-microsoft-mvps-and-vips-your-money-is-no-good-here/"
+ description: "Any Microsoft SQL or SharePoint MVP – 1 free license of ApexSQL Universal. Any other Microsoft MVP (e.g. C#, VB.NET, etc) – 1 free license of ApexSQL Developer. Any SQL MCT – 1 free license of ApexSQL Universal (please provide MCT number). Any SQL Server VIP – blogger, community evangelist, technical authority, etc. – 1 free license of ApexSQL Universal"
+ products: ["ApexSQL Universal", "ApexSQL Developer"]
+- company: "Axialis"
+ uri: "http://www.axialis.com/mvp/"
+ description: "At Axialis we welcome Microsoft MVPs and Regional Directors by offering Free NFR licenses of all our products. Our goal is to help you with your work and receive feedback from you to enhance our products."
+ products: ["IconWorkshop", "CursorWorkshop", "IconGenerator", "All Bitmap Icon Sets", "All Vector Icon Sets"]
+- company: "Devolutions"
+ uri: "https://devolutions.net/offer/nfr"
+ description: "Devolutions offers free NFR (Not for Resale) licenses to Microsoft MVP, Citrix CTP and VMware vExpert for personal use and demo purposes."
+ products: ["Enterprise License for Remote Desktop Manager"]
+- company: "RevDeBug"
+ uri: "https://academy.revdebug.com/"
+ description: "RevDeBug offers a free license, training and support, visual materials, development roadmap, and the ability to vote and raise issues for MVPs."
+ products: ["RevDeBug License"]
+- company: "Windy Range Software"
+ uri: "https://www.querystorm.com/"
+ description: "QueryStorm brings SQL and C# into Excel. It enables querying Excel tables with SQL/LINQ and allows rapid prototyping with C#/Excel. Microsoft MVP's get a free perpetual license that can be used on up to three machines. Fill out the form at https://www.querystorm.com/mvp.html and claim your license."
+ products: ["QueryStorm Unlimited License"]
+- company: "Tower"
+ uri: "https://www.git-tower.com/support/contact"
+ description: "We offer free NFR licenses to Microsoft MVPs for 'Tower', our Git desktop client for Windows and Mac. MVPs can simply and informally get in touch with our support to claim their license."
+ products: ["Tower"]
+- company: "Octopus Deploy"
+ uri: "https://github.com/OctopusDeployCommunity/OctopusCommunity/blob/main/friends.md"
+ description: "We offer Microsoft MVPs and Friends of Redgate a free self-hosted or Octopus Cloud license."
+ products: ["Octopus Deploy"]
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