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#Build Snapcast Clone the Snapcast repository. To do this, you need git.
For Debian derivates (e.g. Raspbian, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint):

$ sudo apt-get install git

For Arch derivates:

$ pacman -S git

For FreeBSD:

$ sudo pkg install git

Clone Snapcast:

$ git clone

this creates a directory snapcast, in the following referred to as <snapcast dir>.
Next clone the external submodules:

$ cd <snapcast dir>/externals
$ git submodule update --init --recursive

##Linux (Native) Install the build tools and required libs:
For Debian derivates (e.g. Raspbian, Debian, Ubuntu, Mint):

$ sudo apt-get install build-essential
$ sudo apt-get install libasound2-dev libvorbisidec-dev libvorbis-dev libflac-dev alsa-utils libavahi-client-dev avahi-daemon

Compilation requires gcc 4.8 or higher, so it's highly recommended to use Debian (Raspbian) Jessie.

For Arch derivates:

$ pacman -S base-devel
$ pacman -S alsa-lib avahi libvorbis flac alsa-utils

###Build Snapclient and Snapserver cd into the Snapcast src-root directory:

$ cd <snapcast dir>
$ make

Install Snapclient and/or Snapserver:

$ sudo make installserver
$ sudo make installclient

This will copy the client and/or server binary to /usr/sbin and update init.d/systemd to start the client/server as a daemon.

###Build Snapclient cd into the Snapclient src-root directory:

$ cd <snapcast dir>/client
$ make

Install Snapclient

$ sudo make install

This will copy the client binary to /usr/sbin and update init.d/systemd to start the client as a daemon.

###Build Snapserver cd into the Snapserver src-root directory:

$ cd <snapcast dir>/server
$ make

Install Snapserver

$ sudo make install

This will copy the server binary to /usr/sbin and update init.d/systemd to start the server as a daemon.

##FreeBSD (Native) Install the build tools and required libs:

$ sudo pkg install gmake gcc bash avahi libogg libvorbis flac

###Build Snapserver cd into the Snapserver src-root directory:

$ cd <snapcast dir>/server

Install Snapserver

$ sudo gmake TARGET=FREEBSD install

This will copy the server binary to /usr/local/sbin and the startup script to /usr/local/etc/rc.d/snapserver. To enable the Snapserver, add this line to /etc/rc.conf:


For additional command line arguments, add in /etc/rc.conf:

snapserver_opts="<your custom options>"

Start and stop the server with sudo service snapserver start and sudo service snapserver stop.

##Android (Cross compile) Cross compilation for Android is done with the Android NDK on a Linux host machine.

###Android NDK setup

  1. Download NDK:
  2. Extract to: /SOME/LOCAL/PATH/android-ndk-r12b
  3. Setup toolchain somewhere in your home dir (<android-ndk dir>):
$ cd /SOME/LOCAL/PATH/android-ndk-r10e/build/tools
$ ./ --arch=arm --platform=android-14 --install-dir=<android-ndk dir> --ndk-dir=/SOME/LOCAL/PATH/android-ndk-r12b

###Build Snapclient Edit the first lines in <snapcast dir>/client/ and in <snapcast dir>/externals/ to let NDK_DIR point to your <android-ndk dir>
Cross compile and install FLAC (only needed once):

$ cd <snapcast dir>/externals
$ ./

Compile the Snapclient:

$ cd <snapcast dir>/client
$ ./

The binaries for armeabi and armeabi-v7a will be copied into the Android's assets directory (<snapcast dir>/android/Snapcast/src/main/assets/bin/) and will be part of the Snapcast App.

##OpenWrt (Cross compile) Cross compilation for OpenWrt is done with the OpenWrt build system on a Linux host machine.

###OpenWrt build system setup

Clone OpenWrt to some place in your home directory (<buildroot dir>)

$ git clone git://

Download and install available feeds

$ cd <buildroot dir>
$ ./scripts/feeds update -a
$ ./scripts/feeds install -a


$ make menuconfig
$ make

Within the OpenWrt directory create symbolic links to the Snapcast source directory and to the OpenWrt Makefile:

$ cd <buildroot dir>/package/sxx/snapcast
$ ln -s <snapcast dir>/openWrt/Makefile.openwrt Makefile
$ ln -s <snapcast dir> src

Build Snapcast:

$ cd <buildroot dir>
$ make package/sxx/snapcast/clean V=s
$ make package/sxx/snapcast/compile -j1 V=s

The packaged ipk files are in <buildroot dir>/bin/ar71xx/packages/base/snap[client|server]_0.6.0_ar71xx.ipk