diff --git a/models/transport/rail_integration_notes.html b/models/transport/rail_integration_notes.html new file mode 100644 index 00000000..fb416b84 --- /dev/null +++ b/models/transport/rail_integration_notes.html @@ -0,0 +1,1791 @@ + + + + + + + +Rail model integration in NISMOD2 using the <code>smif</code> framework + + + + + + +

Rail model integration in NISMOD2 using the smif framework


Table of Contents

+ +
+ +

1 Introduction


2 transport model config file


3 Dimensions


4 Parameters


+The rail model model depends on the following parameters +

  • The elasticities for the rail demand model
  • +
  • A flag indicating whether to use the output of the road model for car journey costs data
  • +
  • A flag indicating whether to compute all years between the base year and predicted year
  • +

4.1 Elasticities


+The rail demand model depends on four variables +

  • Population in origin zone(POPULATION)
  • +
  • Gross Value Added per head in origin zone (GVA)
  • +
  • Average travel time between origin and destination zones (TIME)
  • +
  • Average rail trip cost between origin and destination (COST_RAIL)
  • +
  • Average car trip cost (fuel) between origin and destination (COST_CAR)
  • +
+ +

+Additionally, the value of the elasticity for each variable depends on the area +

  • London Travel card (LT)
  • +
  • South East (SE)
  • +
  • Passenger Transport Executives (PTE)
  • +
  • Other areas (OTHER)
  • +
+ +

+The elasticities data was provided by the rail model in a format that is readable with smif, +provided the definition of two dimensions +

  • variables (Coordinates: POPULATION, GVA, TIME, COST_RAIL, and COST_CAR)
  • +
  • area (Coordinates: LT, SE, PTE, OTHER)
  • +

+The definition of both dimensions can be found in config/dimensions/. +

+ +

+From a smif point of view, the 20 elasticities values are described by one unique +bi-dimensional parameter elasticities +

+# Example rail sector model config file
+name: rail
+  - name: elasticities
+    dims:
+      - variables
+      - area
+    description: Elasticities for rail demand model
+    dtype: float
+    default: default_rail_elasticities.csv

+Default elasticities values can be found in data/parameters/. +

+# data/parameters/default_rail_elasticities.csv

4.2 Rail model flags


+The behaviour of the rail model can be modified by setting the value of two Boolean flags +in the config.properties file. +

+# Example config.properties
+ +

+Two Boolean parameter are thus defined in the smif configuration of the rail sector model +

+# Example rail sector model config file
+name: rail
+  - name: use_car_cost_from_road_model
+    description: Whether to use output of road model for car costs
+    dtype: bool
+    default: default_rail_flags.csv
+  - name: predict_intermediate_rail_years
+    description: Whether to predict all years between base year and predicted year
+    dtype: bool
+    default: default_rail_flags.csv

+Both default values are contained in one single data file +

+# data/parameters/default_rail_flags.csv
+False, False

5 Input data


5.1 Population and G.V.A.


5.1.1 Data


+Population and G.V.A inputs had already been integrated in the smif framework as part of a previous integration work +for the road part of the transport model (T. Russell). +Population and G.V.A are provided by scenarios population and gva, respectively. +Scenario data for both inputs was already available in data/scenarios/. +

+ +

+Both population and G.V.A inputs are uni-dimensional, the dimension being +the L.A.D. and associtaed coordinates the LAD codes. +

+ +

+Data thus takes the form +

+# data/scenarios/population/pop-baseline16_econ-c16_fuel-c16/population__lad.csv
+ +

5.1.2 Integration in smif


+Population and G.V.A data is provided for the whole United Kingdom, totalling 391 L.A.Ds. +As a result, input data must be filtered down to either GB LADs or Southampton area LADs. +

+ +

+This is achieved by introducing an additional sector model + extract_southampton_scenarios (or extract_gb_scenarios) that +takes the full LAD dimension–with 391 coordinates– as an input. +The filter sector model then outputs the reduced data along a reduced dimension +which coordinates are the codes of the 380 LADs in Great Britain. +

+# extract_Southampton_scenarios.yml
+name: extract_Southampton_scenarios
+path: ./models/extract.py
+classname: FilterAdaptor
+  - name: gva
+    dims:
+      - lad_uk_2016
+    unit: £
+    dtype: float
+  - name: gva
+    dims:
+      - lad_southampton
+    unit: GBP
+    dtype: float

+The output of the filter sector model is then an input for the actual rail model: +

+name: rail_southampton
+description: Test model for transport
+  - rail_southampton
+  - extract_southampton_scenarios
+  - socio-economic # Provides the population data
+narratives: []
+scenario_dependencies:        # Population from socio-economic 
+  - source: socio-economic    # scenario to filter model          
+    source_output: population
+    sink: extract_southampton_scenarios
+    sink_input: population
+  - source: extract_southampton_scenarios  # From filter model to
+    source_output: population              # sector model
+    sink: rail_southampton
+    sink_input: population
+    timestep: PREVIOUS

5.2 Car Zonal Journey Costs


5.2.1 Data


+Similarly to population and G.V.A., the zonal journey cost is an uni-dimensional input with LADs codes as a dimension. +Data is provided by the transport model in a single carZonalJourneyCosts.csv file, usually located +in data/transport/southampton/data/csvfiles/. +The file contains one row for each year, and one column per LAD. +For instance, for the Southampton area, it shows: +

+# carZonalJourneyCosts.csv (southampton data)

+Such file can be converted in a smif readable scenario data file using the script +convert_car_zonal_journey_costs.py located in utilities/transport/. +Be sure to indicate the correct dimension name for the column name, for instance +'lad_southampton' for the Southampton data. +

+ +

5.2.2 Integration


+Journey costs scenario data has been generated using the carZonalJourneyCost.csv file for +the full GB test. +Data does not include Northern Ireland and is only provided for the 380 LADs in Great Britain. +

+ +

+Journey costs input data is therefore filtered down to Southampton LADs for the Southampton test case, +using the extract_southampton_scenarios filter model as above. +However for the ful GB test case, input data for the rail model is directly the scenario output. +

+# config/sector_models/extract_southampton_scenarios.yml
+name: extract_southampton_scenarios
+  - name: car_zonal_journey_costs
+    dims:
+      - lad_gb_2016
+    dtype: float
+    unit: £
+  - name: car_zonal_journey_costs
+    dims:
+      - lad_southampton
+    dtype: float
+    unit: £

5.3 Rail journey fares and rail journey times


5.3.1 Data


+Both rail journey times and rail journey fares are uni-dimensional inputs, with +rail stations as a dimension. +The dimension coordinates (the rails stations indexes) are the National Location Codes (NLCs). +

+ +

+Journey fares and times are provided for either Great Britain or the Southampton area, +in data files railStationJourneyFares.csv and railStationGeneralisedJourneyTimes.csv, +respectively. +Smif-ready scenario data can be generated from these files using scripts +convert_rail_station_journey_fares.py and convert_rail_station_journey_fares.py. +

+ +

+Scenario data has been generated for Great Britain, located in +

  • data/scenarios/rail_station_journey_times.csv
  • +
  • data/scenarios/rail_station_journey_fares.csv
  • +

5.3.2 Integration in smif


+Both inputs are provided by a common scenario rail_journey_times_fares: +

+# config/scenarios/rail_journey_times_fares.yml
+name: rail_journey_times_fares
+description: Journey times and fares for transport rail model
+  - name: rail_journey_fares
+    dims:
+      - NLC_gb
+    dtype: float
+    unit: £
+  - name: rail_journey_times
+    dims:
+      - NLC_gb
+    dtype: float
+    unit: h
+  - name: baseline
+    description: Journey times and fares for transport rail model
+    data:
+      rail_journey_fares:  rail_station_journey_fares.csv
+      rail_journey_times: rail_station_journey_times.csv

+As scenario data files contains data for the stations in Great Britain (dimension NLC_gb), +scenario outputs feed directly into the rail model inputs. +However, filtering is necessary for the Southampton test case. +


5.3.3 Hack: Journey times for the Southampton area test case


+At the moment, the journey times data file provided for the Southampton area contains +stations that are not present in the file containing data for Great Britain. +As a result, the data for the Southampton test case cannot be obtained by simple filtering of +the GB data. +

+ +

+Therefore, a specific scenario for the Southampton test +case has be defined: rail_journey_times_fares_soton. +It ouputs journey times with a dimension that is consistent with the current data file +for Southampton journey times. +The corresponding dimension is called NLC_southampton_generalised. +In addition, the scenario configuration file points to a specific data file +

  • data/scenarios/rail_station_generalised_journey_times_soton.csv
  • +

+The input for journey fares (rail_journey_fares) is not affected and is kept identical to the +original scenario provided data for Great Britain. +

+# config/scenarios/rail_journey_times_fares_soton.yml
+name: rail_journey_times_fares_soton 
+  - name: rail_journey_fares
+    # Same as GB scenario #
+  - name: rail_journey_times
+    dims:
+      - NLC_southampton_generalised
+    dtype: float
+    unit: h

+For the Southamtpon test case, journey fares data is thus filtered down to Southampton stations +using the filter model, and journey times is directly obtained from the specific scenario. +

+ +

5.4 Trip rates


5.4.1 Data


+The trip rate is a scalar input (no dimension). +Its value is given in the railTripRates.csv data file, with one column per year. +This file can thus directly used in smif as scenario data: +

+# data/transport/southampton/data/csvfiles/railTripRates
+ +

5.4.2 Integration


+Rail trip rates are provided by a scenario rail_trip_rates. +Scenario data is already provided by the transport model in the correct format, +and the railTripRates.csv file was just renamed into +

  • data/scenarios/rail_trip_rates.csv
  • +

5.5 Station usage (yearly and daily)

+ +

5.6 Base year rail usage


+ +The rail model predicts stations usage for future years, based on the usage (or demand) +for the base year. +

+ +

+The base year demand must therefore be provided as an initial input to the rail model, +indicating yearly and daily usage for each of rail stations considered in the model run. +These numbers act as a basis for the computation of station usage for the subsequent simulated years. +

+ +

+The base year rail demand numbers are provided to the rail model via a csv data file, +typically called baseYearRailUsage.csv, or baseYearRailDemand.csv. +This files contains as many rows as there are active rail stations in the base year, as well +as several columns for various stations properties: +

  • Remark: Base year data files provided by the rail model contains white spaces, which makes +processing the text they contain difficult. +As a result white spaces have been replaced by underscores '_' in station names.
  • +
+ +

+The main purpose of this file is to provide the base year yearly and daily usage +(YearUsage and DayUsage) for the rail model. +

+ +

5.6.1 The station usage scenario


+Base year station usage data is usually provided to the rail model through the base year rail usage file. +In NISMOD however, station usage data is provided by a smif scenario station_usage. +This scenario provides both daily and yearly stations usage for the base year. +station_usage scenario. +

  1. Data

    +Scenario data could be obtained by extracting the daily and yearly usage from +the base year rail usage file for each rail station, resulting in two data files +

    • data/scenarios/rail_day_usage.csv
    • +
    • data/scenarios/rail_year_usage.csv
    • +
    + +

    +This can be achieved, for instance, using the following shell script +

    # Extract base year rail demand from baseYearUsage.csv provided by rail model
    +if [ -f $day_usage_file ]; then
    +    rm -i $day_usage_file
    +for line in $(cat $base_year_usage_file)
    +    echo $base_year,$(echo $line | cut -d, -f1,7) >> $day_usage_file
    +# Fix first line with correct column names
    +sed -i "1s/.*/timestep,NLC_gb,day_usage/" $day_usage_file
    + +

    +Both inputs are one-dimensional, whith the station NLCs as coordinates: +

    +# data/scenarios/rail_day_usage.csv

    +Note that, in practice, the station usage scenario data can only contain data for the base year. +At the moment, only station usage data for the year 2015 is available. +

    + +

    +Station usage data for future years is one of the outputs of the rail model. +

  2. +
  3. Integration

    +The station_usage scenario provides both day_usage and year_usage for all stations considered +in the Great Britain test case. +In this case the scenario outputs are inputs of the rail model. +For the Southamtpon test case, station usage output is filtered down to stations in the Southampton +area, using the filter model, as already described above. +

  4. +
+ +

5.6.2 Base year rail usage data file


+The base year rail usage file can be constructed by adding daily and yearly usage to the +data describing rail interventions. +Station usage for the base year is obtained from the station usage scenario, for each of the +stations considered. +Station usage numbers are then paired with the corresponding intervention (based on the NLC) to +build the base year rail usage file. +


6 Output data


+ +The rail model outputs two csv files +

  • predictedRailDemand.csv
  • +
  • zonalRailDemand
  • +
+ +

+The two files consist of several columns +

  • A first columns indicating the year of the current timestep (predicted year)
  • +
  • A second column for the dimension: +
    • Station NLC for predictedRailDemand.csv
    • +
    • LAD code for zonalRailDemand.csv
    • +
  • +
  • Several columns for different properties, of which only a subset are actual computed output data.
  • +
+ +

+From smif, the rail model has 6 uni-dimensional outputs, which value can be found in a unique +column of either predictedRailDemand.csv or zonalRailDemand.csv. +

+ + + +++ ++ ++ + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
smif outputoutput filecolumn in output file
+ + + +

7 Interventions


+Interventions for the transport model are described in specific *.properties +files. +They indicate the start year, end year, type of intervention..etc +

+# Example winslowRailStation.properties
+type = NewRailStation
+startYear = 2030
+endYear = 2100
+NLC = 500000
+mode = NRAIL
+station = Winslow
+naPTANname = N/A
+easting = 476600
+northing = 228300
+yearUsage = 100000
+dayUsage = 275.482093664
+runDays = 363
+LADcode = E07000004
+LADname = Aylesbury Vale
+area = SE
+ +

+Interventions for the model run must be listed in the config.properties file. +Important: Paths to rail model interventions files must be name following the +template railInterventionFileX where X is an arbitrary identifier (typical a number). +

+ +
+# Example config.properties 
+# interventions
+railInterventionFile0 = data/transport/southampton/input/newSouthamptonStation.properties
+railInterventionFile1 = data/transport/southampton/input/myOtherNewStation.properties
+ +

7.1 Intervention data for smif


+Intervention data is generated for every stations considered in the model. +For every station, the intervention data contains almost the same information required in the +intervention *.properties files. +The intervention data is contained in a csv data file of the type +

+ +
  • Note that this data does not contain yearly and daily usage numbers, which are provided by +by the station_usage. They are gathered in the smif wrapper and added to the *.properties file +describing the intervention.
  • +
  • The intervention data does not contain the start and end year, but instead the +lifetime (technical_lifetime_value) of the interventions. +This is because, using smif, the start year of interventions are given in the strategies data +file. See https://smif.readthedocs.io/en/latest/decisions.html for more information on how +interventions are handled in smif.
  • +
+ +

+In this way, any station listed in the smif intervention file can be built as part of an +intervention. +The smif wrapper is in charge of writing the *.properties for the stations to be +built on the current year, adding the corresponding station usage from the station_usage scenario, +as well, as computing the start and end years base on the lifetime of the intervention. +

+ +

7.2 Generating intervention data for smif


+The intervention data file used by smif can be generated by extracting the relevant columns from +the base year rail usage data csv file. +The resulting file will however only list the stations older than the base year–indeed that base +year usage file dos not list future stations. +Therefore, any potential future station must be added to the intervention data file. +

+ +

+Intervention data for older stations can be generated using the following shell script +

  • utilities/transport/writerailinterventionsfrombaseyeardata.sh
  • +

+resulting in +

+# data/interventions/transport_rail.csv

+Potential future stations must be added to this file. +For instance, in order to build the Winslow rail staion, the corresponfing intervention data is +appended +

+# data/interventions/transport_rail.csv
+500000,newWinslowRailStation_NRAIL,NewRailStation,100,y,NRAIL,New Winslow,N/A,476600,228300,363,E07000004,Aylesbury Vale,SE
+ +

7.2.1 Hack: Interventions with the same name

  • Problem: Several stations can host several transport modes of transport: national rail, local rail, +tube (in London..). +As a result several stations in the base year rail usage file can have the +same name, but a different Mode. +Because of the way intervention data is generated for smif, several interventions can end up with +the same name, which is not allowed.
  • + +
  • Workaround: When generating intervention data, the mode is appended to the intervention name.
  • +
+# Example
+newSouthamptonStation ----> newSouthamptonStation_NRAIL
+ +

8 The rail model smif wrapper


+The main task in integrating a model into the smif framework is to write the corresponding +wrapper class, derived from the abstract SectorModel class. +The smif wrapper class is responsible for the pre-processing of model inputs and post-processing +of model outputs, as well as the actual running of the model iteself. +

+ +

+For instance, the rail model wrapper is responsible for writing the config.properties +configuration file required for the rail model to run. +It is also responsible for generating the input files for car journey costs, journey times and fares, +population.. etc. +

+ +

+Most of the rail wrapper methods are implemented in the BaseTransportWrapper class +that directly inherits from SectorModel. +

+ +

+Information specific to the test case (full G.B. or Southampton area, for instance) +is specified in test case specific classes derived from BaseTransportWrapper. +For example +

class SouthamptonRailTransportWrapper(BaseTransportWrapper):
+    """Wrap the rail model, in 'southampton' configuration
+    """
+    _config_filename = 'run_config_rail_southampton.ini'
+    _template_filename = 'rail_southampton-config.properties.template'
+class RailTransportWrapper(BaseTransportWrapper):
+    """Wrap the rail model, in 'southampton' configuration
+    """
+    _config_filename = 'run_config_full.ini'
+    _template_filename = 'rail-config.properties.template'
+ +

+The central method in the SectorModel class is simulate, which is executed at every timestep. +It takes a smif DataHandle object as an argument, which gives access to all the data necessary to +run the model–provided the configuration was done correctly. +Among other things, the DataHandle gives access to input data from scenarios or other models, +model parameters or interventions to be performed in the current timestep. +

+ +

+The simulate method for the BaseTransportWrapper is as follows +

def simulate(self, data):
+    self._current_timestep = data.current_timestep
+    self._set_parameters(data)
+    self._set_inputs(data)
+    self._set_properties(data)
+    self._run_model_subprocess(data)
+    if self._current_timestep > data.base_timestep:
+	self._set_outputs(data)

+Methods _set_parameters, _set_inputs, _set_properties are responsible for getting +input values, parameters values, current interventions from the DataHandle and writing input files +to disk for the rail model to read. +

+ +

8.1 Template rail model configuration file


+Transport wrapper classes write the config.properties file based on a template. +This template specifies the name of the input, parameter and output files. +

+ +

+The paths to these files, the values of the boolean parameters as well as the list of interventions +is set by the smif wrapper in the BaseTransportWrapper._set_properties method. +Because the names of the data files are specified in the template, it is important that the +names used in the wrapper classes methods are consitent with the names in the template. +

+ +

+Templates are located in models/transport/templates/. +

+ +

8.2 Rail model parameters


+Elasticities are processed in the _set_parameters method. +The values can just be loaded from the data handle and written +as such to a CSV file with the correct name provided in the template config.propeties file. +

+ +

+The two boolean flags FLAG_USE_CAR_COST_FROM_ROAD_MODEL and FLAG_PREDICT_INTERMEDIATE_YEARS_RAIL +are set in the _set_properties method +

def _set_properties(self, data_handle):
+    ....
+    # read config as a Template for easy substitution of values
+    with open(path_to_config_template) as template_fh:
+	config = Template(template_fh.read())
+    config_str = config.substitute({
+	'use_car_cost_from_road_model': \
+	    bool(data_handle.get_parameter('use_car_cost_from_road_model').data),
+	'predict_intermediate_rail_years': \
+	    bool(data_handle.get_parameter('predict_intermediate_rail_years').data),
+	})
+    # Write config file to disk
+    with open(self._config_path, 'w') as template_fh:
+	template_fh.write(config_str)
+ +

8.3 Rail model inputs


+All inputs of the rail model are one-dimensionnal inputs, except from the rail trips rate. +


8.3.1 1D outputs


+One dimensionnal inputs are processed using the _set_1D_inputs method defined as follows +

def _set_1D_input(self, data_handle, input_name, filename,dtype=None):
+	"""Get one dimensional model input from data handle and write to input file
+	Arguments
+	---------
+	data_handle: smif.data_layer.DataHandle
+	input_name: str
+	filename: str
+	dtype: type [optional]
+	"""

+This method loads the data for the input input_name for both the current and previous timestep +and writes it in one single file filename. +

+ +

+The type of the data can be specified by providing a dtype argument. +This for instance the case when processing the population input: +

    def _set_inputs(self, data_handle):
+	"""Get model inputs from data handle and write to input files
+	"""
+	self._set_1D_input(data_handle, 'population', 'population.csv', dtype=int)

8.3.2 Trip rate


+In contrast to other inputs, the trip rate is an unidimensionnal input. +More importantly, the rail model requires trip rate numbers for every year between the base +year and the predicted year, unlike other inputs like population that are only required at the +previous predicted year. +

+ +

+Trip rate input data is processed in a separate method _set_trip_rates +

def _set_trip_rates(self, data):
+    """Get trip rates input from data handle and write to input file
+    Arguments
+    ---------
+    data_handle: smif.data_layer.DataHandle
+    """

+This method load trip rate data from the data handle for every year between +data.base_timestep and data.current_timestep and concatenate values to +build the CSV input file for the rail model to read. +


8.4 Rail model outputs


+The rail model wrapper reads the rail model output files predictedRailDemand.csv and zonalRailDemand.csv +and load the relevant data into the data handle for the corresponding sector model outputs +(see section 6). +

+ +

+The =BaseTransportWrapper._set_1D_output() is in charge of loading output data from an output file +to the data handle +

+def _set_1D_output(self, data_handle, output_name, filename, cols):
+    """Get one dimensional model input from data handle and write to input file
+    Arguments
+    ---------
+    data_handle: smif.data_layer.DataHandle
+    output_name: str
+    filename: str
+    cols: dict - Labels of the columns to keep. 
+		 Keys are label in the ouput file.
+		 Values are label in data_handle.
+    """

+To each of the rail model outputs (as defined in the sector model configuration file) correspond a unique +column in one of the output file from the rail model. +

+ +

+Firstly, the output file filename is read into a DataFrame. +All columns except the output dimension and the ouput itself are dropped from the DataFrame, and +the renaming columns are renamed according the output and dimension names provided by the smif +configuration of the rail model +

filename = self._output_file_path(filename)
+df = pd.read_csv(filename)
+df = df.loc[:,cols.keys()].rename(columns=cols)
+ +

+The output data is then turned into a numpy array and loaded into the data handle for the corresponding +output output_name. +


8.5 Interventions


+Current rail interventions data is loaded from the data handle in the +_set_properties method. +

+ +

+The method DataHandle.get_current_interventions() returns a dictionary keyed by intervention name. +It returns all interventions built until the current timestep (included), including initial +conditions. +From the point of view of the rail model, rail stations built before the base year +(initial conditions) should not be described by a intervention *.properties file, because they +are already described in the base year rail usage file. +

+ +

+The list of current interventions is thus filtered down to interventions built from the base year +using _filter_interventions. +Provided the data handle, this method returns the list of interventions built strictly before (init. conditions) +of from the base year onwards. +

+ +

+Each intervention in the list is then written as a *.properties that can be read by the rail model. +

def _set_properties(self, data_handle):
+# Discard initial conditions
+interventions = self._filter_interventions(data_handle)
+for i, intervention in enumerate(interventions):
+    # Write .properties intervention file for the rail model
+    fname = self._write_rail_intervention(intervention, data_handle)
+    # Update list of interventions to be written in config.properties
+    intervention_files.append("railInterventionFile{} = {}".format(i, fname))

+Eventually the list of interventions is injected in the template config.properties file +

# read config as a Template for easy substitution of values
+with open(path_to_config_template) as template_fh:
+    config = Template(template_fh.read())
+    config_str = config.substitute({
+	'intervention_files': '\n'.join(intervention_files),
+	})
+    with open(self._config_path, 'w') as template_fh:
+	template_fh.write(config_str)
+ +

8.6 Base year rail usage


+The smif wrapper is also responsible for writing the base year rail usage file. +This is achieved by the BaseTransportWrapper method _set_base_year_demand. +

+ +

+The base year rail usage data can be formed by combining intervention data for stations built +before the base year, as well as corresponding daily and yearly station usage from +the station_usage scenario. +

+ +

+Intervention data for stations predating the base year is obtained through +

interventions = self._filter_interventions(data_handle, future=False)

+Data is then converted as a Pandas DataFrame, from which columns not appearing in the base year +rail usage file are dropped: +

base_df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(interventions)
+base_df = base_df.rename(columns={'NLC': 'NLC_gb'}).set_index('NLC_gb')
+base_df.index.names = ['NLC']
+cols_to_drop = ['technical_lifetime_units',
+		'technical_lifetime', 'name', 'type', 'build_year']
+base_df = base_df.drop(cols_to_drop, axis=1)
+ +

+The next step is to gather daily and yearly usage from the station_usage scenario. +

baseyear_day_usage = data_handle.get_data("day_usage",
+						  timestep=data_handle.base_timestep)
+baseyear_year_usage = data_handle.get_data("year_usage",
+						   timestep=data_handle.base_timestep)

+The base year rail usage file structure can then be obtained by concatenating the three +DataFrames +

base_df = pd.concat([base_df, baseyear_day_usage, baseyear_year_usage], axis=1,
+		       join_axes=[df.index])
  • Note: The station_usage data dimension includes all rail stations, including +ones to be built as interventions in the future. +The base_df only lists stations predating the base year, +hence the argument join_axes = [df.index]
  • +
+ +

8.6.1 Hack: Columns in DataFrame must be renamed


+The rail model expects most of the keys in intervention *.properties files to begin with a +lower case character. +However the columns in the base year rail usage file must begin with an upper case charater. +

+ +

+The smif intervention data file (data/interventions/transport_rail.csv) has +columns names that begin with lower case characters as well: station, area, easting… etc. +

+ +

+The columns in the base year rail usage DataFrame must therefore be renamed prior to writing +the CSV file +

# rename columns to meet rail model's expectations
+columns_names = {
+    'mode': 'Mode',
+    'station': 'Station',
+    'naPTANname': 'NaPTANname',
+    'easting': 'Easting',
+    ....
+base_df = df.rename(columns=columns_names)

+The last step is to reorder the columns. +If the columns are in the wrong order, the rail model will not throw an error, however the +predicted rail usage data will only contain future stations. +Only future station data can be read because interventions data have the columns in the correct order. +In contrast the base year demand file may be read incorrectly. +

cols = ['Mode', 'Station', 'NaPTANname', 'Easting', 'Northing',
+	'YearUsage', 'DayUsage', 'RunDays', 'LADcode', 'LADname', 'Area']
+base_df = base_df[cols]

+Eventually the base year rail usage input file is written +

# Write base year rail demand csv file
+df.to_csv(os.path.join(self._input_dir, 'baseYearRailDemand.csv'))
+ +

9 Validation


9.1 CANCELLED Create several model runs from one year to another


+Full-scale (Great Britain) rail model run. +Intervention: Winslow station in 2018 +Model runs: +

  • [X] 2015 -> 2017 Winslow station is not built
  • +
  • [X] 2015 -> 2018 Winslow station is built
  • +
  • [ ] 2018 -> 2030
  • +
  • [ ] 2030 -> 2050
  • + +
  • [X] Duplicate model run rail_full_test.yml into 4 model runs for each experiement. +
    • rail_full_2015_2017.yml
    • + +
    • rail_full_2015_2018.yml
    • + +
    • rail_full_2018_2030.yml
    • + +
    • rail_full_2030_2050.yml
    • +
  • +
  • [X]

    +Change build year in transport_build_winslow.csv (2015 -> 2018) +

  • +
+ +

9.2 CANCELLED Convert predicted rail demand data into input station_usage data.


+Predicted rail demand has the form +

+ +

+station usage scenario data has the form +

+ +

+So columns 1,2 and 7(8) of predicte rail demand give the scenario data for the +predicted year +

+ +
# Extracts daily and yearly station usage from output of rail model
+# and append data to station usage scenario data
+# usage: bash extract_predicted_rail_demand.sh year
+if ! [ -f "$day_usage_file" ]; then
+  echo ERROR: Could not find $day_usage_file
+if ! [ -f "$year_usage_file" ]; then
+  echo ERROR: Could not find $year_usage_file
+if ! [ -f "$predicted_dmd_file" ]; then
+  echo ERROR: Could not find $predicted_dmd_file
+# First create backup for current station usage data
+cp $day_usage_file ${day_usage_file}.bkp
+cp $year_usage_file ${year_usage_file}.bkp
+# Count nb of lines in predicted demand file
+nbLines=$(wc -l $predicted_dmd_file | cut -d' ' -f1)
+# Loop through lines excluding the first one
+for line in $(tail -$(($nbLines-1)) $predicted_dmd_file); do
+  echo $line | cut -d, -f1,2,8 >> $year_usage_file
+  echo $line | cut -d, -f1,2,9 >> $day_usage_file
+less $year_usage_file
+less $day_usage_file
+echo DONE. Backup station usage scenario data is available in
+echo   - ${year_usage_file}.bkp
+echo   - ${day_usage_file}.bkp
+ +

9.3 CANCELLED Automatise validation process

+ +

9.4 DONE extract_gb_scenarios reads stationusage for future years


+Added fake data for years 2018, 2030, 2050 +


9.5 DONE No data for station usage in 2018


+The rail station in Winslow is built in year 2018 for which no data is available in the scenario +data. +Numbers are given in the *.properties intervention file provided in the rail model data +

  • data/transport/TR_data_full/full/data/interventions/winslowRailStation.properties
  • +
+ +

+I am just replaceing the fake 2018 station usage scenario data with the numbers for the +correct NLC. +For instance: +

+# data/scenarios/rail_day_usage.csv

+becomes +


+Same for yearly usage. +


9.6 TODO Work out the problem with base year demand file for full GB model


9.7 Validation model run


+2015->2018->2030->2050 with (2018,newWinslowRailStationNRAIL) +


Author: Thibault Lestang


Created: 2019-07-25 Thu 17:12



+ +