Before using Earlier Priority Selector (EPS), install ActivePython, which is available online at
Do not forget to check if your Windows installation is for 32 bits or 64 bits.
Python 2.7 is usually preinstalled on most distributions.
EPS was developed to select the first priority of a Patent Family core contained in records indexed in Derwent Innovations Index (DII) database. The program works only with '.txt' files.
To treat a file, follow the steps below.
Paste the file to be treated (input file) in the Earliest-Priority-Selector folder.
Write the input file name in the field indicated. It is indispensable to add the file extention (.txt), otherwise the program will not run.
Write a name to the output file (different from the input file name). Again, it is indispensable to add the file extention (.txt).
Wait until the end of the treatment and then press 'enter' to finnish the process. The treated file (output file) will be located at the Earliest-Priority-Selector folder.
Milanez, D.H., Milanez, M.G., Faria, L.I.L., Amaral, R.M. & Gregolin, J.A.R. (2013). Earliest Priority Selector for Compiling Patent Indicators. In Proceedings of the 14th International Society of Scientometrics and Infometrics Conference (ISSI '13). Viena: Austria. (Submitted)