- Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
- Use a Python virtual environment when installing Python dependencies with pip.
- Fixes issue with GitHub Actions running on rolling, based on Ubuntu 22.04 with Python 3.10.
- Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
- First ROS 2 package release.
- Contributors: Alexander Xydes, Thomas Denewiler
- Troubleshooting:
- Tips for some runtime crashes due to missing dependencies. (#13)
- Details about fixing plugin file not found error. (#9)
- Run actions on a schedule or workflow_dispatch as well as pull request and push. (#10)
- Update actions used in workflows. (#14)
- Update CI to use newer versions of actions and test on multiple ROS distributions. (#12)
- Update list of maintainers. (#18)
- Add PySide2 and PyQt5 dependencies to package.xml. (#16)
- Switch from hyphen to underscore in setup.cfg to avoid deprecated Python variables. (#11)
- Explicitly specifying file encoding when opening a file with Python. Fixes pylint warning (Statick). (#6)
- Continuous integration fixes.
- Use setup-python and setup-node actions.
- Remove sudo from pip install commands.
- Add Jazzy to the ROS distribution matrix.
- Remove version pinning for pycodestyle in workflow. (#15)
- Initial release of a ROS2 node and an rqt plugin for visualizing dot graph files.
- Contributors: Alexander Xydes
- Github actions workflow to test and lint the package.
- Automatically zooming to fit dotgraph only the first time a graph is received on a topic. Zooming to fit upon loading dotgraph file.
- Properly destroying old subscription.