- Use the following format:
[Package Name](Link URL) - Description
- The link should be the name of the package or project
- Keep descriptions concise, clear and simple
- New categories, or improvements to the existing ones are also welcome
To get on the list, PR's should follow some quality standards. They should:
- Generally useful to the community.
- Actively maintained (even if that just means acknowledging open issues when they arise).
- Stable.
- Documented.
To add an awesome Magento related extension, there are some additional Quality Gates to pass:
- Make sure your Code follows the Magento Code Style
- Make sure your Extension's README explains the following parts:
- General Purpose of the Extension.
- How to Install.
- Supported Magento Versions.
- Requirements (e.g. PHP Version).
- At least one stable release.
- Make sure, the Extension is maintained by someone from time to time.
- Make sure, your Code is tested.
For Magento 1 Extensions, there is no need to pass every quality gate. I know it is quite a pain to write Tests or find the official Coding Standard. Think of the awesome Magento Extensions like:
These Extensions are battleproofed by a huge community of experts, they are supported and I will get an answer if I'll stuck.
If you need help to pass the quality gates, add your questions to the PR too.
Make sure you pass the following Quality Gates:
- The Blog itself should contain posts from at least 3 Months ago.
- The Blog should be focused on Magento.
- There should be at least one article a month.
Thanks to all contributors, you're awesome and wouldn't be possible without you!