Note: Specimin is a work in progress, and is not yet fully functional. Please check back later or contact the authors if you want to use the tool.
This document describes Specimin (SPECIfication MINimizer). Specimin's goal is, given a Java Program P and a set of methods in that program M, produce a compilable, dependency-free version of P that contains (1) the body of each method in M and (2) as little else as possible while preserving the specifications (i.e., the signatures of methods, the structure of classes, etc.) used in the methods in M.
Specimin’s goal is to “stub out” everything that’s used by the target method(s), for the purpose of static analysis of the methods in the target set.
Download the project and the project directory in your shell.
To run the tool, use ./gradlew run --args='[OPTIONS]'
The available options are (required options in bold, repeatable options in italics):
- --root: specifies the root directory of the target project.
- --targetFile: a source file in which to search for target methods
- --targetMethod: a target method that must be preserved, and whose dependencies should be stubbed out. Use the format
class.fully.qualified.Name#methodName(Param1Type, Param2Type, ...)
- --outputDirectory: the directory in which to place the output. The directory must be writeable and will be created if it does not exist.
- --jarPath: the absolute path of a Jar file for Specimin to take as input.
Options may be specified in any order. When supplying repeatable options more than once, the option must be repeated for each value.
Here is a sample command to run the tool: ./gradlew run --args='--outputDirectory "tempDir" --root "src/test/resources/twofilesimple/input/" --targetFile "com/example/" --targetFile "com/example/" --targetMethod "com.example.Foo#bar()"'
The following examples illustrate the kinds of programs that Specimin produces.
Consider the program below:
class Foo {
void bar() {
Object obj = new Object();
obj = baz(obj);
Object baz(Object obj) {
return obj.toString();
Suppose that the user asks Specimin to target the method bar()
The result should be the following program:
class Foo {
void bar() {
Object obj = new Object();
obj = baz(obj);
Object baz(Object obj) {
throw new Error();
Note how baz()
’s body has been replaced with throw new Error()
this is the sort of transformation that Specimin should do to any
method that isn’t a target, but is used. The result of this change
has an identical specification to the original - annotations and types
will be preserved - but its behavior is empty. This illustrates that
Specimin is not intended to produce runnable output: its output is only
usefule for static analysis.
If the target had been baz()
instead of bar()
, then bar()
be removed entirely: it is not referenced from baz()
Consider the program below:
import com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Foo {
void bar() {
Baz obj = new Baz();
This program relies on the Baz
class (supposing that we’re interested
in the bar()
method of Foo
). The resulting program should contain two
files (
, in appropriate source folders):
> cat
import com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Foo {
void bar() {
Baz obj = new Baz();
> cat com/foobar/baz/
package com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Baz extends Object {
public Baz() { }
This should be the result, regardless of whether Baz
was originally
defined in the original program or in a library, because Specimin is
supposed to generate a dependency-free version of the target
program. That said, Specimin does need to respect the specification of
- for example, if Baz
has a superclass other than Object
, that
superclass needs to be included, too. For example, the result could
have replaced the contents of
with the following, if that had
been the original definition of Baz
(either in the Java source or in
the bytecode):
> cat com/foobar/baz/
package com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Baz extends Qux {
public Baz() { }
> cat com/foobar/baz/
package com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Qux extends Object { }
A similar rule applies to type arguments of Baz
and their bounds,
which should be fully included in the result:
> cat com/foobar/baz/
package com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Baz<T extends Qux> extends T {
public Baz<T>() { }
> cat com/foobar/baz/
package com.foobar.baz.Baz;
class Qux extends Object { }
The above could also be the result for Baz
. The point here is that
at the specification level - including types, generics, superclasses,
implemented interfaces, annotations, etc. - the resulting program should
be the same as the original (with “dead” code that isn’t used by the
target method(s) removed, of course). But, at the implementation level,
nothing has to work - recall that Specimin’s goal is basically to
“stub out” everything that’s used by the target method.
Consider the program below:
class Foo {
void bar() {
Object obj = getObj();
if (obj != null) {
@Nullable Object getObj() { ... }
It is required that Specimin preserves annotations (especially type annotations, but all annotations are supposed to be preserved) on elements of the target program that will appear in the output.
Consider the program below:
import java.util.List;
class Foo {
void bar(List<Object> objs, int i) {
Object obj = objs.get(i);
if (obj != null) {
Given that our specification for Specimin says that the produced
program should have no dependencies, should the generated program
include a (fake) implementation for java.util.List
? This question is
tricky to answer. On the one hand, doing so is (1) more consistent
with Specimin’s treatment of other libraries, and (2) will make the
resulting programs self-contained, which will make them easier to
annotate later, if desired. On the other hand, generating stubbed
variants of standard library methods and classes might be problematic:
(1) it won’t be possible for every class - some classes are hard-coded
into the JVM (Object
, String
, a few others? Definitely not that many,
though.), and (2) it will require the resulting program to be compiled
with unusual options, (i.e. -Xbootclasspath=
the empty set or some
such nonsense), which would limit its suitability for generating test
cases. For now, I think this specification should permit Specimin to
do either.
TODO: decide which of these modes to support, or add support for both and a switch.