diff --git a/Shaders/README.md b/Shaders/README.md
index 21a46abc..29316539 100644
--- a/Shaders/README.md
+++ b/Shaders/README.md
@@ -13,13 +13,13 @@ Furthermore must be mentioned that this repository is only an incubator to devel
See [Shaders](Shaders.md) for a list of all shaders implemented so far - resp. the [Overview](Overview.md) to have with thumbnails a more 'visual experience'. Find what's new with the [latest conversions](Latest Conversions.md), or have a look at the [Shader of the Week](Shader of the Week.md) list.
-Current Shader of the Week (17th of July 2024):
+Current Shader of the Week (10th of September 2024):
-[Alien Tunnel](ShaderOfTheWeek/AlienTunnel.md) by [lz](https://www.shadertoy.com/user/lz)
+[StarryPlanes](ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.md) by [mrange](https://www.shadertoy.com/user/mrange)
diff --git a/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.fuse b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.fuse
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..85753483
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.fuse
@@ -0,0 +1,826 @@
+ StarryPlanes.fuse
+ Based on https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MfjyWK a WebGL shader created by mrange.
+ Converted to DCTL and embeddet into a Lua Fuse by JiPi (https://www.youtube.com/c/JiPi_YT).
+ Place this file in your Fusion's and/or DaVinci Resolve's 'Fuses/' folder to use it.
+-- /*
+local ShaderFuse = require("Shaderfuse/ShaderFuse")
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- // Registry declaration
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+FuRegisterClass(ShaderFuse.FuRegister.Name, CT_SourceTool, {
+ ShaderFuse.FuRegister.Attributes,
+ REG_NoObjMatCtrls = true,
+ REG_NoMotionBlurCtrls = true,
+ REG_Source_GlobalCtrls = false,
+ REG_Source_SizeCtrls = true,
+ REG_Source_AspectCtrls = true,
+ REG_Source_DepthCtrls = true,
+ REG_OpNoMask = true,
+ REG_TimeVariant = true,
+ })
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- // DCTL kernel parameters
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- */
+ShaderParameters =
+ float iResolution[2];
+ float iTime;
+ float iMouse[4];
+ float PathA[2];
+ float PathB[2];
+ float planeDist;
+ float furthest;
+ float fadeFrom;
+ int width,height;
+ int compOrder;
+-- /*
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DCTL kernel compatibility code
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- */
+ShaderCompatibilityCode =
+#if defined(DEVICE_IS_METAL)
+ #define in
+ #define out thread
+ #define inout thread
+ #define in
+ #define out
+ #define inout
+ // 0 to use the generic implementations; 1 for Metal, OpenCL, Cuda specific code if existing
+ #if 1
+ #if defined(DEVICE_IS_METAL)
+ #elif defined(DEVICE_IS_CUDA)
+ #elif defined(DEVICE_IS_OPENCL)
+ #endif
+ #endif
+ #if defined(USE_NATIVE_METAL_IMPL)
+ #define swi2(A,a,b) (A).a##b
+ #define swi3(A,a,b,c) (A).a##b##c
+ #define swi3S(a,b,c,d,e) a.b##c##d = e
+ #else
+ #define swi2(A,a,b) to_float2((A).a,(A).b)
+ #define swi3(A,a,b,c) to_float3((A).a,(A).b,(A).c)
+ #define swi3S(a,b,c,d,e) {float3 tmp = e; (a).b = tmp.x; (a).c = tmp.y; (a).d = tmp.z;}
+ #define swi4S(a,b,c,d,e,f) {float4 tmp = f; (a).b = tmp.x; (a).c = tmp.y; (a).d = tmp.z; (a).e = tmp.w;}
+ #endif
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// mat2 implementation
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ typedef float2x2 mat2;
+ #define to_mat2(A,B,C,D) mat2((A),(B),(C),(D))
+ #define mul_f2_mat2(A,B) ((A)*(B))
+ typedef struct { float2 r0; float2 r1; } mat2;
+ __DEVICE__ inline mat2 to_mat2 ( float a, float b, float c, float d) { mat2 t; t.r0.x = a; t.r0.y = b; t.r1.x = c; t.r1.y = d; return t; }
+ __DEVICE__ inline float2 mul_f2_mat2( float2 v, mat2 m )
+ {
+ float2 t; t.x = v.x*m.r0.x + v.y*m.r0.y; t.y = v.x*m.r1.x + v.y*m.r1.y; return t;
+ }
+#endif // end of mat2 implementation
+ #define sin_f2(i) sin(i)
+ #define sin_f3(i) sin(i)
+ #define cos_f2(i) cos(i)
+ #define sqrt_f3(a) _sqrtf(a)
+ #define sign_f(a) sign(a)
+ #define distance_f2(pt1,pt2) _sqrtf(dot(pt2 - pt1,pt2 - pt1))
+ #define reflect(I,N) (I-2.0f*dot(N,I)*N)
+ #define fract(a) ((a)-_floor(a)) // oder Pointer bauen: gentype fract(gentype x, gentype *itpr)
+ #define sin_f2(i) sin(i)
+ #define sin_f3(i) sin(i)
+ #define cos_f2(i) cos(i)
+ #define sqrt_f3(a) _sqrtf(a)
+ #define sign_f(a) sign(a)
+ #define distance_f2( p1, p2) distance(p1, p2)
+ #else // Generic
+ #define fract(a) ((a)-_floor(a))
+ #define sin_f2(i) to_float2( _sinf((i).x), _sinf((i).y))
+ #define sin_f3(i) to_float3( _sinf((i).x), _sinf((i).y), _sinf((i).z))
+ #define cos_f2(i) to_float2( _cosf((i).x), _cosf((i).y))
+ #define sqrt_f3(a) to_float3(_sqrtf((a).x),_sqrtf((a).y),_sqrtf((a).z))
+ #define sign_f(a) (a==0.0f?0.0f:a>0.0f?1.0f:-1.0f)
+ #define distance_f2(pt1,pt2) _sqrtf(dot(pt2 - pt1,pt2 - pt1))
+ #endif
+-- /*
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- DCTL kernel implementation
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- */
+ShaderKernelCode =
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// - Image -
+// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// CC0: Starry planes
+// Revisited the ye olde "plane-marcher".
+// A simple result that I think turned out pretty nice
+#define TIME iTime
+#define RESOLUTION iResolution
+#define ROT(a) to_mat2(_cosf(a), _sinf(a), -_sinf(a), _cosf(a))
+ #define pi (_acosf(-1.0f))
+ #define tau (2.0f*pi)
+const float4 U = {0, 1, 2, 3};
+// License: Unknown, author: Matt Taylor (https://github.com/64), found: https://64.github.io/tonemapping/
+__DEVICE__ float3 aces_approx(float3 v) {
+ v = _fmaxf(v, to_float3_s(0.0f));
+ v *= 0.6f;
+ float a = 2.51f;
+ float b = 0.03f;
+ float c = 2.43f;
+ float d = 0.59f;
+ float e = 0.14f;
+ return clamp((v*(a*v+b))/(v*(c*v+d)+e), 0.0f, 1.0f);
+__DEVICE__ float3 offset(float z, float2 pathA, float2 pathB) {
+ return to_float3_aw(pathB*sin_f2(pathA*z), z);
+__DEVICE__ float3 doffset(float z, float2 pathA, float2 pathB) {
+ return to_float3_aw(pathA*pathB*cos_f2(pathA*z), 1.0f);
+__DEVICE__ float3 ddoffset(float z, float2 pathA, float2 pathB) {
+ return to_float3_aw(-1.0f*pathA*pathA*pathB*sin_f2(pathA*z), 0.0f);
+__DEVICE__ float4 alphaBlend(float4 back, float4 front) {
+ // Based on: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alpha_compositing
+ float w = front.w + back.w*(1.0f-front.w);
+ float3 xyz = (swi3(front,x,y,z)*front.w + swi3(back,x,y,z)*back.w*(1.0f-front.w))/w;
+ return w > 0.0f ? to_float4_aw(xyz, w) : to_float4_s(0.0f);
+// License: MIT, author: Inigo Quilez, found: https://www.iquilezles.org/www/articles/smin/smin.htm
+__DEVICE__ float pmin(float a, float b, float k) {
+ float h = clamp(0.5f+0.5f*(b-a)/k, 0.0f, 1.0f);
+ return _mix(b, a, h) - k*h*(1.0f-h);
+__DEVICE__ float pmax(float a, float b, float k) {
+ return -pmin(-a, -b, k);
+__DEVICE__ float pabs(float a, float k) {
+ return -pmin(a, -a, k);
+// License: MIT, author: Inigo Quilez, found: https://iquilezles.org/articles/distfunctions2d/
+// Slightly tweaked to round the inner corners
+__DEVICE__ float star5(float2 p, float r, float rf, float sm) {
+ p = -p;
+ const float2 k1 = to_float2(0.809016994375f, -0.587785252292f);
+ const float2 k2 = to_float2(-k1.x,k1.y);
+ p.x = _fabs(p.x);
+ p -= 2.0f*_fmaxf(dot(k1,p),0.0f)*k1;
+ p -= 2.0f*_fmaxf(dot(k2,p),0.0f)*k2;
+ p.x = pabs(p.x, sm);
+ p.y -= r;
+ float2 ba = rf*to_float2(-k1.y,k1.x) - to_float2(0,1);
+ float h = clamp( dot(p,ba)/dot(ba,ba), 0.0f, r );
+ return length(p-ba*h) * sign_f(p.y*ba.x-p.x*ba.y);
+__DEVICE__ float3 palette(float n) {
+ return 0.5f+0.5f*sin_f3(to_float3(0.0f,1.0f,2.0f)+n);
+__DEVICE__ float4 plane(float3 ro, float3 rd, float3 pp, float3 npp, float pd, float3 cp, float3 off, float n, float2 pathA, float2 pathB) {
+ float aa = 3.0f*pd*distance_f2(swi2(pp,x,y), swi2(npp,x,y));
+ float4 col = to_float4_s(0.0f);
+ float2 p2 = swi2(pp,x,y);
+ p2 -= swi2(offset(pp.z, pathA, pathB),x,y);
+ float2 doff = swi2(ddoffset(pp.z, pathA, pathB),x,z);
+ float2 ddoff = swi2(doffset(pp.z, pathA, pathB),x,z);
+ float dd = dot(doff, ddoff);
+ p2 = mul_f2_mat2(p2,ROT(dd*pi*5.0f));
+ float d0 = star5(p2, 0.45f, 1.6f,0.2f)-0.02f;
+ float d1 = d0-0.01f;
+ float d2 = length(p2);
+ const float colp = pi*100.0f;
+ float colaa = aa*200.0f;
+ swi3S(col,x,y,z, palette(0.5f*n+2.0f*d2)*_mix(0.5f/(d2*d2), 1.0f, smoothstep(-0.5f+colaa, 0.5f+colaa, _sinf(d2*colp)))/_fmaxf(3.0f*d2*d2, 1E-1f));
+ swi3S(col,x,y,z, _mix(swi3(col,x,y,z), to_float3_s(2.0f), smoothstep(aa, -aa, d1)));
+ col.w = smoothstep(aa, -aa, -d0);
+ return col;
+__DEVICE__ float3 color(float3 ww, float3 uu, float3 vv, float3 ro, float2 p, float2 iResolution, float2 pathA, float2 pathB, float planeDist, float furthest, float fadeFrom) {
+ float lp = length(p);
+ float2 np = p + 1.0f/RESOLUTION;
+ float rdd = 2.0f-0.25f;
+ float3 rd = normalize(p.x*uu + p.y*vv + rdd*ww);
+ float3 nrd = normalize(np.x*uu + np.y*vv + rdd*ww);
+ float nz = _floor(ro.z / planeDist);
+ float4 acol = to_float4_s(0.0f);
+ float3 aro = ro;
+ float apd = 0.0f;
+ for (float i = 1.0f; i <= furthest; ++i) {
+ if ( acol.w > 0.95f) {
+ // Debug col to see when exiting
+ // swi3(acol,x,y,z) = palette(i);
+ break;
+ }
+ float pz = planeDist*nz + planeDist*i;
+ float lpd = (pz - aro.z)/rd.z;
+ float npd = (pz - aro.z)/nrd.z;
+ float cpd = (pz - aro.z)/ww.z;
+ {
+ float3 pp = aro + rd*lpd;
+ float3 npp= aro + nrd*npd;
+ float3 cp = aro+ww*cpd;
+ apd += lpd;
+ float3 off = offset(pp.z, pathA, pathB);
+ float dz = pp.z-ro.z;
+ float fadeIn = smoothstep(planeDist*furthest, planeDist*fadeFrom, dz);
+ float fadeOut = smoothstep(0.0f, planeDist*0.1f, dz);
+ float fadeOutRI = smoothstep(0.0f, planeDist*1.0f, dz);
+ float ri = _mix(1.0f, 0.9f, fadeOutRI*fadeIn);
+ float4 pcol = plane(ro, rd, pp, npp, apd, cp, off, nz+i, pathA, pathB);
+ pcol.w *= fadeOut*fadeIn;
+ acol = alphaBlend(pcol, acol);
+ aro = pp;
+ }
+ }
+ return swi3(acol,x,y,z)*acol.w;
+__KERNEL__ void StarryPlanesFuse(__CONSTANTREF__ Params* params, __TEXTURE2D_WRITE__ destinationTexture)
+ DEFINE_KERNEL_ITERATORS_XY(fusion_x, fusion_y);
+ if (fusion_x >= params->width || fusion_y >= params->height)
+ return;
+ float2 iResolution = to_float2(params->iResolution[0], params->iResolution[1]);
+ float iTime = params->iTime;
+ float4 iMouse = to_float4(params->iMouse[0],params->iMouse[1],params->iMouse[2],params->iMouse[3]);
+ float4 fragColor = to_float4_s(0.0f);
+ float2 fragCoord = to_float2(fusion_x,fusion_y);
+ float2 PathA = to_float2(params->PathA[0], params->PathA[1]);
+ float2 PathB = to_float2(params->PathB[0], params->PathB[1]);
+ float planeDist = params->planeDist;
+ float furthest = params->furthest;
+ float fadeFrom = params->fadeFrom;
+ // --------
+ //const float planeDist = 0.5f,
+ // furthest = 16.0f,
+ // fadeFrom = 8.0f;
+ const float2
+ pathA = to_float2(0.31f, 0.41f)+PathA,
+ pathB = to_float2(1.0f,_sqrtf(0.5f))+PathB;
+ float2 r = RESOLUTION, q = fragCoord/r, pp = -1.0f+2.0f*q, p = pp;
+ p.x *= r.x/r.y;
+ float tm = planeDist*TIME;
+ float3 ro = offset(tm, pathA, pathB);
+ float3 dro = doffset(tm, pathA, pathB);
+ float3 ddro = ddoffset(tm, pathA, pathB);
+ float3 ww = normalize(dro);//+swi2(iMouse,x,y)/iResolution-0.5f);
+ float3 uu = normalize(cross(swi3(U,x,y,x)+ddro, ww));
+ float3 vv = cross(ww, uu);
+ float3 col = color(ww, uu, vv, ro, p, iResolution, pathA, pathB, planeDist, furthest, fadeFrom);
+ col = aces_approx(col);
+ col = sqrt_f3(col);
+ fragColor = to_float4_aw(col, 1);
+ _tex2DVec4Write(destinationTexture, fusion_x, fusion_y, fragColor);
+-- /*
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- // Create
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function Create()
+ ShaderFuse.begin_create()
+ ----- Inspector Panel Controls
+ -- Speed Slider
+ InFrequency = self:AddInput("Speedup", "speed", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_Default = 1.0,
+ INP_MinScale = 0.0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 5.0,
+ SLCS_LowName = "stop",
+ SLCS_HighName = "5x",
+ })
+ -- iMouse Controls
+ InMouseXY = self:AddInput("iMouse.xy", "iMouseXY", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Point",
+ INPID_InputControl = "OffsetControl",
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = false,
+ INPID_PreviewControl = "CrosshairControl",
+ })
+ InMouseZW = self:AddInput("iMouse.zw", "iMouseZW", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Point",
+ INPID_InputControl = "OffsetControl",
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = false,
+ INPID_PreviewControl = "CrosshairControl",
+ INP_Disabled = true,
+ })
+ InMouseDrag = self:AddInput("Mouse Button Pressed", "iMouseClick", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "CheckboxControl",
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = false,
+ INP_MinScale = 0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 1,
+ INP_Default = 0,
+ })
+ InPathAPoint = self:AddInput("PathA", "PathA", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Point",
+ INPID_InputControl = "OffsetControl",
+ INPID_PreviewControl = "CrosshairControl",
+ INP_DefaultX = 0.0,
+ INP_DefaultY = 0.0,
+ })
+ InPathBPoint = self:AddInput("PathB", "PathB", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Point",
+ INPID_InputControl = "OffsetControl",
+ INPID_PreviewControl = "CrosshairControl",
+ INP_DefaultX = 0.0,
+ INP_DefaultY = 0.0,
+ })
+ InplaneDistSlider = self:AddInput("planeDist", "planeDist", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_MinScale = -1.0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 5.0,
+ INP_Default = 0.5,
+ })
+ InfurthestSlider = self:AddInput("furthest", "furthest", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_MinScale = -1.0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 30.0,
+ INP_Default = 16.0,
+ })
+ InfadeFromSlider = self:AddInput("fadeFrom", "fadeFrom", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_MinScale = -1.0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 20.0,
+ INP_Default = 8.0,
+ })
+ Sep3 = self:AddInput(string.rep("_", 252), "Separator3", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Text",
+ INPID_InputControl = "LabelControl",
+ INP_External = false,
+ INP_Passive = true,
+ IC_Visible = true,
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = true,
+ IC_NoLabel = true,
+ })
+ InEdges = self:AddInput("Edges", "Edges", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "MultiButtonControl",
+ INP_Default = 3.0,
+ INP_Integer = true,
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = true,
+ INP_External = false,
+ MBTNC_ForceButtons = true,
+ INP_MinScale = 0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 3,
+ INP_MinAllowed = 0,
+ INP_MaxAllowed = 3,
+ MBTNC_ShowBasicButton = true,
+ MBTNC_StretchToFit = false, --true,
+ MBTNC_ShowToolTip = true,
+ { MBTNC_AddButton = "Canvas", MBTNCD_ButtonWidth = 4/16, },
+ { MBTNC_AddButton = "Wrap",MBTNCD_ButtonWidth = 3/16, },
+ { MBTNC_AddButton = "Duplicate", MBTNCD_ButtonWidth = 5/16, },
+ { MBTNC_AddButton = "Mirror", MBTNCD_ButtonWidth = 4/16, },
+ })
+ ----- Size & Depth
+ InSize = self:AddInput("Size", "Size_Fuse", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "ComboControl",
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = true,
+ INP_Default = 0,
+ INP_Integer = true,
+ ICD_Width = 1,
+ { CCS_AddString = "Default", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "Manually", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "Image0", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "1920x1080", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "1200x675", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "800x450", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "640x360", },
+ CC_LabelPosition = "Horizontal",
+ ICS_ControlPage = "Image",
+ })
+ InWidth = self:AddInput("Width", "_Width", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_Default = 1920,
+ INP_Integer = true,
+ INP_MinScale = 0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 4096,
+ })
+ InHeight = self:AddInput("Height", "_Height", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "SliderControl",
+ INP_Default = 1080,
+ INP_Integer = true,
+ INP_MinScale = 0,
+ INP_MaxScale = 4096,
+ })
+ InDepth = self:AddInput("Depth_Fuse", "Depth_Fuse", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Number",
+ INPID_InputControl = "ComboControl",
+ INP_DoNotifyChanged = true,
+ INP_Default = 0,
+ INP_Integer = true,
+ ICD_Width = 1,
+ { CCS_AddString = "Default", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "int8", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "int16", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "float16", },
+ { CCS_AddString = "float32", },
+ CC_LabelPosition = "Horizontal",
+ ICS_ControlPage = "Image",
+ })
+ InMyWidth = self:FindInput("Width")
+ InMyWidth:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = false })
+ InMyHeight = self:FindInput("Height")
+ InMyHeight:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = false })
+ InMyDepth = self:FindInput("Depth")
+ InMyDepth:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = false })
+ ----- In/Out
+ OutImage = self:AddOutput("Output", "Output", {
+ LINKID_DataType = "Image",
+ LINK_Main = 1,
+ })
+ ShaderFuse.end_create()
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- // Process
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function DefineEdges(edges, nodeX)
+ --This gets the value of our input image for us to modify inside the kernel
+ if edges == 0 then
+ elseif edges == 1 then
+ elseif edges == 2 then
+ elseif edges == 3 then
+ elseif edges == 4 then
+ --print("Sampler 4")
+ end
+function Process(req)
+ -- Imagesize and Depth
+ if (InSize:GetValue(req).Value >= 1) then
+ if (InSize:GetValue(req).Value == 2) then
+ if (InChannel0:GetValue(req) ~= nil) then
+ Width = InChannel0:GetValue(req).Width
+ Height = InChannel0:GetValue(req).Height
+ end
+ else
+ Width = InWidth:GetValue(req).Value
+ Height = InHeight:GetValue(req).Value
+ end
+ end
+ -- Alle ( int und float )
+ if (InDepth:GetValue(req).Value > 0) then
+ if InDepth:GetValue(req).Value == 1 then
+ SourceDepth = 5
+ else
+ if InDepth:GetValue(req).Value == 2 then
+ SourceDepth = 6
+ else
+ if InDepth:GetValue(req).Value == 3 then
+ SourceDepth = 7
+ else
+ SourceDepth = 8
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ local imgattrs = {
+ IMG_Document = self.Comp,
+ { IMG_Channel = "Red", },
+ { IMG_Channel = "Green", },
+ { IMG_Channel = "Blue", },
+ { IMG_Channel = "Alpha", },
+ IMG_Width = Width,
+ IMG_Height = Height,
+ IMG_XScale = XAspect,
+ IMG_YScale = YAspect,
+ IMAT_OriginalWidth = realwidth, -- nil !?!
+ IMAT_OriginalHeight = realheight, -- nil !?!
+ IMG_Quality = not req:IsQuick(),
+ IMG_MotionBlurQuality = not req:IsNoMotionBlur(),
+ IMG_DeferAlloc = true,
+ IMG_ProxyScale = ( (not req:IsStampOnly()) and 1 or nil),
+ IMG_Depth = ( (SourceDepth~=0) and SourceDepth or nil )
+ }
+ local dst = Image(imgattrs)
+ local black = Pixel({R=0,G=0,B=0,A=0})
+ dst:Fill(black)
+ if req:IsPreCalc() then
+ local out = Image({IMG_Like = dst, IMG_NoData = true})
+ OutImage:Set(req, out)
+ return
+ end
+ node = DVIPComputeNode(req,
+ "StarryPlanesFuse", ShaderCompatibilityCode..ShaderKernelCode,
+ "Params", ShaderParameters
+ )
+ -- Extern texture or create a new one
+ -- DCTL parameters
+ local framerate = self.Comp:GetPrefs("Comp.FrameFormat.Rate")
+ local params = {}
+ params = node:GetParamBlock(ShaderParameters)
+ params.iResolution[0] = dst.Width
+ params.iResolution[1] = dst.Height
+ params.iTime = (req.Time / framerate) * InFrequency:GetValue(req).Value
+ -- iMouse
+ local mouse_xy = InMouseXY:GetValue(req)
+ local mouse_zw = InMouseZW:GetValue(req)
+ params.iMouse[0] = mouse_xy.X
+ params.iMouse[1] = mouse_xy.Y
+ params.iMouse[2] = mouse_zw.X
+ params.iMouse[3] = mouse_zw.Y
+ if InMouseDrag:GetValue(req).Value ~= 0 then
+ if params.iMouse[2]==-1 and params.iMouse[3]==-1 then
+ params.iMouse[2]=params.iMouse[0]
+ params.iMouse[3]=params.iMouse[1]
+ end
+ else
+ params.iMouse[2] = -1
+ params.iMouse[3] = -1
+ end
+ if mouse_zw.X ~= params.iMouse[2] or mouse_zw.Y ~= params.iMouse[3] then
+ InMouseZW:SetAttrs({INP_Disabled=false})
+ InMouseZW:SetSource(Point(params.iMouse[2],params.iMouse[3]),0,0)
+ InMouseZW:SetAttrs({INP_Disabled=true})
+ end
+ params.iMouse[0] = params.iMouse[0] * Width
+ params.iMouse[1] = params.iMouse[1] * Height
+ if params.iMouse[2] == -1 and params.iMouse[3] == -1 then
+ params.iMouse[2] = 0
+ params.iMouse[3] = 0
+ else
+ params.iMouse[2] = params.iMouse[2] * Width
+ params.iMouse[3] = params.iMouse[3] * Height
+ end
+ params.PathA = {InPathAPoint:GetValue(req).X,InPathAPoint:GetValue(req).Y}
+ params.PathB = {InPathBPoint:GetValue(req).X,InPathBPoint:GetValue(req).Y}
+ params.planeDist = InplaneDistSlider:GetValue(req).Value
+ params.furthest = InfurthestSlider:GetValue(req).Value
+ params.fadeFrom = InfadeFromSlider:GetValue(req).Value
+ -- Resolution
+ params.width = dst.Width
+ params.height = dst.Height
+ -- Per channel time and resolution
+ local edges = InEdges:GetValue(req).Value
+ -- Set parameters and add I/O
+ node:SetParamBlock(params)
+ DefineEdges(edges, node)
+ node:AddOutput("dst", dst)
+ local ok = node:RunSession(req)
+ if (not ok) then
+ dst = nil
+ dump(node:GetErrorLog())
+ end
+ OutImage:Set(req,dst)
+ collectgarbage();
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+-- // Callback
+-- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
+function NotifyChanged(inp, param, time)
+ if (param ~= nil) then
+ if inp == InSize then
+ if param.Value == 1 then
+ InWidth:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = true })
+ InHeight:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = true })
+ else
+ InWidth:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = false })
+ InHeight:SetAttrs({ IC_Visible = false })
+ end
+ if param.Value == 3 then --1920x1080
+ InWidth:SetSource(Number(1920),0,0)
+ InHeight:SetSource(Number(1080),0,0)
+ end
+ if param.Value == 4 then --1200x675
+ InWidth:SetSource(Number(1200),0,0)
+ InHeight:SetSource(Number(675),0,0)
+ end
+ if param.Value == 5 then --800x450
+ InWidth:SetSource(Number(800),0,0)
+ InHeight:SetSource(Number(450),0,0)
+ end
+ if param.Value == 6 then --640x360
+ InWidth:SetSource(Number(640),0,0)
+ InHeight:SetSource(Number(360),0,0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+-- */
diff --git a/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.md b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.md
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8d20af93
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+# Here insert a description of the shader! And maybe a gif
+# Description of the Shader in Shadertoy:
+CC0: Starry planes
+ Revisited ye olde "plane-marcher".
+ A simple result that I think turned out pretty nice
diff --git a/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.png b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..2ac15232
Binary files /dev/null and b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.png differ
diff --git a/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.sfi b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.sfi
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..d7c67354
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes.sfi
@@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
+info = {
+ -- https://www.shadertoy.com/view/MfjyWK
+ Shadertoy = {
+ Name = "Starry planes",
+ Author = "mrange",
+ ID = "MfjyWK",
+ },
+ Fuse = {
+ Author = "JiPi",
+ Date = "2024-09-13",
+ },
+ Compatibility = {
+ macOS_Metal = false,
+ macOS_OpenCL = false,
+ Windows_CUDA = true,
+ Windows_OpenCL = true,
+ },
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes_screenshot.png b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes_screenshot.png
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f63e13aa
Binary files /dev/null and b/Shaders/ShaderOfTheWeek/StarryPlanes_screenshot.png differ