A resource for global interpretation and analysis of HLA polymorphism.
We have implemented a Public Haplotype Frequency Curation Service (PHYCuS).
Our specific goal is to provide a computational resource that will address unmet needs in the field for applications that consume HLA Haplotype Frequency data:
- standard input formats for genotypes and output formats for haplotypes
- standard representations of ambiguity (MAC, GL)
- standard validation of HLA
- globally unique IDs (GUIDs) to refer to "populations", "cohorts" and the one-to-many relationship between them
- access control with appropriate licensing agreements
- automated access (REST API not clickthrough pages)
- quality metrics
- standardized metadata
- Global visual of HLA with geographical distributions e.g. haplostats.org maps but interactive
- Realtime analysis of population differences e.g. nextstrain
- The ability to seamlessly navigate from HLA haplotypes to alleles to motifs to single amino acid polymorphims or even nucleotide sequence polymorophisms e.g. SSHAARP
The development of PHYCuS started with the definition of a swagger specification
See top level README.md