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File metadata and controls

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Spin up the environment

This guide is based on Azure and Azure Kubernetes Service, but should be able to be ported to any other public cloud offering.

Kubernetes Cluster

Create a Resource Group hosting the environment:

az group create --name hijack-demo-rg --location westeurope

Get your public IP:

ip=$(curl -s

Create the Azure Kubernetes Cluster:

az aks create -n hijack-demo-aks \
  -g hijack-demo-rg \
  -l westeurope \
  --enable-managed-identity \
  -c 1 \
  -s Standard_B2ms \
  --api-server-authorized-ip-ranges $ip \
  --enable-addons http_application_routing

Configure kubectl:

az aks get-credentials -n hijack-demo-aks -g hijack-demo-rg

Enable Identity:

aksId=$(az aks show -g hijack-demo-rg -n hijack-demo-aks --query identityProfile.kubeletidentity.clientId -otsv)
aksRg=$(az aks show -g hijack-demo-rg -n hijack-demo-aks --query nodeResourceGroup -otsv)

az role assignment create \
  --role Contributor \
  --assignee $aksId \
  --resource-group $aksRg


Create a Redis instance:

az redis create -g hijack-demo-rg \
  --location westeurope \
  --name hijack-demo-redis \
  --sku Basic \
  --vm-size c0 \

Define firewall rules:

aksOutboundId=$(az aks show -g hijack-demo-rg -n hijack-demo-aks --query 'networkProfile.loadBalancerProfile.effectiveOutboundIPs[].{id:id}' -otsv)

aksOutboundIp=$(az network public-ip show --ids $aksOutboundId --query ipAddress -otsv)

az redis firewall-rules create -g hijack-demo-rg \
  --name hijack-demo-redis \
  --rule-name aks0access \
  --start-ip $aksOutboundIp \
  --end-ip $aksOutboundIp

az redis firewall-rules create -g hijack-demo-rg \
  --name hijack-demo-redis \
  --rule-name client0access \
  --start-ip $ip \
  --end-ip $ip

Add data:

RedisKey=$(az redis list-keys -g hijack-demo-rg --name hijack-demo-redis --query primaryKey -otsv)
RedisHost=$(az redis show -g hijack-demo-rg --name hijack-demo-redis --query hostName -otsv)

redis-cli -h $RedisHost -a $RedisKey set data "some secret data"

Attacker host

You also need a host (virtual machine) with a public IP address and an open port (for the reverse shell connection).

az vm create \
  --resource-group hijack-demo-rg \
  -l westeurope \
  --name hijack-attack-vm \
  --image UbuntuLTS \
  --admin-username azureuser \
  --generate-ssh-keys \
  --public-ip-sku Standard \
  --public-ip-address-allocation static

az vm open-port --port 80,443,1389 --resource-group hijack-demo-rg --name hijack-attack-vm

attackIp=$(az vm show -d -g hijack-demo-rg -n hijack-attack-vm --query publicIps -o tsv)

ssh azureuser@$attackIp 'curl -s | bash'

You now need to download Orca Java and install it on the attacker host. To do so you will have to visit this URL and download the JDK version "8u201" onto your local machine. Then execute the following commands to configure the attacker machine:

scp jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz azureuser@$attackIp:/home/azureuser/log4j-shell-poc/

ssh azureuser@$attackIp 'tar -xvf /home/azureuser/log4j-shell-poc/jdk-8u201-linux-x64.tar.gz --directory ./log4j-shell-poc'
ssh azureuser@$attackIp 'mv /home/azureuser/log4j-shell-poc/jdk1.8.0_201 /home/azureuser/log4j-shell-poc/jdk1.8.0_20'

Sample App

Deploy and patch the sample app:

kubectl apply -f

kubectl patch ingress sample-app -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"'$ip'/32"}}}'

cat <<EOF | kubectl apply -f -
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  name: another-secret
  namespace: another-app
type: Opaque
  redisHost: "$(echo $RedisHost | base64)"
  redisKey: "$(echo $RedisKey | base64)"

Update Source IP

The below steps are only needed when your source IP had changed.

ip=$(curl -s

az redis firewall-rules create -g hijack-demo-rg \
  --name hijack-demo-redis \
  --rule-name client0access0$RANDOM \
  --start-ip $ip \
  --end-ip $ip

az aks update -n hijack-demo-aks \
  -g hijack-demo-rg \
  --api-server-authorized-ip-ranges $ip

kubectl patch ingress sample-app -p '{"metadata":{"annotations":{"":"'$ip'/32"}}}'