🌟 You can use CloudOps Automation Runbooks, built on Jupyter Notebooks, to quickly create SRE RunBooks for Runbook Automation and Cloud Infrastructure Management! 🌐
🏆 Mission: Our mission is to simplify CloudOps Automation for DevOps and SRE teams by providing an extensive, community-driven repository of actions and runbooks that streamline day-to-day operations.
👁️ Vision: Our vision is to be the 🥇 One-Stop Multi-Cloud Platform Engineering & Best Practices Solution for all CloudOps Automation needs, allowing DevOps and SRE teams to automate their workflows with ease, improve efficiency, and minimize toil.
- 🥉 ✅Lightning-Fast Toolchain: Powered by 📦
- Next-generation Python dependency and build management, 💅ruff
- Linting and formatting at blazing speed, and 🧪 pytest - Robust testing framework with coverage reports. - 🥈 ✅Effortless CI/CD Pipelines: 🛠️ Taskfile Automation - Say goodbye to manual SDLC repetitive tasks, 🐳 Containerized Workflows – 🛡️ Security-first practices and Multi-stage Wolfi-based Docker builds for scalable production-ready environments, and ⚙️ Auto-publish to
and GitHub Container Registry (GHCR
) with GitHub Actions. - 🥇 ☑️CloudOps Automation and FinOps Toolkit – Pre-configured hybrid-cloud workflows and seamlessly integrations (jupyterlab, mkdocs, boto3, moto) for managing cloud infrastructure 🌐.
Feature | Toolchain | Purpose |
🛠️ Configuration | pyproject.toml |
Centralized configuration for dependencies, testing, and linting. |
🧹 Task Automation | Taskfile |
Automates repetitive tasks like linting, testing, and publishing. |
📦 Python Dependencies | uv |
Lightning-fast dependency resolution, caching, and builds. |
💅 Linting & Formatting | ruff |
Enforces code quality standards, auto-formatting, and import sorting. |
🧪 Testing Framework | pytest |
Comprehensive unit tests, integration tests with coverage reporting. |
🐳 Docker Integration | Dockerfile + DevContainer |
Optimized wolfi-based multi-stage builds for CI/CD and local development environments. |
🦾 CI/CD Pipelines | GitHub Actions |
Automated builds, tests, and deployments to PyPI and GHCR. |
📝 Security Compliance | chainguard/wolfi-base + SBOM + Attestations |
Ensures compliance, vulnerability scanning, and security transparency. |
- 📚 auto doc generation
- CLI Tools – Typer simplifies automation for AWS resources.
- Logging – Loguru ensures structured logs for debugging.
- 🐳 CI/CD Optimized Docker Image runs when a new release is created pushing to gh registry
- 🦾 GitHub actions:
- auto publish to
on push onmain
- auto creating a new tag on push on
, sync versions - run
when a PR is open
- auto publish to
git clone https://github.com/nnthanh101/runbooks.git
cd runbooks
echo "Install Python dependencies using UV"
task install
echo "Run CI/CD pipeline tasks: clean, lint, format, test, and build"
task ci
echo "Publish the project package to PyPI"
task publish
- Open the project in VSCode.
- Install the Remote - Containers extension.
- Reopen in Container:
Command PaletteCtrl+Shift+P
→ Reopen in Container.
🛠 End-to-end Production-grade project structure for successful 💎 CloudOps Automation and Visual Analytics FinOps projects 🚀
├── .devcontainer/ ## Dev Container configurations
│ └── Dockerfile ## Container image build file
├── .github/ ## CI/CD workflows
│ ├── workflows/ ## GitHub Actions workflows
│ └── templates/ ## Workflow templates
├── .vscode/ ## IDE-specific configurations
├── config/ ## Configuration files (YAML, JSON)
├── data 🔍 Where all your raw and processed data files are stored.
│ ├── external <- Data from third-party sources.
│ ├── interim <- Intermediate data that has been transformed.
│ ├── processed <- The final, canonical data sets for modeling.
│ └── raw <- The original, unprocessed, immutable data dump.
├── docs 📓 A default mkdocs project; see mkdocs.org for details
│ ├── api/ ## API documentation
│ ├── architecture/ ## Architecture diagrams
│ ├── tutorials/ ## Tutorials and guides
│ ├── getting-started.md ## Quickstart guide
│ └── index.md ## Overview documentation
├── logs/ ## Log files for debugging
├── models 🧠 Store your trained and serialized models for easy access and versioning.
├── notebooks 💻 Jupyter notebooks for experiments and visualization.
│ ├── data_exploration.ipynb
│ ├── data_preprocessing.ipynb
│ ├── model_training.ipynb
│ └── model_evaluation.ipynb
├── pyproject.toml <- Project configuration file with package metadata for
│ runbooks and configuration for tools like black
├── src/ ## 🧩 Source code for use in this project.
│ ├── runbooks/ ## Main module for CloudOps Runbooks automation
│ │ ├── __init__.py ## Package initializer
│ │ ├── calculator.py ## [Python101] Calculator
│ │ ├── config.py
│ │ ├── exceptions.py
│ │ ├── utils.py ## Utility scripts (logging, configs)
│ │ └── cleanup.py ## Cleanup automation runbook
│ ├── main.py
├── test/ ## Unit and integration tests
│ ├── conftest.py
│ ├── __init__.py
│ ├── test_calculator.py ## [Python101] Test cases for calculator
│ ├── test_utils.py ## Test cases for utils
│ └── test_exceptions.py
├── templates/ ## Terraform and CloudFormation templates
├── tools/ ## Developer tools and scripts
├── .dockerignore ## Docker ignore file
├── .env ## Environment variables
├── .gitignore ## Git ignore file
├── .python-version ## Python version management
├── .gitignore
├── mkdocs.yml # Documentation generator configuration
├── README.md 🤝 Explain your project and its structure for better collaboration.
├── references <- Data dictionaries, manuals, and all other explanatory materials.
├── reports 📊 Generated analysis (reports, charts, and plots) as HTML, PDF, LaTeX.
│ └── figures <- Generated graphics and figures to be used in reporting
├── requirements.txt 🛠 The requirements file for reproducing the analysis environment, for easy environment setup.
└── Taskfile <- Taskfile with convenience commands like `task data` or `task train`
- Check if the image exists in GitHub Packages:
docker pull ghcr.io/nnthanh101/runbooks:latest
- If the image doesn't exist, build and push it:
docker build -t ghcr.io/nnthanh101/runbooks:latest .
docker login ghcr.io -u nnthanh -p GH_TOKEN
docker push ghcr.io/nnthanh101/runbooks:latest
- Inspect
docker inspect ghcr.io/nnthanh101/runbooks:latest