Releases: noatpad/typora-theme-ursine
1.6.1 - Filenames: the classic mistake
Quick hotfix for a typo in one of the Cyrillic fonts. Sorry bout that 💦
- Fix minor typo for the 'Adelle Cyrillic' bold font (thanks to @kulkarniamit)
- Rename certain font files for consistency
1.6 - Feelin' sassy & gulpin' some tea
College semester is finally coming to a close, so I can finally fix some of these issues!
- Ursine is now developed with Sass & Gulp! A bit late, but this oughta help make things easier for any future changes. If you plan on building this theme on your own, there's a Build section right around the end of the README. 🛠
- All elements should now dim in Focus mode (including emojis, list bullets, etc.)
- Inline code now have relative font-sizes to their container elements (inline code appear bigger in headers, for example)
- Add styling to footnote indicators and its tooltip
- Blockquotes not are displayed correctly with containing elements, such as lists and code blocks (#11)
- Bullets and numbering in lists should display correctly now and not cropped (#12)
- The first line of text (when it's something other than a header) should now be selectable with the mouse. This fix does unfortunately remove the dimming animation on the splashscreen due to limitations, but it's better than removing it entirely (#13)
- I'm honestly surprised the splashscreen broke that of all things...
- Fix header indicator y-offsets. They were a tad too high for some reason
- Slightly modifiy certain colors and positioning
- Remove the automatic bold text on
elements in the outline pane. It's a bit confusing considering how it works - Repo no longer has the
directory that held the ready-to-go CSS files. You can still get them through these releases or build them yourself as described in the README
1.5.1 - First time hearing the word "cyrillic"
This is a supplemental release for Russian writers. If you're an English speaker, don't worry, nothing new to see here!
- Initial support for Cyrillic writing. I say initial since I simply switched the fonts with the Cyrillic-compatible ones. I have no idea how that writing system works, so go ahead and point out anything weird. (#10)
- Fix an accidental mistake regarding the headers on the sidebar. It doesn't look like it affected anything, but better safe than sorry
1.5 - A bear has appeared!
Neat addition worth noting!
One of the things I like about Bear is this little splashscreen that displays on the window when there isn't a file open. So I thought it'd be fun to implement something similar.
Now whenever you have an empty writing space (since Typora will always have a writing area on the ready, even if no file is selected), a subtle, cute background image will show depending on the theme. Both are designed by myself.
Ursine Polar's splashscreen | Ursine Umbra's splashscreen |
![]() |
![]() |
The background image will fade away once you start typing, so it's simply a fun detail I wanted to add. I will admit, it's a tad experimental (I had to get creative with some major elements), so while I tested this to make sure it doesn't break anything, I'll scrap it if it causes too many problems. But for now, I'll let the bear enjoy itself.
- Add subtle splashscreens to empty writing areas ⭐️
- Add styling to the Quick Open window
- Adjust colors of tooltips to suit the theme
- Add styling to the code autosuggestion tooltip
- Add styling to the table resizing tooltip
- Quick Open window is now readable in Ursine Polar. (#7)
- Customized font size should work properly now. I don't know how that one got by me, to be honest. (#8)
- "Active" lines within unfocused code blocks won't have a background anymore. It's kinda confusing. (#9)
- Fix the colors when hovering over the "Toggle sidebar" button on Windows. Apparently, there were overlapping rules on that button, so this fix could be considered a patch? I just reset one of those rules.
- Fix background color of items within the code tooltip autosuggestion list
- Fix colors and placement of buttons in the table toolbar
- Slightly altered background colors for selected text within code blocks.
- Updated README with additional information. 'Cause READMEs are useful.
1.4 - Might've spilled some color
I swear this isn't an April Fools joke. I just totally forgot to do this yesterday 💦
1.3 - A bit of freedom for numbers and menus
- For Windows, the context menu and the footer now have been styled appropriately. Except maybe the "Toggle Sidebar" & "Toggle Source Code Mode" buttons, they behave kinda strangely for some reason
- Search results have been styled as well. Outline search hits will show its relevant parts in bold, and the search hits found in documents will have a nice color to it
- Numbered lists now allow you to start from any number (and added a bit of space between the bullet and content) (#4)
- Adjusted the line-height of the writing area just a tad
1.2 - Window cleaning
- Added styling for Windows unibody style
- Some more "same color as input background" issues specific to Windows. Windows is sneaky sometimes... (#1)
- The megamenu of the unibody style was hard-to-read in Ursine Umbra. The necessary styling was made to remove that issue, as well as any other potential problems related to that view of Typora. (#2)
1.1 - A couple of bugs slipped by me
This was released on March 10. I might have messed with tags earlier. Whoops.
- When renaming a file, the background color would be the same as the text color, thus making it unreadable (#1)
- When searching through files, the background colors of the selected search "file" and the search "item" are now slightly different to tell them apart when hovering
1.0 - The first release!
Not much else to say other than enjoy~