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File metadata and controls

319 lines (247 loc) · 18.5 KB


A python wrapper using the Homebridge UI API.

  • You can use this library to control your Homebridge UI instance from python.
  • You will need to have the Homebridge UI installed on your Homebridge instance and the -I flag enabled.
  • Use your UI credentials to login, you can also create the first user with this library.
from HBController import *

# secure = True if you use https (secure connection)
# otp = None if you don't use 2FA 
# firstUser = True if you want to create the first user (if the instance has not already been setup)
# Note that the username and password will be used to create the first user and return the same HBController object
# once the first user has been created, you can no longer use the firstUser argument 

#You can then access the submodules like this:


You can use the class HBAccessories to get all the accessories and their informations, or to change the value of a characteristic of an accessory.

  • You will need to know the uniqueId of the accessory you want to access, you can get it with the method get_all_accessories or if you know the name of the accessory you can use the attribute accessories which is a dict with the name of the accessory as key and the uniqueId as value.
Method name Arguments Description
get_all_accessories None Retrieves all accessories from Homebridge and returns a dictionary with all accessory information
get_accessorie uniqueId: str Retrieves an accessory using its uniqueId from Homebridge and returns a dictionary with all the accessory information
get_layout None Retrieves the layout of the accessories from Homebridge UI (user-dependent) and returns a dictionary with the layout of the accessories
set_accessorie uniqueId: str,
characteristicType: str,
value: str
Sets a value to a characteristic of an accessory using its uniqueId, characteristicType, and value, and returns the old value of the characteristic
get_characteristics uniqueId: str Get all the characteristics of an accessory {characteristics : value}
#Get all accessories and their informations (dict)

#Get the arrangement of the accessories in the virtual rooms of Homebridge

#Get the informations of a specific accessory (dict) with  its id

#For easier use, the class HBAccessories has an attribute "accessories" which is a dict with the name of the accessory as key and the uniqueId as value
light=HB.Accessories.accessories['stripe-e2f9dd'] #= da02010c7c04998675990eacffcb3499b34bab66aac880b036787414bbb5d92b

#Get the characteristics of an accessory
print(HB.Accessories.get_characteristics(light).keys()) # The characteristics is the key and the value is the current value of the characteristic
#for this light the characteristics are: ['On', 'Brightness', 'Hue', 'Saturation', 'ColorTemperature', 'SupportedCharacteristicValueTransitionConfiguration', 'CharacteristicValueTransitionControl', 'CharacteristicValueActiveTransitionCount']
#This doesn't mean we can change all of them, for example we can't change the CharacteristicValueTransitionControl

#Let's try to turn on the light
print(HB.Accessories.set_accessorie(light,"On",1)) #Turn on the light

#Let's try to change the color of the light to green using the Hue and Saturation characteristics
print(HB.Accessories.set_accessorie(light,"Hue",120)) #Set the Hue to 120°
print(HB.Accessories.set_accessorie(light,"Saturation",100)) #Set the Saturation to 100%

Note that every accessory available in homebridge is accessible and controllable here
Also note that the characteristics are not the same for every accessory, for example the light doesn't have a "TargetTemperature" characteristic, like a thermostat does.


The class HBBackup allows you to manage the backups of your Homebridge instance. You can download, upload,restore backups, and get the next scheduled backup.

Method name Arguments Description
download_backup filename : str (def : "Backup")
dir: str (def : ".")
Download a .tar.gz of the Homebridge instance
get_next_scheduled_backup None Return the date and time of the next scheduled backup
get_generated_backups None Return the generated backups from the system
download_specific_backup id: str,
filename: str (def : "Backup"),
dir:str (def : ".")
Download a system generated instance backup
upload_backup path: str Upload a .tar.gz of the Homebridge instance
trigger_backup_restore None Triggers a headless restore process from the last uploaded backup file
restore_from_hbfx path:str Upload a .hbfx backup file created by third party apps
hard_restart_after_restore None Trigger a hard restart of Homebridge (use after restoring backup)
#You can make a current backup of your Homebridge instance, and download it to your local machine.
#You can set a custom filename for the backup, or leave it blank to use the default filename.
#You can also set a custom directory to save the backup to, or leave it blank to save it to the current working directory.

#You can get the next scheduled backup time 

#You can get all the backups that have been generated by Homebridge Config UI X

#After that you can download a specific backup by passing the backup ID.


#You can upload a backup to Homebridge Config UI X
# /!\ This will overwrite the current Homebridge instance with the backup you upload. (credentials, plugins, config.json, etc.)/!\
# /!\ Also note that it doesn't work for now (bug in the API) /!\

#Once you have uploaded a backup, you can trigger a restore from the backup you uploaded.

#You can also restore a backup from HOOBS format (hbfx) by passing the path to the backup file.

Child Bridge

The class HBChildBridge allows you to manage the child bridges of your Homebridge instance. You can restart, stop, start, and get the status of the child bridges.

  • You will need to know the id of the child bridge you want to access.
    by default it's the MAC address of the child bridge. You can change the username in the config.json file
Method name Arguments Description
restart_child childID: str Restart a child bridge.
stop_child childID: str Stop a child bridge.
start_child childID: str Start a child bridge.
get_status_child_bridges None Return a list of the active child bridges and their status.
#Get all the information about the child bridges 

#Restart a child bridge using its id (its the 'username' key in the dictionary returned by the previous function)

#Stop a child bridge

#Start a child bridge


The class HBConfig allows you to manage the config of your Homebridge instance. You can get the config, rewrite the config, get the config of a specific plugin, replace the config of a specific plugin, enable or disable a plugin, get the backups, delete the backups, and get a specific backup.

  • Be careful, I sugest you to use the method get_config to get the config, and then use the method rewrite_config to rewrite the config. to be extra safe.
  • You will need to know the real name of the plugin you want to access.
    for example, the plugin Homebridge UI is actually called homebridge-config-ui-x on the NPM registry.
Method name Arguments Description
get_config None Get the config of Homebridge
rewrite_config config: dict Update the config of Homebridge the new config
get_plugin_config pluginName: str Return the config blocks for a specific plugin.
replace_plugin_config pluginName: str,
config: list
Replace the config for a specific plugin.
enable_plugin pluginName: str Mark the plugin as enable.
disable_plugin pluginName: str Mark the plugin as disable.
get_backups None get the List of the available Homebridge config.json backups.
delete_backup None Delete all the Homebridge config.json backups.
get_backup backupID: str Return the Homebridge config.json file for the given backup ID.
#Get the config.json file of your homebridge instance

#Rewrite the config.json file of your homebridge instance

#Get the config section of a plugin (plugin needs to be installed)

#Replace the config section of a plugin (plugin needs to be installed)

#Enable/Disable a plugin (plugin needs to be installed)

#Homebridge will make automatic backups of your config.json file. You can get a list of all backups here and get their ids

#Then you can get the config.json content of a specific backup

#Delete all backups stored on your homebridge instance

#A backup will be made everytime you change the config.json file. So if you want to save your current config.json file you can do it like this
#It will simply rewrite the config.json file with the same content (so it will make a backup)


The class HBPlatform allows you to manage the platform of your Homebridge instance. You can get the platform info, restart, shutdown, get the startup script, set the startup script, restart the docker container, get the startup flags, set the startup flags, and set the full service restart flag.

  • These methods are platform specific, so if you are using a docker container, you can't use the methods for the linux host. and vice versa.
Method name Arguments Description
get_platform_info None Get the platform hosting information
restart_linux_host None Restart / reboot the host server.
Only available on Linux (systemd) hosts.
shutdown_linux_host None Shutdown the host server.
Only available on Linux (systemd) hosts.
get_docker_startup_script None Get the startup script for the Docker container.
Only available on Docker hosts.
set_docker_startup_script script: str Set the startup script for the Docker container.
Only available on Docker hosts.
restart_docker_container None Restart the Docker container.
Only available on Docker hosts.
get_startup_flags None Return the startup flags and env variables for Homebridge.
set_startup_flags flags: dict Set the startup flags and env variables for Homebridge.
set_full_service_restart_flag None Request the UI to perform a full service restart.
#You can use the following commands to restart or shutdown the host system:
#On Linux Hosts

#On Docker Hosts

#This will return the startup script for the docker container.

#You can set the startup script for the docker container with the following command: be careful, this will overwrite the current startup script.
print(HB.Platform.set_docker_startup_script("apt-get update && apt-get install -y python3"))

#Get the startup flags for the Homebridge service (like HOMEBRIDGE_INSECURE -I)

#Set the startup flags for the Homebridge service
#This will overwrite the current startup flags, be careful!
                    "HOMEBRIDGE_DEBUG": True,
                    "HOMEBRIDGE_KEEP_ORPHANS": False,
                    "HOMEBRIDGE_INSECURE": True,
                    "ENV_DEBUG": "YES",
                    "ENV_NODE_OPTIONS": "Probably"

#Let's turn it back to normal
print(HB.Platform.set_startup_flags({"HOMEBRIDGE_INSECURE": True}))

#Request the UI to perform a full service restart. (I don't know what it actually does)

#Get the logs from the Homebridge console, with or without colours (yes/no)

#Clear the logs from the Homebridge console


The class HBPlugins allows you to manage the plugins of your Homebridge instance. You can get the plugins, search for plugins, lookup a plugin, lookup a plugin version, get the config schema, get the changelog, get the latest release, and get the plugin alias.

  • You will need to know the real name of the plugin you want to access.
    for example, the plugin Homebridge UI is actually called homebridge-config-ui-x on the NPM registry.
Method name Arguments Description
get_plugins None Get a list of currently installed Homebridge plugins.
search_plugins query: str Search the NPM registry for Homebridge plugins.
lookup_plugin name: str Lookup a single plugin from the NPM registry.
lookup_plugin_version name: str Get the available versions and tags for a single plugin from the NPM registry.
get_config_schema name: str Get the config schema for a plugin.
get_changelog name: str Get the changelog for a plugin.
get_latest_release name: str Get the latest release for a plugin.
get_plugin_alias name: str Get the alias and type for a plugin.


The class HBServer allows you to manage the server of your Homebridge instance.

  • Its like the settings page in the UI.
Method name Arguments Description
restart_server None Restart the homebridge service
reset_homebridge_accessory None Unpair / Reset the Homebridge instance and remove cached accessories.
reset_cached_accessories None Remove Homebridge cached accessories.
This method is only available when running hb-service.
get_cached_accessories None Get the List cached Homebridge accessories.
delete_cached_accessory uuid: str,
cachefile: str
Remove a single Homebridge cached accessory.
This method is only available when running hb-service.
get_pairing_list None Get List of all paired accessories (main bridge, external cameras, TVs etc).
get_pairing_of deviceID: str Get the pairing information of a specific accessory.
get_random_new_port None Get a random new port number unused.
get_system_interfaces None Get a list of available network interfaces on the server.
get_homebridge_interfaces None Get a list of available network interfaces that can be used by Homebridge.
set_interfaces interfaces: list Set the network interfaces that Homebridge will use.
get_mdns_advertiser None Get the mDNS advertiser used by Homebridge.
set_mdns_advertiser advertiser: str Set the mDNS advertiser used by Homebridge.


The class HBStatus allows you to get the status of your Homebridge instance.

  • Depending on your platform you will get different information.
    For example, if you are running Homebridge in a VM, you will not get the CPU temperature.
Method name Arguments Description
get_cpu_info None Return the current CPU load, load history and temperature (if available).
get_ram_info None Return total memory, memory usage, and memory usage history in bytes.
get_network_info None Returns the current transmitted & received bytes per second.
get_uptime None Return the host and process (UI) uptime.
get_status_homebridge None Return the current Homebridge status. Possible Homebridge statuses are up, pending or down.
get_homebridge_version None Return the current Homebridge version / package information.
get_server_information None Return the current server information.
get_nodejs_version None Return the current Node.js version.
get_status_rpi_throttling None Return the current RPi throttling status.
This method is only supported on Raspberry Pi.


The class HBUsers allows you to manage the users of your Homebridge instance.

  • Be careful with the OTP methods, you can lock yourself out of the UI if you don't setup the OTP correctly.
Method name Arguments Description
get_users None Get a list of all users
create_user name: str,
username: str,
password: str,
admin: bool` (def "False")
Create a new user
update_user id: str,
name: str,
username: str,
password: str,
admin: bool (def "False")
Update an existing user
delete_user id: str Delete an existing user
change_user_password currentPassword: str,
newPassword: str
Change the password of the current user
setup_otp None Setup the OTP for the current user
activate_otp otp: str Activate the OTP for the current user
deactivate_otp None Deactivate the OTP for the current user