Author: @nopeless
Hellgate is an agnostic, type-safe, dual-synced, extensible, and highly customizable permission system
The idea of Hellgate is allowing a single object resolver (Hellgate) have multiple Rings that can be used to resolve permissions.
You can imagine Hellgate as physically going through a gate to Hell and passing through the circles of Hell.
- Agnostic: does not confine to a single access control system
- Type-safe: permissions are inferred properly from the keys
- Dual-sync: use it as a synchronous or asynchronous resolver
- Extensible: add your own permission system on top of Hellgate with just a few lines of code
const hellgate = new Hellgate({
getUser(user) {
// getUser will have to be able to understand what is a user object
// and also parse on the fly