This project would not be possible without these other projects. Credit where credit is due.
- Git — Version control.
- Go — Programming langugage that is very fast and easy to learn. Batteries-included support for testing, code coverage, benchmarking, profiling, fuzzing, documentation, and more!
- Terraform — The Infrastructure-as-Code tooling that started it all.
- hashicorp/terraform-plugin-docs — Tool for generating documentation from plugin source code.
- hashicorp/terraform-plugin-framework — The plugin framework itself.
- chanced/caps — Handles the case manipulation.
- mattn/go-runewidth — Handles counting bytes in a character.
- mitchellh/go-homedir — Handles looking-up a user's home directory without CGO.
- nlnwa/whatwg-url — Handles WHATWG spec-compliant URL parsing.
- gotestyourself/gotestsum — Cleaner output for
go test
. - gruntwork-io/terratest — Framework for testing Terraform code.
- gtramontina/ooze — Framework for mutation testing.
- hashicorp/terraform-plugin-testing — Framework for testing plugins.
- orlangure/gocovsh — Code coverage reporting.
- stretchr/testify — Rock-solid assertion library.
- x/perf/benchstat — Benchmark data analysis.
- antham/gommit — Validator for Conventional Commits with no runtime dependencies.
- GNOME/librsvg — Converts SVG vector images to bitmap images.
- mtdowling/chag — Allows you to use your project CHANGELOG as the canonical source of change data.
- orhun/git-cliff — A CHANGELOG generator for Conventional Commits with no runtime dependencies.
- pre-commit/pre-commit — Run specific tasks which must pass before committing.
- aquasecurity/trivy — Find vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and secrets in code repositories, clouds, and more.
- bats-core/bats-core — Verify that the UNIX programs you write behave as expected.
- davidanson/markdownlint — A Node.js style checker and lint tool for Markdown/CommonMark files.
- dependabot — Automated dependency updates built into GitHub.
- editorconfig-checker/editorconfig-checker — Verify that files are actually following
definitions. - golangci/golangci-lint — A fast, parallel runner for Go linters with dozens of linters included.
- google/osv-scanner — Vulnerability scanner written in Go which uses the data provided by
- google/yamlfmt — An extensible command line tool or library to format YAML files.
- google/yapf — A Python formatter with the goal to produce code as good as what a programmer would write if they followed the style guide.
- goph/licensei — Library and various tools for working with project licenses.
- jqlang/jq — Command-line JSON processor.
- koalaman/shellcheck — A static analysis tool for shell scripts.
- mdempsky/unconvert — Remove unnecessary type conversions from Go source.
- minamijoyo/tfschema — A schema inspector for Terraform/OpenTofu providers.
- mvdan/gofumpt — Enforces a stricter format than
, while being backwards compatible. - mvdan/sh — A shell parser, formatter, and interpreter with Bash support; includes
. - nikolaydubina/smrcptr — Detects mixing pointer and value method receivers for the same type.
- pelletier/go-toml/tomljson — Reads a TOML file and outputs its JSON representation.
- pre-commit/pre-commit-hooks — Pre-built hooks for
. - quasilyte/go-consistent — Source code analyzer that helps you to make your Go programs more consistent.
- securego/gosec — Go security checker.
- trufflesecurity/driftwood — Private key usage verification.
- trufflesecurity/trufflehog — Discover and verify credentials.
- x/tools/godoc — Extracts and generates documentation for Go programs.
- x/vuln/govulncheck — Reports known vulnerabilities that affect Go code.