diff --git a/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.R b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.R
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..978bf7c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.R
@@ -0,0 +1,222 @@
+# Load packages -----------------------------------------------------------
+# Load data ---------------------------------------------------------------
+tuesdata <- tidytuesdayR::tt_load("2024-09-03")
+qname_levels_single_response_crosswalk <- tuesdata$qname_levels_single_response_crosswalk
+stackoverflow_survey_questions <- tuesdata$stackoverflow_survey_questions
+stackoverflow_survey_single_response <- tuesdata$stackoverflow_survey_single_response
+# Load fonts --------------------------------------------------------------
+font_add_google("Open Sans", "open")
+body_font <- "open"
+# Define colours ----------------------------------------------------------
+bg_col <- "grey95"
+text_col <- "grey10"
+highlight_col <- "#f48024"
+# Data wrangling ----------------------------------------------------------
+q_data <- stackoverflow_survey_single_response |>
+ select(years_code_pro, ai_select, ai_threat) |>
+ drop_na(years_code_pro) |>
+ mutate(
+ years_code_pro = case_when(
+ years_code_pro <= 5 ~ "Less than 5 years",
+ years_code_pro > 5 & years_code_pro <= 10 ~ "5 - 10 years",
+ years_code_pro > 10 & years_code_pro <= 20 ~ "10 - 20 years",
+ years_code_pro > 20 ~ "Over 20 years",
+ ),
+ years_code_pro = factor(years_code_pro, levels = c(
+ "Less than 5 years", "5 - 10 years", "10 - 20 years", "Over 20 years"
+ ))
+ ) |>
+ count(years_code_pro, ai_select, ai_threat) |>
+ drop_na(ai_select)
+plot_data <- q_data |>
+ left_join(
+ filter(
+ qname_levels_single_response_crosswalk, qname == "ai_select"
+ ),
+ by = c("ai_select" = "level")
+ ) |>
+ select(-c(qname, ai_select)) |>
+ rename(ai_select = label) |>
+ left_join(
+ filter(
+ qname_levels_single_response_crosswalk, qname == "ai_threat"
+ ),
+ by = c("ai_threat" = "level")
+ ) |>
+ select(-c(qname, ai_threat)) |>
+ rename(ai_threat = label) |>
+ mutate(
+ ai_threat = replace_na(ai_threat, "Did not answer")
+ ) |>
+ mutate(
+ ai_select = factor(ai_select, levels = c(
+ "Yes", "No, but I plan to soon", "No, and I don't plan to"
+ )),
+ ai_threat = factor(ai_threat, levels = c(
+ "Yes", "I'm not sure", "No", "Did not answer"
+ ))
+ )
+plot_data |>
+ select(years_code_pro, ai_threat, n) |>
+ group_by(years_code_pro, ai_threat) |>
+ summarise(n = sum(n)) |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ group_by(years_code_pro) |>
+ mutate(
+ tot_dev = sum(n),
+ p = 100 * n / tot_dev
+ ) |>
+ ungroup() |>
+ filter(ai_threat == "Yes")
+# Start recording ---------------------------------------------------------
+ dir = file.path("2024", "2024-09-03", "recording"),
+ device = "png",
+ width = 7,
+ height = 6,
+ units = "in",
+ dpi = 300
+# Define text -------------------------------------------------------------
+social <- nrBrand::social_caption(
+ bg_colour = bg_col,
+ icon_colour = highlight_col,
+ font_colour = text_col,
+ font_family = body_font,
+ twitter = NA
+title <- "Most developers don't believe AI is a threat to their current job."
+st <- glue("The 2024 Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey, conducted in May
+2024, gathered responses from over 65,000 developers. Of those developers who responded with information
+about their experience level and whether or not they had used AI,
+**developers with less than five years
+of professional coding experience**
+are most likely to believe that AI is a threat to their current role with 9.6%
+answering yes to this question. This compares to just 6.4% of developers with
+over 20 years of experience.")
+cap <- paste0(
+ "**Data**: Stack Overflow Annual Developer Survey 2024
**Graphic**: ", social
+# Plot --------------------------------------------------------------------
+ data = plot_data,
+ aes(
+ axis1 = years_code_pro, axis2 = ai_select, axis3 = ai_threat,
+ y = n
+ )
+) +
+ geom_alluvium(aes(fill = years_code_pro), alpha = 0.9) +
+ geom_stratum() +
+ geom_text(
+ stat = "stratum",
+ mapping = aes(label = str_wrap(after_stat(stratum), 10)),
+ family = body_font,
+ size = 6,
+ lineheight = 0.5
+ ) +
+ labs(
+ title = title,
+ subtitle = st,
+ caption = cap
+ ) +
+ scale_fill_manual(
+ values = c(highlight_col, "grey10", "grey40", "grey70")
+ ) +
+ scale_x_discrete(
+ limits = c("years_code_pro", "ai_select", "ai_threat"),
+ labels = str_wrap(c(
+ "Not including education, how many years have you coded professional?",
+ "Do you currently use AI tools in your development process?",
+ "Do you believe AI is a threat to your current role?"
+ ), 18),
+ position = "top"
+ ) +
+ coord_cartesian(expand = F) +
+ theme_void(base_family = body_font, base_size = 22) +
+ theme(
+ legend.position = "none",
+ plot.title = element_textbox_simple(
+ colour = text_col,
+ hjust = 0,
+ halign = 0,
+ margin = margin(b = 0, t = 5),
+ lineheight = 0.5,
+ face = "bold",
+ size = rel(1.9),
+ family = body_font
+ ),
+ plot.subtitle = element_textbox_simple(
+ colour = text_col,
+ hjust = 0,
+ halign = 0,
+ margin = margin(b = 10, t = 10),
+ lineheight = 0.5,
+ family = body_font
+ ),
+ plot.caption = element_textbox_simple(
+ colour = text_col,
+ hjust = 0,
+ halign = 0,
+ margin = margin(b = 0, t = 10),
+ lineheight = 0.5,
+ family = body_font
+ ),
+ axis.text.x = element_text(
+ family = body_font,
+ colour = text_col,
+ lineheight = 0.4,
+ margin = margin(b = 5)
+ ),
+ plot.margin = margin(10, 10, 10, 10),
+ plot.background = element_rect(fill = bg_col, colour = bg_col)
+ )
+# Save gif ----------------------------------------------------------------
+ name = file.path("2024", "2024-09-03", paste0("20240903", ".gif")),
+ first_image_duration = 4,
+ last_image_duration = 20,
+ frame_duration = .25,
+ background = bg_col
+ file.path("2024", "2024-09-03", paste0("20240903", ".png")),
+ height = 6,
+ width = 7
diff --git a/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.gif b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.gif
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b39012f
Binary files /dev/null and b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.gif differ
diff --git a/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.png b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..087abe1
Binary files /dev/null and b/2024/2024-09-03/20240903.png differ
diff --git a/2024/2024-09-03/README.md b/2024/2024-09-03/README.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..2807cb1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/2024/2024-09-03/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@