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182 lines (136 loc) · 5.69 KB

Sofie Code Standard Preset

Node CI npm

This is the Sofie code standard preset library used in the Sofie TV Automation System for defining a code standard preset through ESLint and Prettier.

A script for checking compatible licenses is included.

General Sofie System Information


yarn add --dev @sofie-automation/code-standard-preset


Add the following information to your package.json:

    "scripts": {
		"prepare": "husky install",
		"lint:raw": "eslint --ext .ts --ext .js --ext .tsx --ext .jsx --ignore-pattern dist",
        "lint": "yarn lint:raw .",
        "lint-fix": "yarn lint --fix",
        "license-validate": "yarn sofie-licensecheck"
    "prettier": "@sofie-automation/code-standard-preset/.prettierrc.json",
    "lint-staged": {
        "*.{css,json,md,scss}": [
            "prettier --write"
        "*.{ts,tsx,js,jsx}": [
            "yarn lint:raw --fix"

Create the husky hook file .husky/pre-commit

. "$(dirname "$0")/_/"

yarn lint-staged

Adjust build script references to make sure they use, e.g. tsc -p

Ensure the following development dependencies are present:

  • @types\node and @types\jest (if using)
  • Typescript 4 or above, e.g. ~4.0 with an up-to-date tslib
  • jest and ts-jest, if using

Remove any other linting configurations or linters. Also, node-license-validator is no longer required. Remove libraries that are re-exported by this project husky, lint-staged, eslint and prettier


Add the following files:


	"extends": "./node_modules/@sofie-automation/code-standard-preset/eslint/main"

If you are not using jest in your project, you will need to tell eslint to not try to detect the jest version:

	"extends": "./node_modules/@sofie-automation/code-standard-preset/eslint/main",
	"settings": {
		"jest": {
			"version": "latest"

Add .eslintignore if any folders or files should be ignored by the linter.


	"extends": "./",
	"exclude": ["node_modules/**"],
	"compilerOptions": {
		"types": ["jest", "node"]

	"extends": "@sofie-automation/code-standard-preset/ts/tsconfig.lib",
	"include": ["src/**/*.ts"],
	"exclude": ["node_modules/**", "src/**/*spec.ts", "src/**/__tests__/*", "src/**/__mocks__/*"],
	"compilerOptions": {
		"outDir": "./dist",
		"baseUrl": "./",
		"paths": {
			"*": ["./node_modules/*"],
			"{{PACKAGE-NAME}}": ["./src/index.ts"]
		"types": ["node"]

Note: If you are using this in a 'binary' package, then you should use tsconfig.bin instead of tsconfig.lib. This adjusts the build and output slightly.

Note: replace the {{PACKAGE-NAME}} with the correct package name, i.e. hyperdeck-connection

Optionally include a .gitattributes file:

* text=auto eol=lf

Adjust jest configuration files to use tsconfig.json. For example, update the start of jest.config.js ...

module.exports = {
	globals: {
		'ts-jest': {
			tsconfig: 'tsconfig.json'
	}, // ...

Remove any other old linting or tsconfig files and refernces to them, for example a config folder containing tsconfig... files. These are no longer required.


v2.0 to v2.1

This release introduces a simple replacement for standard-version


  • Remove the standard-version config block in your package.json
  • Remove the devDependency on standard-version
  • Update any scripts using standard-version to use sofie-version, if there are any parameters, they will likely all need removing.
  • Update the prerelease workflow to change yarn release --prerelease $PRERELEASE_TAG-$COMMIT_DATE-$GIT_HASH --skip.changelog --skip.tag --skip.commit into yarn release --prerelease $PRERELEASE_TAG
  • Remove the unused COMMIT_DATE, GIT_HASH and COMMIT_TIMESTAMP definitions above
  • Change the variable PRERELEASE_TAG=nightly-$(echo "${{ steps.prerelease-tag.outputs.tag }}" | sed -r 's/[^a-z0-9]+/-/gi') to PRERELEASE_TAG=nightly-${{ steps.prerelease-tag.outputs.tag }}
  • Make sure there aren't any other usages of standard-version or the release script, if there are they will need updating.
  • Below any yarn publish .... lines, add echo "**Published:** $NEW_VERSION" >> $GITHUB_STEP_SUMMARY to log the publish in the github action workflow

While you are here, try to update any uses: lines in the actions workflows, common ones that need updating:

  • actions/checkout@v3
  • actions/setup-node@v3

v0.4 to v0.5

This updates husky, and the config that goes with it.


  • Create the .husky/pre-commit file
  • Remove the old husky config from package.json
  • Update the scripts and lint-staged config in package.json

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