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File metadata and controls

331 lines (269 loc) · 9.31 KB

📖 Exercise: Complex generators

📚  Learning outcomes

  • Explore some more advanced, real-world usages of generators
  • Understand how to modify existing source code with generators

🏋️‍♀️  Steps:

1. New generator

Generate another generator called update-scope-schema. Use it to set the defaultProject to movies-app in our nx.json file.

🐳  Hint
  • Use the updateJson utility
  • update the generator schema such that no name property is required
  • Try it first before you head over to the solution

🐳  Solution
import { formatFiles, Tree, updateJson } from '@nx/devkit';

export default async function (tree: Tree) {
  updateJson(tree, 'nx.json', (json) => ({
    defaultProject: 'movies-app',
  await formatFiles(tree);

2. Add scope crawling

Now that we had some practice with the updateJson util - Let's build something even more useful:

  • When large teams work in the same workspace, they will occasionally be adding new projects and hence, new scope tags
  • We want to make sure that scope tags specified in our util-lib generator are up to date and take into account all these new scopes that teams have been adding
  • We want to check if there is a new scope tag in any of our project.json files and update our generator schema
  • We can use the getProjects util to read all the projects at once.
  • ✨ BONUS: Modify your generator so it fetches list of scopes from all the project.json files and updates the schema in util-lib with any new ones
🐳  Hint: Function to extract all scopes
function getScopes(projectMap: Map<string, ProjectConfiguration>) {
  const allScopes: string[] = Array.from(projectMap.values())
    .map((project) => {
      if (project.tags) {
        const scopes = project.tags?.filter((tag: string) => tag.startsWith('scope:')) ?? [];
        return scopes;
      return [];
    .reduce((acc, tags) => [...acc, ...tags], [])
    .map((scope: string) => scope.slice(6));

  // remove duplicates
  return Array.from(new Set(allScopes));

Use updateJson function from @nx/devkit to update the schema.json file

🐳  Hint: Schema replacement
  (schemaJson) => {['x-prompt'].items =
      (scope) => ({
        value: scope,
        label: scope,
    ); = scopes;
    return schemaJson;

⚠️ It's good practice to have your generator run your modified files through Prettier after modifying them. You might already have this, but just in case you removed it bring back the formatFiles async function at the end of your generator.

3. Updating non-JSON files

Our index.ts also has a Schema interface that should be updated. Although it's recommended to use ASTs for more complex code replacement cases, in this case we will use simple and tree.write(path, content) methods.

🐳  Hint: Replacing scopes
function replaceScopes(content: string, scopes: string[]): string {
  const joinScopes = => `'${s}'`).join(' | ');
  const PATTERN = /interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema \{\n.*\n.*\n\}/gm;
  return content.replace(
    `interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema {
  name: string;
  directory: ${joinScopes};

🐳  Solution
import {
} from '@nx/devkit';

export async function generator(tree: Tree) {
  const scopes = getScopes(getProjects(tree));
  updateSchemaJson(tree, scopes);
  updateSchemaInterface(tree, scopes);
  await formatFiles(tree);

function getScopes(projectMap: Map<string, ProjectConfiguration>) {
  const projects: any[] = Array.from(projectMap.values());
  const allScopes: string[] = projects
    .map((project) =>
      project.tags?.filter((tag: string) => tag.startsWith('scope:')) ?? []
    .reduce((acc, tags) => [...acc, ...tags], [])
    .map((scope: string) => scope.slice(6));
  return Array.from(new Set(allScopes));

function updateSchemaJson(tree: Tree, scopes: string[]) {
    (schemaJson) => {['x-prompt'].items =
        (scope) => ({
          value: scope,
          label: scope,
      ); = scopes;
      return schemaJson;

function updateSchemaInterface(tree: Tree, scopes: string[]) {
  const joinScopes = => `'${s}'`).join(' | ');
  const interfaceDefinitionFilePath =
  const newContent = `export interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema {
  name: string;
  directory: ${joinScopes};
  tree.write(interfaceDefinitionFilePath, newContent);

4. Let's test it

Create a new app and define a brand new scope for it. Run your generator and notice the resulting changes. Commit them so you start fresh on your next lab.

🐳  Hint
nx generate app video-games --tags=scope:video-games

Our internal-plugin doesn't have tags either. Let's add some:

  // ...
  "tags": ["type:util", "scope:internal"]

Run generator again.

5. ✨ BONUS Automate generator update

Use a tool like Husky to run your generator automatically before each commit. This will ensure developers never forget to add their scope files.

🐳  Solution
  "scripts": {
    "postinstall": "husky install",
    "pre-commit": "npx nx g @nx-workshop/internal-plugin:update-scope-schema"

You may need to install husky with npm install -D husky.

6. ✨ BONUS Create a unit test to verify functionality

Create a test to automate verification of this generator in libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/update-scope-schema/generator.spec.ts. This will be particularly difficult, as you'll need to create a project with the actual source code of your util-lib generator as part of the setup for this test.

⚠️  Check the solution if you get stuck!

🐳  Solution
import { readJson, Tree } from '@nx/devkit';
import { createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace } from '@nx/devkit/testing';
import { libraryGenerator } from '@nx/js';
import { generatorGenerator, pluginGenerator } from '@nx/plugin/generators';
import { readFileSync } from 'fs';
import { join } from 'path';

import { Linter } from '@nx/eslint';
import { generator } from './generator';

describe('update-scope-schema generator', () => {
  let appTree: Tree;

  beforeEach(async () => {
    appTree = createTreeWithEmptyWorkspace();
    await addUtilLibProject(appTree);
    await libraryGenerator(appTree, {
      name: 'foo',
      tags: 'scope:foo',
      directory: 'foo',
    await libraryGenerator(appTree, {
      name: 'bar',
      tags: 'scope:bar',
      directory: 'bar',

  it('should adjust the util-lib generator based on existing projects', async () => {
    await generator(appTree);
    const schemaJson = readJson(
        value: 'foo',
        label: 'foo',
        value: 'bar',
        label: 'bar',
    const schemaInterface =
    expect(schemaInterface).toContain(`export interface UtilLibGeneratorSchema {
  name: string;
  directory: 'foo' | 'bar';

async function addUtilLibProject(tree: Tree) {
  await pluginGenerator(tree, {
    name: 'internal-plugin',
    directory: 'libs/internal-plugin',
    skipTsConfig: false,
    unitTestRunner: 'jest',
    linter: Linter.EsLint,
    compiler: 'tsc',
    skipFormat: false,
    skipLintChecks: false,
  await generatorGenerator(tree, {
    name: 'util-lib',
    path: 'libs/internal-plugin/src/generators/util-lib',
    unitTestRunner: 'jest',
  const filesToCopy = [
  for (const file of filesToCopy) {
      readFileSync(join(__dirname, file))

7. Conclusion

You learned how to generate and test complex generators. In the next step we will learn how to use run-commands executor and build our own custom executor.

⚠️  Don't forget to commit everything before you move on.