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ChillnMovie is an movies rating source where users can get the information related to movies and rates their favorite movies. It also updates and recommends movies to user in categories like: trending, top rated, upcoming, now playing and Vietnamese movies.
ChillnMovie has two type of end users: editors and users. Editors is control the data that the users can see. Editor can edit movies, add a new movies and add a summary reviews for the film, Editor can also put movies in different categories.
- Java
- MVVM model (architecture component, live data)
- Dependency Injection (Hilt)
- RESTful API (Retrofit)
- Google Firebase (Firestore, Auth, Storage)
- Algolia (full text search)
- Pagination (Paging 3)
- Material Design
- Animation
- View Binding
- Concurrency errors
- Background jobs are not handled properly
- Does not apply best practices
- Java T_T