+# VSenseBox - Python toolbox for visual sensing
+# GNU General Public License v3 or later (GPLv3+)
+# Copyright (C) 2024 UMONS-Numediart
+from .strings import USTR
+from .confighelper import getCFGDict, getListCFGDoc, dumpDocDict, dumpListDocDict
+from vsensebox.utils.logtools import add_warning_log, add_error_log
+from vsensebox.utils.commontools import (joinFPathFull, getGlobalRootDir,
+ getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS, normalizePathFDS)
+IN_ROOT_DIR = getGlobalRootDir()
+IN_DATA_DIR = joinFPathFull(IN_ROOT_DIR, 'data')
+IN_CONFIG_DIR = joinFPathFull(IN_ROOT_DIR, 'config')
+DET_CONFIG_DIR = joinFPathFull(IN_CONFIG_DIR, 'detectors')
+TRK_CONFIG_DIR = joinFPathFull(IN_CONFIG_DIR, 'trackers')
+STR_CONFIG_DIR = joinFPathFull(IN_CONFIG_DIR, 'strings')
class BaseCGF(object):
An base CFG class used to store the necessary configurations of a module.
unified_strings : MyStrings, auto
A :class:`MyStrings` object used to store unified strings.
configs : dict or list[dict], default={}
A configuration dictionary of a single document or a list of multiple documents
of the configurations.
def __init__(self):
self.unified_strings = USTR
self.configs = {}
def loadDoc(self, input):
"""Load and set dictionary of a single document from a YAML/JSON file or string.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
self.configs = getCFGDict(input)
def loadDocs(self, input):
"""Load and set a list of multiple documents from a YAML/JSON file or string.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
self.configs = getListCFGDoc(input)
def dumpDoc(self, output, header=""):
"""Dump the :attr:`configs` into a YAML file with simple format.
output : str
A path file to dump.
header : str
A file header descriptoin.
dumpDocDict(output_file=output, doc=self.configs, header=header)
def dumpDocs(self, output, header=""):
"""Dump the :attr:`configs` into a YAML file with simple format.
output : str
A path file to dump.
header : str
A file header descriptoin.
dumpListDocDict(output_file=output, doc=self.configs, header=header)
A class used to store the necessary configurations of detector YOLO Classic which
use :code:`.weights` model.
detector : str
Configured name of detector YOLO Classic.
nms : float
Parameter nms of YOLO Classic.
conf : float
Parameter conf of YOLO Classic.
imgsz : int
Input image size of YOLO Classic.
min_width : int
Minimum width filter.
classes : list[int, ...]
Filtering classes of detection.
class_file : str
Path of coco.names file of YOLO Classic.
model_cfg_file : str
Path of .cfg file of YOLO Classic.
model_file : str
Path of .weights file of YOLO Classic.
from_dir : str
Path of the root directory, relative to path of :attr:`model_file`.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class according to the :obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` which defines
whether all the paths inside your configuration file are relative to :code:`{vsensebox root}`
or not. If all the paths inside your configuration file have full absolute paths,
setting :obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` is optional.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
(1) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=False` to use your current working directory
as where all the paths in your configuration file are relative to; for example,
the path of :attr:`model_file` inside your configuration file is set relatively
to your current working directory.
(2) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=True` when all the paths in your configuration
file are relative to :code:`{vsensebox root}`.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.detector = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['detector'])
self.nms = self.configs['nms']
self.conf = self.configs['conf']
self.imgsz = self.configs['imgsz']
self.min_width = self.configs['min_width']
self.classes = self.configs['classes']
self.class_file = getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS(self.from_dir, self.configs['class_file'])
self.model_cfg_file = getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS(self.from_dir, self.configs['model_cfg_file'])
self.model_file = getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS(self.from_dir, self.configs['model_file'])
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "DCFG_YOLOCLS : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("DCFG_YOLOCLS : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
"""Return a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of detector YOLO Classic.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
yolocs_doc = {
"detector": self.detector,
"nms": self.nms,
"conf": self.conf,
"imgsz": self.imgsz,
"min_width": self.min_width,
"classes": self.classes,
"class_file": normalizePathFDS(IN_ROOT_DIR, self.class_file),
"model_cfg_file": normalizePathFDS(IN_ROOT_DIR, self.model_cfg_file),
"model_file": normalizePathFDS(IN_ROOT_DIR, self.model_file),
return yolocs_doc
A class used to store the necessary configurations of detector Ultralytics.
detector : str
Configured name of detector YOLO Ultralytics.
conf : float
Parameter conf of YOLO Ultralytics.
iou : float
Parameter iou of YOLO Ultralytics.
imgsz : int
Parameter imgsz of YOLO Ultralytics.
half : bool
Parameter half of YOLO Ultralytics.
min_width : int
Minimum width filter.
classes : list[int, ...]
Parameter classes of YOLO Ultralytics.
device : str
Parameter of device to compute; for example, 0 or cpu.
max_det : int
Parameter max_det of YOLO Ultralytics.
line_width : int
Parameter line_width of YOLO Ultralytics.
model_file : str
Path of :attr:`model_file` for YOLO Ultralytics.
from_dir : str
Path of the root directory, relative to path of :attr:`model_file`.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class according to the :obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` which
defines whether all the paths inside your configuration file are relative to
:code:`{vsensebox root}` or not. If all the paths inside your configuration file have
full absolute paths, setting :obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` is optional.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
(1) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=False` to use your current working
directory as where all the paths in your configuration file are relative to;
for example, the path of :attr:`model_file` inside your configuration file is
set relatively to your current working directory.
(2) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=True` when all the paths in your
configuration file are relative to :code:{vsensebox root}.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.detector = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['detector'])
self.conf = self.configs['conf']
self.iou = self.configs['iou']
self.imgsz = self.configs['imgsz']
self.half = self.configs['half']
self.min_width = self.configs['min_width']
self.classes = self.configs['classes']
self.device = self.configs['device']
self.max_det = self.configs['max_det']
self.line_width = self.configs['line_width']
self.model_file = getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS(self.from_dir, self.configs['model_file'])
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "DCFG_YOLOULT : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("DCFG_YOLOULT : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
"""Return yolout_doc, a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of detector YOLO Ultralytics.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
yolout_doc = {
"detector": self.detector,
"conf": self.conf,
"iou": self.iou,
"imgsz": self.imgsz,
"half": self.half,
"min_width": self.min_width,
"classes": self.classes,
"device": self.device,
"max_det": self.max_det,
"line_width": self.line_width,
"model_file": normalizePathFDS(IN_ROOT_DIR, self.model_file),
return yolout_doc
class TCFG_Centroid(BaseCGF):
A class used to store the necessary configurations of tracker Centroid.
tracker : str
Configured name of tracker Centroid.
max_spread : int
Maximum distance of the being tracked :class:`Person` object of previous and current state.
pref_y : str
Prefered Y of represented point; Choices of Top/Center/Bottom.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
Being consistent with others, will be ignored.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.tracker = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['tracker'])
self.max_spread = self.configs['max_spread']
self.pref_y = self.configs['pref_y']
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "TCFG_Centroid : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("TCFG_Centroid : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
"""Return a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of tracker Centroid.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
centroid_doc = {
"tracker": self.tracker,
"max_spread": self.max_spread,
"pref_y": self.pref_y
return centroid_doc
class TCFG_BasicIoU(BaseCGF):
A class used to store the necessary configurations of tracker BasicIoU.
tracker : str
Configured name of tracker BasicIoU.
min_iou : float
Minimum IoU value for matching.
device : str
Device to compute; for example, 0 or cpu.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
Being consistent with others, will be ignored.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.tracker = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['tracker'])
self.min_iou = self.configs['min_iou']
self.device = self.configs['device']
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "TCFG_BasicIoU : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("TCFG_BasicIoU : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
"""Return a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of tracker BasicIoU.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
basiciou_doc = {
"tracker": self.tracker,
"min_iou": self.min_iou,
"device": self.device
return basiciou_doc
class TCFG_SORT(BaseCGF):
A class used to store the necessary configurations of tracker SORT.
tracker : str
Configured name of tracker SORT.
max_age : int
Parameter :obj:`max_age` of tracker SORT.
min_hits : int
Parameter :obj:`min_hits` of tracker SORT.
iou_threshold : float
Parameter :obj:`iou_threshold` of tracker SORT.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
Being consistent with others, will be ignored.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.tracker = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['tracker'])
self.max_age = self.configs['max_age']
self.min_hits = self.configs['min_hits']
self.iou_threshold = self.configs['iou_threshold']
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "TCFG_SORT : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("TCFG_SORT : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
Return a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of tracker SORT.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
sort_doc = {
"tracker": self.tracker,
"max_age": self.max_age,
"min_hits": self.min_hits,
"iou_threshold": self.iou_threshold
return sort_doc
class TCFG_DeepSORT(BaseCGF):
A class used to store the necessary configurations of tracker DeepSORT.
tracker : str
Configured name of tracker DeepSORT.
nn_budget : int
Parameter :obj:`nn_budget` of tracker DeepSORT.
batch_size : int
Parameter :obj:`batch_size` of tracker DeepSORT.
nms_max_overlap : float
Parameter :obj:`nms_max_overlap` of tracker DeepSORT.
max_cosine_distance : float
Parameter :obj:`max_cosine_distance` of tracker DeepSORT.
model_file : str
Path of model file for tracker DeepSORT.
from_dir : str
Path of the root directory, relative to path of :attr:`model_file`.
def __init__(self, cfg=None, relative_to_vsensebox_root=False):
"""Initialize the class according to the :obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` which defines
whether all the paths inside your configuration file are relative to :code:`{vsensebox root}`
or not. If all the paths inside your configuration file have full absolute paths, setting
:obj:`relative_to_vsensebox_root` is optional.
cfg : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
relative_to_vsensebox_root : bool, default=False
(1) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=False` to use your current working directory
as where all the paths in your configuration file are relative to; for example,
the path of :attr:`model_file` inside your configuration file is set relatively to
your current working directory.
(2) Set :code:`relative_to_vsensebox_root=True` when all the paths in your configuration
file are relative to :code:`{vsensebox root}`.
self.from_dir = ""
if relative_to_vsensebox_root:
self.from_dir = IN_ROOT_DIR
if cfg is not None:
def set(self, input):
Set configurations according to :obj:`input`.
input : str or dict
A YAML/JSON file path, or a raw/ready dictionary.
if self.configs:
self.tracker = self.unified_strings.getUnifiedFormat(self.configs['tracker'])
self.nn_budget = self.configs['nn_budget']
self.batch_size = self.configs['batch_size']
self.nms_max_overlap = self.configs['nms_max_overlap']
self.max_cosine_distance = self.configs['max_cosine_distance']
self.model_file = getAdaptiveAbsPathFDS(self.from_dir, self.configs['model_file'])
self.configs = self.getDocument()
except Exception as e:
msg = "TCFG_DeepSORT : set() -> " + str(e)
raise ValueError(msg)
add_warning_log("TCFG_DeepSORT : set() -> The configuration is empty.")
def getDocument(self):
"""Return a configuration dictionary of a single document of the attributes which
are the parameters of tracker DeepSORT.
A configuration dictionary of a single document of the configurations.
deepsort_doc = {
"tracker": self.tracker,
"nn_budget": self.nn_budget,
"batch_size": self.batch_size,
"nms_max_overlap": self.nms_max_overlap,
"max_cosine_distance": self.max_cosine_distance,
"model_file": normalizePathFDS(IN_ROOT_DIR, self.model_file)
return deepsort_doc