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nvkelso edited this page Jan 20, 2012 · 7 revisions

svn checkout svn+ssh:// localprojectname

ssh sub.domain cd public_html/projectname/

To pull the latest stylsheets:

svn up

Move to target dir

cd public_html/projectname/stylesheets/

Render all the images using the stylesheets


Note: use the -j4 flag to use four processes (geo only has 4 cores)

make -j4

View the results:


Check the status of which files have changed

svn st

eg: ? road-labels-original.mss M views.pgsql M high-zoom-cities.html

Add the one that is new (?) using (where :

svn add road-labels-original.mss

Now let’s push the changed ones back to the server repository with a “message”

svn commit -m "added color"


find . -name .svn -exec rm -rfv {} \;

svn add stylesheets

svn rm style

Add all the new stuff:

svn add svn st | egrep '^?' | cut -d ' ' -f 8``

Remove all the missing junk:

svn rm svn st | egrep '^!' | cut -d ' ' -f 8``

svn rm --force renders/mid-zoom-world-*pdf

Removing files:

svn rm mid-zoom-world-*.png

svn propedit svn:ignore .

you’re in pico then:

paste in the things your removed

svn rm mid-zoom-world-*.png

close and save.

Also (and more importantly), add the style.xml file to the list of ignored files.

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