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RAPIDS Accelerated UDF Examples

This project contains sample implementations of RAPIDS accelerated user-defined functions.

The ideal solution would be to replace the UDF with a series of DataFrame or SQL operations. If that is not possible, we also provide a UDF compiler extension to translate UDFs to Catalyst expressions. The extension is limited to only support compiling simple operations. For complicated cases, you can choose to implement a RAPIDS accelerated UDF.

Spark Scala UDF Examples

URLDecode is the simplest demo for getting started. From the code you can see there is an original CPU implementation provided by the apply method. We only need to implement the RapidsUDF interface which provides a single method we need to override called evaluateColumnar. The CPU URLDecode function processes the input row by row, but the GPU evaluateColumnar returns a cudf ColumnVector, because the GPU get its speed by performing operations on many rows at a time. In the evaluateColumnar function, there is a cudf implementation of URL decode that we're leveraging, so we don't need to write any native C++ code. This is all done through the Java APIs of RAPIDS cudf. The benefit to implement via the Java API is ease of development, but the memory model is not friendly for doing GPU operations because the JVM makes the assumption that everything we're trying to do is in heap memory. We need to free the GPU resources in a timely manner with try-finally blocks. Note that we need to implement both CPU and GPU functions so the UDF will still work if a higher-level operation involving the RAPIDS accelerated UDF falls back to the CPU.

Spark Java UDF Examples

Below are some examples for implementing RAPIDS accelerated Scala UDF via JNI and native code. If there is no existing simple Java API we could leverage, we can write native custom code. Take CosineSimilarity as the example, the Java class for the UDF is similar as the previous URLDecode/URLEncode demo. We need to implement a cosineSimilarity function in C++ code and goes into the native code as quickly as possible, because it is easier to write the code safely. In the native code, it reinterpret_cast the input to a column view, do some sanity checking and convert to list column views, then compute the cosine similarity, finally return the unique pointer to a column, release the underlying resources. On Java side we are going to wrap it in a column vector and own that resource. In we implement the computation as the actual CUDA kernel. In the CUDA kernel we can leverage the Thrust template library to write the standard algorithms for GPU parallelizing code. The benefit of implementing the UDF in native code is for maximum control over GPU memory utilization and performance. However the trade-off is a more complicated build environment, as we need to build against libcudf with significantly longer build times. Implementing a RAPIDS accelerated UDF in native code is a significant effort.

Hive UDF Examples

Below are some examples for implementing RAPIDS accelerated Hive UDF via JNI and native code.

Building and run the tests without Native Code Examples

Some UDF examples use native code in their implementation. Building the native code requires a libcudf build environment, so these examples do not build by default.


Download Apache Spark and set SPARK_HOME environment variable. Install Python 3.8+, then install pytest, sre_yield by using pip or conda. For example:

export SPARK_HOME=path-to-spark
pip install pytest
pip install sre_yield

Run the following command to build and run tests

cd spark-rapids-examples/examples/UDF-Examples/RAPIDS-accelerated-UDFs
mvn clean package
./ -m "not rapids_udf_example_native"

Building with Native Code Examples and run test cases

The udf-native-examples Maven profile can be used to include the native UDF examples in the build, i.e.: specify -Pudf-native-examples on the mvn command-line.

Creating a libcudf Build Environment

Building the native code requires a libcudf build environment.
The Dockerfile in this directory can be used to setup a Docker image that provides a libcudf build environment. This repository will either need to be cloned or mounted into a container using that Docker image. The Dockerfile contains build arguments to control the Linux version, CUDA version, and other settings. See the top of the Dockerfile for details.

First install docker and nvidia-docker

Run the following commands to build and start a docker

cd spark-rapids-examples/examples/UDF-Examples/RAPIDS-accelerated-UDFs
docker build -t my-local:my-udf-example .
nvidia-docker run -it my-local:my-udf-example

Build the udf-examples jar

In the Docker container, clone the code and compile.

git clone
cd spark-rapids-examples/examples/UDF-Examples/RAPIDS-accelerated-UDFs
export LOCAL_CCACHE_DIR="$HOME/.ccache"
mvn clean package -Pudf-native-examples

The Docker container has installed ccache 4.6 to accelerate the incremental building. You can change the LOCAL_CCACHE_DIR to a mounted folder so that the cache can persist. If you don't want to use ccache, you can remove or unset the ccache environment variables.


The first build could take a long time (e.g.: 1.5 hours). Then the rapids-4-spark-udf-examples*.jar is generated under RAPIDS-accelerated-UDFs/target directory. The following build can benefit from ccache if you enable it.

If you want to enable building with ccache on your own system, please refer to the commands which build ccache from the source code in the Dockerfile.

Run all the examples including native examples in the docker

See the above Prerequisites section

export SPARK_HOME=path-to-spark
pip install pytest
pip install sre_yield

Run the following command to run tests


How to run the Native UDFs on Spark local mode

First finish the steps in Building with Native Code Examples and run test cases section, then do the following inside the Docker container.

Get jars from Maven Central


Launch a local mode Spark

export SPARK_RAPIDS_PLUGIN_JAR=path-to-rapids-4-spark-jar
export SPARK_RAPIDS_UDF_EXAMPLES_JAR=path-to-udf-examples-jar

$SPARK_HOME/bin/pyspark --master local[*] \
--conf spark.executor.cores=6 \
--driver-memory 5G  \
--executor-memory 5G  \
--conf spark.plugins=com.nvidia.spark.SQLPlugin \
--conf spark.rapids.sql.enabled=true

Test native based UDF

Input the following commands to test wordcount JNI UDF

from pyspark.sql.types import *
schema = StructType([
    StructField("c1", StringType()),
    StructField("c2", IntegerType()),
data = [
    ("a b c d",1),
    ("the quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog",3),
df = spark.createDataFrame(
        SparkContext.getOrCreate().parallelize(data, numSlices=2),

spark.sql("CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION {} AS '{}'".format("wordcount", "com.nvidia.spark.rapids.udf.hive.StringWordCount"))
spark.sql("select c1, wordcount(c1) from tab").show()
spark.sql("select c1, wordcount(c1) from tab").explain()