Releases: nwoolls/MultiMiner
Releases · nwoolls/MultiMiner
- Effective Hashrate is now calculated for all miner backends
- Tool bar & menu items have been simplified
- Brief Mode is no longer the default for new users
- Fixed ZeusMiner ASICs treated as SHA2 by Auto-Mining Strategies
- Restored availability of LBSPHSGMiner for X11 and X13 (users report improved performance over AZNSGMiner)
- Duplicate coin information is now removed from Coin API data
- It is no longer possible to create duplicate coin configurations by editing existing configurations
- Added support for X14 and X15 algorithms
- Device / coin context menu is now organized by algorithm
- Network difficulty for coins now retrieved for legacy backend miners
- All supported algorithms now shown in Choose Coin dialog (not just those with available coins)
- Fixed incorrect reason shown for restarting a miner
- Fixed an error deleting all pools for a coin configuration
- Fixed default pool values not being set when adding a new coin configuration
- Minor changes in preparation of new BFGMiner builds
- Added support for the X13 algorithm
- X11 mining received a ~40% performance increase
- Added support for arbitrary GPU miners (the Miners\ folder will now be scanned)
- The Worker name field will now suggest previous worker names and will auto-complete the password as well
- Added the ability to edit an existing coin configuration (e.g. algorithm, symbol, name)
- Pasting 'hostname:port' into the Host field will now be handled by MultiMiner
- Sensible defaults added for new pools
- Both Vertminer and DarkcoinSGMiner have been removed from the default miners (LasyBear's SPH-SGMiner fork is now included)
- Added support for mining Keccak coins such as Maxcoin
- Display hashrate totals for all supported algorithms separately (previously grouped under Scrypt)
- Utilize direct downloads for OS X backend miners from (previously Windows-only)
- Show disabled Coin Configurations with a visually distinct font
- Organize the Quick Switch menu by algorithm when it exceeds 10 coins
- Group the Add Coin dialog by algorithm when creating a Coin Configuration
- Refresh network difficulty for coins every 15 minutes (rather than current 1 hour)
- Added a Sticky flag to entries in the NetworkDevicesConfiguration.xml file
- Show all backend miner versions in the About dialog (previously only BFGMiner)
- Report both Keccak and Groestl to MobileMiner as SHA
- Fixed MultiMiner not reflecting pool changes for Network Devices when the pool list itself changes
- Fixed MultiMiner always all configured Network Devices with only those auto discovered
- Additional handling for network issues when checking for miner updates