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The most simple, customizable and easy to use JavaScript standard inheritance library


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The most simple, customizable and easy to use JavaScript standard inheritance library.


  • Support the new operator.
  • Support the instanceof operator.
  • Support the standard OO inheritance
  • Support super constructor automatic call
  • Support extending a class C via C.prototype
  • Support automatic 'getters', 'setters' methods generation
  • Support surcharged methods, call a specific method from arguments count
  • Support static methods, call from object as MyClass.method()
  • Support custom class definition format (configure all plugins)
  • Support customs plugins (create your own plugin or use defaults)
  • Support plugins management (whitelist, blacklist plugin from your class definition)


@ Inspired by Douglass Crockford’s website :(
@ Inspired by Cyril Agosta’s library : (
@ Inspired by Angular Framework : (
@ Inspired by JQuery extend's function : (



To install node embryo module from npm repository :
  npm install embryo


To use Embryo in browser, just insert this tag in your html :
<script src="dist/embryo-0.1.6.min.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


var Embryo = require('embryo')

var Human = Embryo.extend({

    '_type': 'Human',				// define class internal type

    properties : {				// define all class properties
        name: 'John',
        score: 1000,
        power: 2,
        options: [
    init: function() {				// define class constructor
        this.lifes = 3
    walk: function() {
        console.log('walk', this.power)
    run: function() {				// define a simple method
        console.log('0 arg')
	'run|1': function( arg1 ) {		// define a surcharged method
        console.log('1 arg')			// when you call run( 'foo' )
    'run|2': function( arg1, arg2 ) {		// define a surcharged method
        console.log('2 args')			// when you call run( 'foo', 'bar' )
    'run|3': function( arg1, arg2, arg3 ) {
        console.log('3 args')
    '$isDead': function (life) {        // prefix your method name with $ to make it static
        return life < 1

Human.isDead(2)             // static method return false

var Superman = Human.extend({

    '_type': 'Superman',

    '_blacklist': [
    	'Attribute',				// Attribute plugin blacklisted for this class
    	'*'					// All plugins are blacklisted for this class

    properties : {
        name: 'Clark Kent',
        score: 5000,
        power: 10,
        options: [
    init: function() {
        this.lifes = 10
    '-walk': function() {			// called before 'walk' call
        console.log('before walk')
    '+walk': function() {			// called after 'walk' call
        console.log('after walk')
    fly: function() {
        console.log('fly', this.power)

var human = new Human()
human.walk()					// -> walk: 2
console.log( human.getScore() )			// -> 1000
console.log( human.getName() )			// -> John
console.log( human.getOptions() )		// -> ['super']					// -> call method run() '1' )				// -> call method human['run|1']() '1', '2' )				// -> call method human['run|2']() '1', '2', '3' )			// -> call method human['run|3']() '1', '2', '3', '4' )			// -> call default method run()

var superman = new Superman()
superman.walk()					// -> before walk
						// -> walk: 10
						// -> after walk					// -> fly: 10
superman.getFly()				// Error, Attribute plugin blacklisted,
						// there is no generated method with name 'getFly'

console.log( human instanceof Human ) 		// -> true
console.log( human instanceof Superman )	// -> false
console.log( superman instanceof Human )	// -> true


To configure Embryo :

    cstrName: 'init',				// default class constructor name
    cstrArrayName: '_types',        		// default constructors array name
    forceCstr: true,				// class constructor required ?
    nameType: '_type',              		// default class type property name
    typeDefault: 'Embryo',          		// default class type value
    forceTyping: true,              		// add a default class type if not exists
    nameProperties: 'properties',   		// default property object name
    nameBlacklist: '_blacklist',		// array key witch contains disabled plugins names
    deleteBlacklist: true			// delete blacklist array before class instanciation ?


Embryo enables by default 4 plugins :

  • Attribute : A plugin to generate "getters" and "setters" methods
  • BeforeAfter : A plugin to redefine/control super methods execution
  • Surcharge : A plugin to allow you call specific method with multiple arguments
  • Static : A plugin to allow you define static method


To configure `Attribute` plugin :
	getPrefix: 'get',			// default get prefix name
	setPrefix: 'set',			// default set prefix name
	camelize: true				// camelize generated methods names (getscore or getScore)


To configure `BeforeAfter` plugin :
	beforePrefix: '-',	    // default before trigger prefix in method name (ex: -score)
	afterPrefix: '+',	    // default after trigger prefix in method name (ex: +score)
	hiddenPrefix: '_bah_'	// default prefix for hidden method (ex: score() -> call _bah_score())


To configure `Surcharge` plugin :
	suffix: '|',		     // default trigger suffix in method name (ex: score|2)
	hiddenPrefix: '_pm_'	 // default prefix for hidden method (ex: score() -> call _pm_score())


To configure `Static` plugin :
	prefix: '$'		// default prefix name

Your plugin

Create your plugin

To create your plugin, simply create a new instance of Plugin, configure it and use it !
var MyPlugin = Embryo.Plugin.extend({
    name: 'MyPlugin',				// your plugin's name
    options: {
        option1: 'value1',			// your plugin's options...
        option2: 'value2',
        option3: 'value3'
    init: function() {				// your plugin's constructor

    // Embryo execute this function for all class creation
    // o: class properties
    // debug: debug mode for this plugin
    // child: class's prototype
    exec: function( o, debug, child ) {

	// Check if your plugin is blacklisted for this class
        if (this.isBlacklisted( o )) {
            debug && console.log( '[' + + '] - SKIPPED' )
            return o

	// if debug mode is enabled for this plugin,
	// show all class property before class creation
        debug && debug(, 'BEFORE', o )

        // your plugin's code...        

	// if debug mode is enabled for this plugin,
	// show all class property after class creation
        debug && debug(, 'AFTER', o )

	// return new class properties
        return o

// Create an instance of your plugin
var myPlugin = new MyPlugin()

// Tell embryo to use your new plugin
// use( plugin, debug )
Embryo.use( myPlugin, false )

// Now, you will able to reconfigure your plugin later...
	option1: 'value1',					// your plugin's options...
	option2: 'value2',
	option3: 'value3'


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