diff --git a/docs/node/mainnet/e-upgrade.md b/docs/node/mainnet/e-upgrade.md
index 04abb2d0a6..2fa3806f1a 100644
--- a/docs/node/mainnet/e-upgrade.md
+++ b/docs/node/mainnet/e-upgrade.md
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ This document is a work in progress and details around when the upgrade will be
 proposed and how it will be called are still not known and will be determined
 by the Oasis community.
-The upgrade will first happen on Testnet and will only be proposed for Mainnet
+The upgrade first happened on Testnet and will only be proposed for Mainnet
 after sufficient testing has been done to ensure everything will progress as
@@ -17,8 +17,8 @@ upgrade.
-The E* upgrade on Mainnet is scheduled at epoch TODO which will happen
-around TODO.
+The E* upgrade on Mainnet is scheduled at epoch TBD which will happen
+around TBD.
@@ -100,3 +100,315 @@ upgrade. For now, please take a look at the related [Testnet upgrade].
 [Testnet upgrade]: ../testnet/upgrade-log.md
+### Voting
+On TBD, an upgrade proposal will be proposed which (if accepted) will schedule
+the upgrade on epoch **TBD**.
+For optimal voting experience, we recommend using the [Oasis CLI].
+Follow these steps to cast your vote:
+1. [Import your keys into the wallet]
+2. [Cast your vote]
+### Upgrade Instructions
+The following steps should be performed only after the network has reached the
+upgrade epoch and has halted:
+1. Wait for the network to reach the upgrade epoch and halt. The node
+    will automatically stop without any action required on your part. After the
+    network has halted, proceed to the next steps.
+2. Download the Mainnet genesis file published in the
+   [Mainnet TBD release].
+Mainnet state at epoch **TBD** will be exported and migrated to a 23.0.x
+compatible genesis file.
+The new genesis file will be published on the above link soon after reaching the
+upgrade epoch.
+3. Verify the provided Mainnet upgrade genesis file by comparing it to the
+   local network state dump.
+   Find the `genesis-mainnet-TBD.json` file in the `exports` subdirectory in
+   your data dir (e.g. `/node/`, `/srv/oasis/node/`)  and run `sha256sum` on it.
+   Afterwards, compare it with the hash that we will share on the
+   `#node-operators` Discord channel.
+   The state changes are described in the [State Changes](#state-changes)
+   section below.
+4. Replace the old genesis file with the new Mainnet genesis file.
+5. Ensure your node will remain stopped by disabling auto-starting via your
+   process manager (e.g., [systemd] or [Supervisor]).
+6. Back up the entire data directory of your node. Verify that the backup
+includes the following folders:
+- for consensus: `tendermint/abci-state` and `tendermint/data`
+- for runtimes: `runtimes/*/mkvs_storage.badger.db` and
+7. [Wipe state]. This must be performed _before_ replacing the Oasis Node
+   binary. In case you are upgrading ParaTimes/runtimes ensure you read the
+   following section:
+State of ParaTimes/runtimes is not affected by this upgrade and MUST NOT be
+wiped. Wiping state for confidential ParaTimes will prevent your compute or
+key manager node from transitioning to the new network.
+To safely wipe the blockchain state on a runtime while preserving the runtime
+state, follow these steps:
+1. **Dry run:** initiate a dry run to preview which files will be deleted by
+running the following command:
+``` bash
+# specify 'datadir' as your node's data directory
+oasis-node unsafe-reset \
+  --datadir=/serverdir/node \
+  --dry_run
+2. **Wipe blockchain state:** after reviewing the dry run results, proceed with
+the reset by running:
+``` bash
+# specify 'datadir' as your node's data directory
+oasis-node unsafe-reset \
+  --datadir=/serverdir/node
+Transitioning confidential ParaTimes to the new network requires local state
+that is sealed to the CPU. This also means that bootstrapping a new node on a
+separate CPU immediately after the network upgrade will not be possible until
+an updated ParaTime containing new trust roots is released and adopted.
+8. Replace the old version of Oasis Node with version [23.0.x].
+The Oasis Core 23.0.x binary in our published releases is built only for Ubuntu
+22.04 (GLIBC>=2.32). You'll have to build it yourself if you're using prior
+Ubuntu versions (or other distributions using older system libraries).
+9. Perform any needed [configuration changes](#configuration-changes) described
+   below.
+10. (only Rosetta Gateway operators) Replace old version of Oasis Rosetta
+    Gateway with version [2.6.0][rosetta-gw-2.6.0].
+11. Start your node and re-enable auto-starting via your process manager.
+[Oasis CLI]: ../../general/manage-tokens/cli/
+[Import your keys into the wallet]: ../../general/manage-tokens/cli/wallet.md#import-file
+[Cast your vote]: ../../general/manage-tokens/cli/network.md#governance-cast-vote
+[Mainnet TBD release]: https://github.com/oasisprotocol/mainnet-artifacts/releases/tag/TBD
+[systemd]: https://systemd.io/
+[Supervisor]: http://supervisord.org/
+[Wipe state]: ../run-your-node/maintenance/wiping-node-state.md#state-wipe-and-keep-node-identity
+[23.0.x]: https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-core/releases/tag/v23.0.x
+  https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-rosetta-gateway/releases/tag/v2.6.0
+### Configuration Changes
+To see the full extent of the changes examine the [Change Log] of the 23.0.x
+The node configuration has been refactored so that everything is now configured
+via a YAML configuration file and **configuring via command-line options is no
+longer supported**.
+Some configuration options have changed and so the configuration file needs to
+be updated. To make this step easier, a command-line tool has been provided that
+will perform most of the changes automatically. You can run it with:
+oasis-node config migrate --in config.yml --out new-config.yml
+The migration subcommand logs the various changes it makes and warns you if a
+config option is no longer supported, etc. At the end, any unknown sections of
+the input config file are printed to the terminal to give you a chance to review
+them and make manual changes if required.
+Note that the migration subcommand does not preserve comments and order of
+sections from the input YAML config file. You should always carefully read the
+output of this command, as well as compare the generated config file with the
+original before using it.
+After you are satisfied with the new configuration file, replace the old file
+with the new one as follows:
+mv new-config.yml config.yml
+The configuration format for seed nodes has changed and it now requires the
+node's P2P public key to be used. In case your old configuration file contains
+known Mainnet seed nodes, this transformation is performed automatically.
+However, if it contains unknown seed nodes then the conversion did not happen
+automatically and you may need to obtain the seed node's P2P public key. For
+Mainnet you can use the following addresses:
+* `TBD`
+* `TBD`
+Please be aware that every seed node should be configured to listen on two
+distinct ports. One is dedicated to peer discovery within the CometBFT P2P
+network, while the other is used to bootstrap the Oasis P2P network.
+[Change Log]:
+  https://github.com/oasisprotocol/oasis-core/blob/v23.0.x/CHANGELOG.md
+### Data Directory Changes
+The subdirectory (located inside the node's data directory) used to store
+consensus-related data, previously called `tendermint` (after the consensus
+layer protocol backend) has been renamed to `consensus` in Oasis Core 23.0.x. If
+any of your scripts rely on specific directory names, please make sure to update
+them to reflect the changed sdirectory name.
+### State Changes
+The following parts of the genesis document will be updated:
+For a more detailed explanation of the parameters below, see the
+[Genesis Document] docs.
+All state changes will be done automatically with the migration command provided
+by the new version of `oasis-node`. It can be used as follows to derive the same
+genesis file from an existing state dump at the correct height (assuming there
+is a `genesis.json` present in the current working directory):
+oasis-node genesis migrate --genesis.new_chain_id oasis-4
+#### General
+* **`chain_id`** will be set to `oasis-4`.
+* **`halt_epoch`** will be removed as it is no longer used.
+#### Registry
+* **`registry.runtimes[].txn_scheduler.propose_batch_timeout`** specifies how
+  long to wait before accepting proposal from the next backup scheduler. It will
+  be set to `5000000000` (5 seconds). Previously the value was represented in
+  the number of consensus layer blocks.
+* **`registry.params.gas_costs.prove_freshness`** specifies the cost of the
+  freshness proof transaction. It will be set to `1000`.
+* **`registry.params.gas_costs.update_keymanager`** specifies the cost of the
+  keymanager policy update transaction. It will be removed as the parameter has
+  been moved under `keymanager.params.gas_costs.update_policy`.
+* **`registry.params.tee_features`** specify various TEE features supported by
+  the consensus layer registry service. These will be set to the following
+  values to activate the new features:
+  ```json
+  "tee_features": {
+    "sgx": {
+      "pcs": true,
+      "signed_attestations": true,
+      "max_attestation_age": 1200
+    },
+    "freshness_proofs": true
+  }
+  ```
+* **`registry.params.max_runtime_deployments`** specifies the maximum number of
+  runtime deployments that can be specified in the runtime descriptor. It will
+  be set to `5`.
+#### Root Hash
+* **`roothash.params.max_past_roots_stored`** specifies the maximum number of
+  past runtime state roots that are stored in consensus state for each runtime.
+  It will be set to `1200`.
+#### Staking
+* **`staking.params.commission_schedule_rules.min_commission_rate`** specifies
+  the minimum commission rate. It will be set to `0` to maintain the existing
+  behavior.
+* **`staking.params.thresholds.node-observer`** specifies the stake threshold
+  for registering an observer node. It will be set to `100000000000` base units
+  (or `100` tokens), same as for existing compute nodes.
+#### Key Manager
+* **`keymanager.params.gas_costs`** specify the cost of key manager
+  transactions. These will be set to the following values:
+  ```json
+  "gas_costs": {
+    "publish_ephemeral_secret": 1000,
+    "publish_master_secret": 1000,
+    "update_policy": 1000
+  }
+  ```
+#### Random Beacon
+* **`beacon.base`** is the network's starting epoch. It will be set to the epoch
+  of Mainnet's state dump + 1, `TBD`.
+#### Governance
+* **`governance.params.enable_change_parameters_proposal`** specifies whether
+  parameter change governance proposals are allowed. It will be set to `true`.
+#### Consensus
+* **`consensus.params.max_block_size`** specifies the maximum block size in the
+  consensus layer. It will be set to `1048576` (1 MiB).
+#### Other
+* **`extra_data`** will be set back to the value in the [Mainnet genesis file]
+  to include the Oasis Network's genesis quote:
+  _”_[_Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?_][mainnet-quote]_” \[submitted by Oasis
+  Community Member Daniyar Borangaziyev]:_
+  ```
+  "extra_data": {
+    "quote": "UXVpcyBjdXN0b2RpZXQgaXBzb3MgY3VzdG9kZXM/IFtzdWJtaXR0ZWQgYnkgT2FzaXMgQ29tbXVuaXR5IE1lbWJlciBEYW5peWFyIEJvcmFuZ2F6aXlldl0="
+  }
+  ```
+[Genesis Document]: ../genesis-doc.md#parameters
+[Mainnet genesis file]:
+  https://github.com/oasisprotocol/mainnet-artifacts/releases/tag/2020-11-18
+[mainnet-quote]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quis_custodiet_ipsos_custodes%3F