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743 lines (447 loc) · 31.4 KB

File metadata and controls

743 lines (447 loc) · 31.4 KB

Typora Plugin


简体中文 | English

# Plugin Function Enabled by Default
1 window_tab Window Tab Bar
2 search_multi Multi-Fields File Searcher
3 collapse_paragraph Chapter Folding ×
4 collapse_list List Folding ×
5 collapse_table Table Folding ×
6 md_padding Chinese-English Text Spacer
7 slash_commands Slash Commands
8 templater File Templater
9 resourceOperation Resource Management
10 fence_enhance Enhance Fence
11 toc TOC
12 commander Commander
13 toolbar Multi-Purpose Searcher
14 right_click_menu Right-Click Menu
15 pie_menu Pie menu ×
16 datatables Enhance Table ×
17 preferences Preferences
18 markmap Provides Markmap support
19 echarts Provides Echarts support
20 chart Provides Chartjs support
21 drawIO Provides DrawIO support
22 abc Provides abcjs support
23 calendar Provides tui.calendar support
24 wavedrom Provides WaveDrom support
25 marp Provides Marp support
26 callouts Provides Callouts support
27 text_stylize Text stylization
28 read_only Read-only mode
29 blur Blur mode
30 kanban Kanban
31 timeline Timeline
32 chat Chat
33 file_counter Show file count in directory
34 auto_number Auto Numbering
35 imageReviewer Image reviewer
36 chineseSymbolAutoPairer Automatic completion of Chinese symbols
37 resize_table Adjust table row height and column width
38 resize_image Adjust image display size
39 export_enhance Avoid image loss when exporting to html
40 markdownLint Markdown Lint Check
41 go_top One-click to top of the article
42 reopenClosedFiles Reopen Closed Files ×
43 truncate_text Hide content to improve performance for large files ×
44 dark Dark mode
45 no_image No image mode
46 updater One-click plugin update
47 easy_modify Editing tools
48 editor_width_slider Adjust writing area width
49 redirectLocalRootUrl Redirect local resource root directory ×
50 blockSideBySide Display active blocks side by side ×
51 scrollBookmarker Bookmark manager ×
52 cipher Encrypt files ×
53 ripgrep Search files using ripgrep ×
54 article_uploader One-click upload blog to supported platforms ×
55 help User help
56 custom Open platform for user-defined plugins (advanced)
57 hotkeys Hotkey registration center (advanced)
58 quickButton Add function buttons in the lower right corner (advanced)
59 json_rpc External control of Typora (advanced) ×

Respect all user choices. Any plugin or feature in this project can be permanently enabled/disabled.

If you have other needs or find bugs, feel free to open an issue. PRs are also welcome. If you find this project helpful, please give me a star ⭐

How to Use: Windows/Linux Platform

Visit Video Installation Tutorial

  1. Download the plugin source code package and unzip it.

  2. Go to the Typora installation path and find the folder A containing window.html.

    • For the official version of Typora, the path is ./resources/window.html.

    • For the free version of Typora, the path is ./resources/app/window.html.

  3. Paste the unzipped plugin folder into folder A.

  4. Go to the folder A/plugin/bin/.

    • Windows: Double-click to run install_windows_amd_x64.exe. If you see the following image, the installation is successful.

    • Linux: Run as administrator. If you see the following image, the installation is successful.

  5. Verification: Restart Typora, right-click in the main text area, and if you see the Often Used Plugins column, everything is fine.

Official Version Free Version
Steps 2-3 typora_dir_new typora_dir_old
Windows Linux
Step 4 install_windows install_linux

Additional Notes:

  • Windows can also install plugins by executing install_windows.ps1; similarly, Linux can execute the install_linux_amd_x64 file.
  • Each plugin has configuration options. It is recommended to configure according to personal needs. The configuration folder is located at A/plugin/global/settings/.

How to Use: Archlinux Platform

Currently, this method is only for the Archlinux platform, see aur/typora-plugin

yay -S typora-plugin


Is my version of Typora supported?

All plugins have been tested on version 0.9.98 (the last free version) and the latest version. This project theoretically supports all Typora versions, but Typora's functionality stabilized after version 0.9.98. It is recommended to use version 0.9.98 or later.

Will the plugins become invalid?

Theoretically, they can remain effective for a long time, and I am maintaining them.

How to permanently disable/enable certain plugins?

Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Enable/Disable Plugins.

How to modify plugin configurations?

The project includes over 600 configuration options, allowing a comprehensive definition of each plugin's behavior.

All configurations are located in the settings directory. For modification methods, please read the instruction file.

How to upgrade plugins?

Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary Plugins -> Upgrade Plugins.

I don't want to use it anymore, how to uninstall the plugin system?

Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Help -> Uninstall Plugins.

Does it support Typora for Mac?

I don't have a Mac device, so I haven't tested it.

Plugin Usage Instructions

All plugins provide four usage methods:

  • Keyboard enthusiasts:
    • Ctrl+J to bring up the plugin list (see toolbar plugin)
    • Shortcut keys (see hotkeys plugin)
  • Mouse enthusiasts:
    • Right-click in the main text area (see right_click_menu plugin)
    • Quick buttons (see quickButton plugin)

window_tab: Window Tab Bar

  • Switch tabs: Ctrl + scroll wheel, ctrl + shift + tab, ctrl + tab, ctrl + PgUp, ctrl + PgDn
  • Close tab: ctrl + w, middle mouse button
  • Open in new window: ctrl + click tab
  • Sort tabs: Drag and drop
  • Pop up menu options for tabs: Right-click the tab


search_multi: Multi-Fields File Searcher

Function: Search through a combination of different conditions to accurately find files.

  • Open search box: ctrl + shift + P
  • Close search box: Position the cursor in the input box, type esc
  • Search: enter
  • Select: ArrowUp, ArrowDown
  • Open: click, ctrl + enter
  • Move position: ctrl + drag the input box

Usage example: The search syntax is similar to Google search syntax and supports regular expressions.

Input Search File
pear Contains pear
sour pear Contains sour and pear
sour OR pear Contains sour or pear
"sour pear" Contains the phrase sour pear
sour pear -apple Contains sour and pear, but not apple
/\bsour\b/ pear mtime=2024-03-12 Matches regex \bsour\b, contains pear, and file modification date is 2024-03-12
frontmatter:development OR head=plugin OR strong:MIT YAML Front Matter contains development or title content is plugin or bold text contains MIT
size>10kb (linenum>=1000 OR hasimage=true) File size exceeds 10KB, and the file either has at least 1000 lines or contains images
thead:k8s h2:prometheus blockcode:"kubectl apply" Table header contains k8s, h2 contains prometheus, code block contains kubectl apply


collapse_paragraph: Chapter Folding

Function: Fold/expand all text under the section. Supported tags: h1~h6.

  • Fold/expand a single section: ctrl + click
  • Fold/expand all sibling sections under the parent section: ctrl + alt + click
  • Fold/expand all sibling sections: ctrl + shift + alt + click


collapse_list: List Folding

Function: Fold/expand unordered lists, ordered lists, task lists.

collapse_table: Table Folding

Function: Fold/expand tables.

md_padding: Chinese-English Text Spacer

Function: Add spaces between Chinese and English, Chinese and numbers when mixed.

Shortcut: ctrl + shift + B


slash_commands: Slash Commands

Function: Similar to Notion's slash command.


  • Insert text snippets (snippet)
  • Insert components
  • Edit styles
  • Execute arbitrary logic

Supports user-defined commands, please modify the configuration file


templater: File Templater

Function: Similar to Obsidian's file template function, quickly create files based on templates.

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary Plugins -> File Templates.

For the template list, please modify the configuration file.


resourceOperation: Resource Management

Function: Resource management, cleanup of unused images

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary Plugins -> Resource Management

fence_enhance: Enhance Fence


toc: Generate Outline on the Right

Function: Typora's sidebar cannot display both [File] and [Outline] simultaneously. To solve this problem, this plugin adds an [Outline] on the right.


  • Method 1: Often Used Plugins -> Secondary Plugins -> Outline
  • Method 2: Right-click the [Outline] button on the sidebar

commander: Command Line Environment

Function: Similar to Total Commander's command line, a tool for quickly executing commands and providing minimal interaction.

  • Pop up the execution box: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Command Line Environment
  • Close the execution box: esc
  • Move position: ctrl + drag the input box

Supported shells:

  • cmd/bash: Default terminal for Windows or Mac
  • powershell: Microsoft's silly child :D
  • git bash: Ensure it is installed and added to the environment variable
  • wsl: Ensure WSL2 is installed and added to the environment variable

Built-in environment variables:

  • $f: Current file path
  • $d: Directory of the current file
  • $m: Mounted root directory

Supports built-in commands for quick calls. Users can customize the BUILTIN option in the configuration file as needed.

# Default built-in commands
    { name = "", shell = "cmd/bash", cmd = "" },
    { name = "Explorer", shell = "powershell", hotkey = "ctrl+alt+e", cmd = "explorer $d" },
    { name = "Vscode", shell = "cmd/bash",  cmd = "code $f" },
    { name = "WT", shell = "cmd/bash",  cmd = "cd $d && wt" },
    { name = "GitCommit", shell = "cmd/bash",  cmd = 'cd $m && git add . && git commit -m "update"' },


markmap: Provides Markmap Support


  • Method 1: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> markmap
  • Method 2: Directly click the markmap button in the lower right corner


toolbar: Multi-Purpose Searcher

Function: Similar to VSCode's ctrl + shift + p function


  • Method 1: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Multi-functional Search
  • Method 2: Shortcut key ctrl + j

Supports search:

  • his: Recently opened files
  • plu: Plugins
  • tab: Open tabs
  • ops: Common operations
  • out: Document outline
  • mode: Switch file mode
  • theme: Temporarily switch theme
  • func: Function list
  • all: Mixed search (search all items mixed together)

Input content description:

  • Input content = search tool name + space + search content
  • Supports intersection queries, difference queries, and can be freely combined (similar to Google's positive and negative queries)


  • his node learn: Find recently opened files that have titles containing both node and learn keywords
  • plu multi -search: Find plugins whose names contain the multi keyword but do not contain the search keyword
  • tab -messing: Find all open tabs whose names do not contain the messing keyword
  • his close -win -mark tab: Find recently opened files whose titles contain close and tab keywords, but do not contain win and mark keywords



All plugins support direct invocation through the right-click menu. Mouse enthusiasts can use the right-click menu as the main way to call all plugins.

You can customize the right-click menu by modifying the configuration file:

# Each MENUS corresponds to a primary menu, allowing unlimited additions of primary menus and repeated addition of the same plugin
# NAME: The name of the primary menu
# LIST: List of secondary menu plugins (use "---" to insert a divider on the page for separation)
NAME = "Less Used Plugins"
LIST = [
NAME = "Often Used Plugins"
LIST = [



  • Open circular menu: Ctrl + right mouse button
  • Rotate circular menu: Middle mouse button
  • Pin the circular menu, so it doesn't automatically disappear: Left mouse button on the center of the circle
  • Expand the circular menu, so it doesn't automatically collapse: Right mouse button on the center of the circle


Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Enable/Disable Plugins

echarts: Provide Echarts Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Echarts


chart: Provide Chart.js Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Chart


drawIO: Provide DrawIO Support


abc: Provide abc.js Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> ABC


calendar: Provide tui.Calendar Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Calendar


wavedrom: Provide WaveDrom Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Wavedrom


marp: Provide Marp Support

Function: Use markdown to create PPT.

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Marp

callouts: Provide Callouts Support

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Callouts


The quantity, type, color, and icon can all be defined by yourself. Please modify the configuration file:

type = "note"
background_color = "#e1d1eb"
left_line_color = "#6a1b9a"
icon = "\\f040"


Extend the code syntax to add Kanban functionality.



Extend the code syntax to add timeline functionality.



Extend the code syntax to add chat functionality.



Function: Convert text to HTML format, changing the text style.

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Text Stylize.


read_only: Read-Only Mode

Function: In read-only mode, the document cannot be edited (after enabling, the bottom right corner of the statistics area will show ReadOnly).

Shortcut: ctrl+shift+R

blur: Blur Mode

Function: After enabling, only the currently focused component is visible, the rest are blurred. It can be used to prevent peeking.

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Blur Mode

This plugin can only be used with the official version of Typora.

file_counter: Display File Count




Note: This function is achieved by injecting CSS, which may conflict with the theme you are using.

Unlike other implementations using theme CSS, this plugin perfectly solves the problem of no numbering in the sidebar after exporting to PDF by modifying the built-in function :)

According to Markdown Best Practices, a document should have only one h1 tag.


Function: One-stop image viewing, and provides simple image editing.


  • Method 1: Click the "View Image" button at the bottom right corner
  • Method 2: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Image Viewer



Function: Automatically pair symbols when typing 《 【 ( ‘ “ 「.

datatables: Table Enhancement

Function: Enhance tables. Provides functions such as search, filter, pagination, and sorting.

Usage: Place the cursor on the table -> Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Table Enhancement.



Function: ctrl + mouse drag: Modify the row height and column width of the table.



Function: alt + mouse scroll: Adjust the image size.


Function: When exporting HTML, convert images to base64 to avoid image loss.


Function: Add a "Go to Top" button at the bottom right corner.


Function: Automatically or through a shortcut, open the tabs that were not closed when Typora was last exited.

This plugin only works when window_tab is enabled.

dark: Dark Mode

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Night Mode

no_image: No Image Mode

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> No Image Mode


Function: Check whether the current file complies with markdown best practices.


  1. Method 1: Click the small square at the top right corner
  2. Method 2: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Format Check

updater: One-Click Plugin Upgrade

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Upgrade Plugin

As we all know, some users cannot download the latest plugin directly from GitHub, so a proxy setting function is provided (default is system proxy).

easy_modify: Editing Tools

Usage: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Editing Tools

This plugin is a collection of commonly used editing tools, currently including:

  1. Copy title path
  2. Promote the title level of the selected paragraph
  3. Demote the title level of the selected paragraph
  4. Convert line break CRLF to LF
  5. Convert line break LF to CRLF
  6. Remove invisible characters
  7. Generate mind map based on the document outline: mindmap
  8. Generate mind map based on the document outline: graph
  9. Extract selected text to a new file
  10. Add trailing spaces

editor_width_slider: Adjust Writing Area Width

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Adjust Writing Area Width

Function: Adjust the width of the writing area.


Function: If you mainly use Obsidian or Joplin to manage files and occasionally use Typora to open files, you will encounter a problem: both Obsidian and Joplin put local resources in the same directory, but Typora defaults to using relative paths to reference local resources.

This plugin is disabled by default and needs to be manually enabled.

Before using this plugin, you need to set the following configuration options:

# Resource root directory, supports absolute paths (such as D:\\tmp\\img) and relative paths (such as .\\assets). Pay attention to escaping backslashes when filling in (if empty, this plugin is invalid)
root = "./"
# Filter regular expression: only files whose paths match filter_regexp will use this plugin (if empty, all files will use this plugin)
filter_regexp = ""

blockSideBySide: Display Active Blocks Side by Side

Function: The active block is displayed vertically by default, changed to side by side.


Note: This function is achieved by injecting CSS, which may conflict with the theme you are using.

scrollBookmarker: Bookmark Manager


  1. Use alt + click on the text content to bookmark.
  2. This will automatically bring up the bookmark manager. Click on the bookmark above to jump to the bookmark.

Show/Hide Bookmark Manager: Right-click menu -> Often Used Plugins -> Secondary plugins -> Bookmark Manager

help: User Help

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Help.

cipher: Encrypt File

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Encrypt File.

truncate_text: Hide Content to Improve Large File Rendering Performance

Function: The rendering performance of large files in Typora is very poor. Use this plugin to temporarily hide content (just hide the display, not modify the file) to improve rendering performance. It can also be used to prevent peeking.

Usage: Right-click menu -> Less Used Plugins -> Text Truncate.

The included functions are as follows:

  • Hide the front part: Hide the text in the front part, leaving only the last 80 paragraphs.
  • Redisplay: Redisplay all previously hidden text.
  • Display according to the current visible range: Display text according to the current visible range.

Principle: By setting the display style of DOM elements to none, elements are hidden so that they do not occupy a position in the rendering tree, and operations on hidden elements do not cause reflow of other elements.

collapse_paragraph (Chapter Collapse) can well replace this plugin, it is recommended to use collapse_paragraph.

ripgrep: Use Ripgrep to Search Files

Typora comes with ripgrep. This plugin supports using the built-in ripgrep to search files.

To use this plugin, you need to be familiar with the ripgrep tool. This plugin is disabled by default and needs to be manually enabled.

hotkeys: Hotkey Registration Center (Advanced)

This plugin is an advanced plugin, only available to users with a JavaScript background.

Function: Bind hotkeys to [any plugin system function] or [any custom function] in a declarative form.

quickButton: Add Function Buttons to the Bottom Right Corner (Advanced)

This plugin is an advanced plugin, only available to users with a JavaScript background.

Function: Similar to hotkeys, set function buttons for [any plugin system function] in a declarative form.

custom: Open Platform, User-Defined Plugins (Advanced)

This plugin is an advanced plugin, only available to users with a JavaScript background.

Function: Provide open capabilities, support users to write their own plugins.

For specific usage, please refer to

json_rpc: External Manipulation of Typora (Advanced)

Function: Expose all capabilities including the typora-plugin in the form of json-rpc for external manipulation of Typora.

For specific usage, please refer to

This plugin is an advanced plugin, only available to developers. After enabling this plugin, the external will have both node and browser environments, which can fully control the computer, so if you are not a developer, please do not enable it.

article_uploader: Upload Blog Articles

Function: The user clicks or uses a shortcut key to trigger the automatic publishing function of the current article. The program automatically publishes blog articles to major platforms according to user configuration.

For specific usage, refer to: Taking uploading to CSDN as an example, the GIF is as follows:

CSDN Success Demonstration



I am not a front-end developer, and all my front-end knowledge comes from Google. My JS/CSS skills are quite poor.

This project follows the MIT license, feel free to enjoy it.

If you find it useful, please give it a star ⭐, and feel free to recommend it to like-minded friends.