Please note that this library is primarily developed on an internal, private repository. This means that issue numbers referenced in commit messages refer to the issue numbers in the internal repository.
Branch, edit, push, submit a merge request. Please squash commits on merging into master.
We would encourage users to contribute a variety of domain-independent utilities which fit into the broad theme of creating, running and using simulations.
All new code added to this project, or changes made to existing code, should be committed with tests.
Effort should be made to ensure that code added to this project is in a state where it is easy to understand and use, especially where it may use non-standard or complex patterns. This may be achieved though example code (eg in unit tests) or javadocs.
You must follow commit message formats used for automated releases. They are enforced by push rules. This does mean that commits visible on the GitHub repository will contain references to internal Ocado issue tracking systems.
This repository makes use of Semantic-Release and changes must follow the following format (based loosely on Angular):
A commit message consists of a header, body and footer. The header has a type, scope and subject
<type>(<scope>): <subject>
The header is mandatory and the scope of the header is optional.
Minor release
feat: Add a new feature to project #xxxx
New feature is really useful for reason.
Documentation update
docs: Improve the javadoc on MyClass JIRA-XXXX
Add two @throws lines to the javadoc of myMethod
Breaking Change
feat: Delete a deprecated feature from project JIRA-XXXX
BREAKING CHANGE: Delete some deprecated methods
If the prefix is feat
, fix
or perf
, it will appear in the changelog. However if there is any BREAKING CHANGE, the commit will always appear in the changelog.
These types will trigger a release
- feat - A new feature (MINOR release)
- fix - A bug fix (PATCH release)
- perf - A performance improvement (PATCH release)
note: if marked as breaking change (by including the text "BREAKING_CHANGE" in the body) it will be a MAJOR release
These types will not trigger a release
- build - Changes to the build (updated dependencies for example)
- ci - Changes to the continuous integration pipeline
- docs - Additional documentation changes
- refactor - Refactoring of code (with no new features or bug fixes)
- style - Correction of code style
- test - Additional tests
- chore