Passager Password Manager is an open-source and easy-to-use password manager.
Si experimentas problemas intermitentes para acceder a Passager desde España, puede deberse al bloqueo de ciertas IPs de Cloudflare por parte de los principales proveedores de internet durante la celebración de partidos de fútbol. Esta situación se deriva de una resolución judicial que permite a LaLiga bloquear cualquier dirección IP de internet desde la que se distribuya contenido de forma no autorizada, cuya propiedad intelectual y/o derechos de distribución sean titularidad de LaLiga.
Creemos que esta decisión es un motivo de seria preocupación, ya que permite a una entidad privada limitar el acceso a páginas web lícitas que no distribuyen contenido de forma contraria a la ley, sin tan siquiera notificar a los titulares de dichos sitios web ni permitirles realizar alegación alguna.
Nuestra opinión es que esto podría suponer una vulneración de diferentes derechos fundamentales recogidos en la Constitución Española (Derecho a la libertad de empresa, Derecho a la libertad de expresión, Derecho a la tutela judicial efectiva, entre otros), y del Artículo 76 de la Ley 11/2022, de 28 de junio, General de Telecomunicaciones, lo cual va en contra de los principios de una web abierta y neutral, y va en detrimento de los intereses de terceros que utilizan la capa gratuíta de Cloudflare para fines legítimos.
Aunque algunas organizaciones han presentado incidentes de nulidad para tratar de revertir esta situación, desafortunadamente, este problema está fuera de nuestro control.
Como recomendación, sugerimos utilizar una VPN para acceder a internet durante los partidos de fútbol para evitar posibles problemas de acceso. Recomendamos utilizar Mullvad VPN ( o Warp de Cloudflare (
Puedes leer más sobre esta situación en
- Possibility to use it in local mode or in cloud mode by connecting to a remote backend.
- Password sharing capabilities when using
in cloud mode. - Screen lock after ten minutes of inactivity.
- E2E encryption relies on the WebCrypto API. No third-party crypto libraries are used, which warranties that crypto code is up-to-date as long as the browser is.
Passager can be used in local mode, which means that all data is stored in the browser's local storage. This is the recommended mode if you want to be sure that your data is not stored in any server.
Just download the mobile app or directly access from your browser:
It's possible to build the docker image with the following command:
npm run build:docker
Then start the container with:
npm run start:docker
A production-ready build will be available on the port 8000
served by a basic apache server.
Passager has its own REST service to handle authentication and data storage. It works great for organizations that need to keep synchronized their passwords between different devices. Additionally, sharing capabilities are available when connecting Passager to a remote backend.
A new backend instance can be easily started by building and running its corresponding docker image.
Please refer to the Passager Backend directory for more information.
Build the docker image with the following command:
npm run build:docker:dev
Then start the container with:
npm run start:docker:dev
A development build will be available on the port 3000
. Changes on the code will be reflected on the container.
is the passager
's scaffolding engine.
In the project directory, you can run:
npm run prepare
npm start
npm test
npm run build
To achieve simplicity, security and usability for teams, the following technical decisions have been adopted:
- Get inspiration, without just copying them, from services like Google Drive, or apps like Finder. A password manager should be as easy-to-use as a file explorer is.
- Use third-party services (docky) for authentication and database, to reduce the risk of implementing a property login system or administrating a database system.
- Decouple the application as much as possible from docky, to reduce efforts if a service provider change is needed on a future.
- Handle encryption of data on the client's browser, using native APIs to perform crypto operations.
- Ensure that team sharing features do not reduce software security.
You could be wondering why the world needs another password manager.
The answer is that the world doesn't really need more password managers, but I used to need an open source, easy to install and maintain one, and I have never found it.
This is the reason to create passager
. To bring to the world a password manager that is:
- Simple to use and maintain, both for users and sys admins.
- Secure by design.
- Usable by teams.
These are the three topics around the value-proposition of passager
, and these points should be the foundation to define its vision and goals.
This is a personal project and I do not consider myself responsible for the usage given to this software. Please understand that I can't be responsible for any direct or indirect damage this software may cause due to any kind of problem.
I've developed this software with all my 💛, but as you know there are evil people outside in the network. Take care, install always all available updates, and use passager
at your own risk.
If you find any security issue or possible improvement, feel free to submit a PR and I would try to do my best to handle it.
, to require and render material design icons.create-react-app
, and all dependencies included in the default template are used to build the project foundation and scaffolding.react-i18next
, to translate the app to different languages.styled-components
, is used to style components.@capacitor/android
are used to compile the app for mobile devices.
, to run tests before commiting changes to the repository.
WebCrypto API is used to encrypt and decrypt data from passager. This theorically means, as long as your browser is updated, your crypto algorithms will be safe. These are the techniques followed to protect user passwords:
- Each user defines a master password, from which is derived a 256 bits AES-GCM key.
- Additionally, each user has an RSA-OAEP key-pair. Private key is wrapped using the master password's derived key.
- After the user logs in and writes his master password, the private key is unwrapped and loaded in memory.
- Each folder has its specific AES-GCM key, which is stored encrypted using the user's RSA public key.
- When a user wants to access a specific folder, folder's key is decrypted with the user's private key, then the content is accessed and decrypted using the folder-specific key.
- When a folder is shared, its AES-GCM key is encrypted using the receiver public key, and shared with him.
- Favicon: Safe box icons created by Freepik - Flaticon -
- Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google LLC.