GRD-797 - add vidarr labels to outputs (changes to medata only)
- GRD-728, add minMemory parameter to RAM-scaling tasks
- GRD-728, add RAM scaling by chromosome
- [GBS-4314], Update bamQC to reflect previous version
- Creat two modes lane_levl and call_ready, for different inputs. The formal run bamQC steps as before woth single lane level bam, the latter filter and multiple baminputs before other bamQC steps.
- Modify python module loading during validation
- Update workflow name to
for clinical
- Migration from Niassa to Vidarr
- GR-1243 - Bugfix to fix
coverage histogram
and remove invalidcoverage_histogram
- GP-2469 - Bugfix for empty BAM input, with test
- GP-2397 - Use the mosdepth tool for fast calculation of coverage depth
- GP-2374 - Fix another integer overflow error
- Update with
- GP-2353 - Fix integer overflow error in Cromwell
- GP-2123 - WDL workflow for bamQC
- Remove decider and convert previous Niassa workflow to Niassa-WDL
- Runs Picard MarkDuplicates and bam-qc-metrics 0.2.5
- New filtering and downsampling logic; see
- GP-2245 - Update to bam-qc-metrics 0.2.3
- GR-908 - Update to bam-qc-metrics 0.2.2
- Update to bam-qc-metrics 0.2.1
- GP-2190 - Use provided duplicate marked bam metrics input file (if provided) and update to picard 2.21.2
- Move to bam-qc-metrics version 0.2.0; complete reimplementation of QC metrics
- Disable downsampling for smaller input files (default = 100 MB)
- Json metadata must now be provided as an ini parameter: "json_metadata"
- Upgrade to SeqWare 1.1.0, common-utilities 1.6 and workflow-utilities 1.6.