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JS CSS minify and combine

Ethan Lai edited this page Sep 3, 2013 · 3 revisions

Combine js files

prepend a file at the begining of another file.

// @koala-prepend "jquery.js"

// jQuery is ready
  // TODO

append a file at the end of another file.

// @koala-prepend "jquery.js"
// @koala-append "other.js"

  // TODO

// the content of other.js will be combine into here

Combine imported CSS files

@import url("reset.css");
@import "./libs/jquery.ui/jquery.ui.css";

/*For this page*/
body {}

combine import option

Checked Combine Import will combine imported CSS files.

Convert CSS images to base64

Add this parameter behind the relative image url: ?base64.

This feature only supports css currently

Source code:

#test {
	background: url(../img/logo.png?base64) no-repeat;

Output Code:

#test {
	background: url(.....) no-repeat;