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Using project settings

Ethan Lai edited this page Jun 20, 2013 · 3 revisions

Getting started

Select a project, right-click on it and choose "Project Settings" --> "new settings" --> choose the language you use. Then koala will create a "koala-config.json" file under you project directory, you can edit it and set custom settings.
When the "koala-config.json" file modify, koala will auto reload the project with the configuration in "koala-config.json".

Configuration properties


(string) Don't need to edit.


(string) Set this to the root of your project. Defaults to "/".


(string) The directory where the sass/less/coffee file are kept. It is relative to the http_path.
By default, koala will load files of all directories. If change this propertie to a directory, koala will just load the specified directory file.


(string) The directory where the css/javascripts are kept. It is relative to the http_path too.


The default compile option of all the files in project.
If you want to change the compile options for individual files, select the file, you can change the settings on the right column.


(array) If some of the options you need is not inside "options", you can add it here.
Please use the full name of options. e.g. ["--scss", ... ,"--no-cache"].
Run the command "sass -h", "lessc -h", "coffee -h" to see all options.


(array) An array of filesystem paths or importers which should be searched for Less/Sass templates imported with the @import directive.
It be equivalent to "--include-path" for Less and "--load-path PATH" for Sass.


(array) A array of ruby libraries, require them before running Sass.
It be equivalent to "--require LIB" for Sass.