There are assignments in a variety of langauges that are preconfigured to work with OK. They come bundled with OK tests. To enable submission, changing a few characters is all you need.
You are free to use these resources for a noncommercial purpose. If you teach at an accredited higher ed school or K12 instutition - you may use these assignments in your course.
{ "name": "Project 1: Hog", "endpoint": "cal/cs61a/sp17/hog", ... }
Each assignment contains a file ending with `.ok` - the only thing that you need to change to enable submission the "endpoint" inside of the file. You can change it to your assignment endpoint on the OK Server and that's all it'll take to enable submission. For more details, view the ok server demo video.
## Using Standalone
To use these assignments as a standalone assignment, you do _not_ need to change the endpoint.
# CS1 Assignments
## CS61A
CS61A at UC Berkeley is the introductory course for CS majors. It has been recognized as one the five best computer science in the US.
It focuses on abstraction, recursion, and problem solving. The assignments are rigorous and use a variety of languages.
| Category | Course | Langauge | Name | Days | Description | Link |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Python | Hog (Dice based game) | 10 days | Dice based game using higher order functions and functional programming | [View >]( ) |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Python | Hog Contest (Game Strategy) | 10 days | Optional Game Strategy Contest | [View >]( |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Python | Yelp Maps (Machine Learning) | 10 days | Use a Yelp Dataset to recommend restaurants with lists and dictionaries | [View >]( ) |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Python | Ants vs. Some Bees (Game) | 11 days | Use OOP to build a Plants vs Zombies Game with great graphics | [View >]( ) |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Python | Scheme Interpreter | 17 days | Build a Scheme Interpreter using recursion | [View >]( ) |
| Project | [CS 61A]( | Scheme | Scheme Art Contest | 10 days | Use Scheme turtles to build art! | [View >]( |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 1 | 6 days | Conditionals | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 2 | 6 days | Functions | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 3 | 6 days | Higher Order Functions | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 4 | 6 days | Recursion | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 5 | 6 days | Data Abstraction + Recursion | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 6 | 6 days | Abstract Data Types | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 7 | 6 days | Object Oriented Programming | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Scheme | HW 9 | 7 days | Scheme Lists & Recursion | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Scheme | HW 10 | 6 days | More Scheme | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 11 | 6 days | Trees + OOP | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | Python | HW 12 | 6 days | Streams & Infinite | [View >]( ) |
| Homework | [CS 61A]( | SQL | HW 13 | 7 days | Recursive SQL | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 00 | 5 days | Introduction and Workflow | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 01 | 2 days | Expressions and Control Structures | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 02 | 2 days | Lambdas and Higher-Order Functions | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 03 | 4 days | Recursion and Midterm Review | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 04 | 2 days | Lists and Data Abstraction | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 05 | 2 days | Mutable Sequences and Trees | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 06 | 2 days | Object-Oriented Programming | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 07 | 2 days | Recursive Objects | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 08 | 4 days | Midterm Review | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Scheme | Lab 09 | 2 days | Scheme | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 10 | 2 days | Interpreters | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Python | Lab 11 | 2 days | Iterators and Generators | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | SQL | Lab 12 | 2 days | SQL | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | SQL | Lab 13 | 2 days | SeQueL (optional lab) | [View >]( ) |
| Lab | [CS 61A]( | Spark | Lab 14 | 2 days | Spark | [View >]( ) |
# Data Science Assignments
## Data 8
The Foundations of Data Science. Inferential thinking, computational thinking, and real-world relevance.
More details are available on the official course site [](
[Data 8 Course Materials >](
## Data 100
Principles and Techniques of Data Science
Materials [Data100 Materials](