Grant object that represents an app consent scope grant
Name | Type | Description | Notes |
ClientId | string | Client ID of the app integration | [optional] [readonly] |
Created | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the object was created | [optional] [readonly] |
CreatedBy | OAuth2Actor | [optional] | |
Id | string | ID of the Grant object | [optional] [readonly] |
Issuer | string | The issuer of your org authorization server. This is typically your Okta domain. | |
LastUpdated | DateTimeOffset | Timestamp when the object was last updated | [optional] [readonly] |
ScopeId | string | The name of the Okta scope for which consent is granted | |
Source | OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantSource | [optional] | |
Status | GrantOrTokenStatus | [optional] | |
UserId | string | User ID that granted consent (if `source` is `END_USER`) | [optional] [readonly] |
Embedded | OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantEmbedded | [optional] | |
Links | OAuth2ScopeConsentGrantLinks | [optional] |