{{< img src="integrations/spark/sparkgraph.png" alt="spark graph" responsive="true" popup="true">}}
The Spark check collects metrics for:
- Drivers and executors: RDD blocks, memory used, disk used, duration, etc.
- RDDs: partition count, memory used, disk used
- Tasks: number of tasks active, skipped, failed, total
- Job state: number of jobs active, completed, skipped, failed
The Spark check is packaged with the Agent, so simply install the Agent on your:
- Mesos master (if you're running Spark on Mesos),
- YARN ResourceManager (if you're running Spark on YARN), or
- Spark master (if you're running Standalone Spark)
Create a file spark.yaml
in the Agent's conf.d
directory. See the sample spark.yaml for all available configuration options:
- spark_url: http://localhost:8088 # Spark master web UI
# spark_url: http://<Mesos_master>:5050 # Mesos master web UI
# spark_url: http://<YARN_ResourceManager_address>:8088 # YARN ResourceManager address
spark_cluster_mode: spark_standalone_mode # default is spark_yarn_mode
# spark_cluster_mode: spark_mesos_mode
# spark_cluster_mode: spark_yarn_mode
cluster_name: <CLUSTER_NAME> # required; adds a tag 'cluster_name:<CLUSTER_NAME>' to all metrics
# spark_pre_20_mode: true # if you use Standalone Spark < v2.0
# spark_proxy_enabled: true # if you have enabled the spark UI proxy
Set spark_url
and spark_cluster_mode
according to how you're running Spark.
Restart the Agent to start sending Spark metrics to Datadog.
Run the Agent's status
subcommand and look for spark
under the Checks section:
- instance #0 [OK]
- Collected 26 metrics, 0 events & 1 service check
The spark check is compatible with all major platforms.
See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this check.
The Spark check does not include any event at this time.
The Agent submits one of the following service checks, depending on how you're running Spark:
- spark.standalone_master.can_connect
- spark.mesos_master.can_connect
- spark.application_master.can_connect
- spark.resource_manager.can_connect
The checks return CRITICAL if the Agent cannot collect Spark metrics, otherwise OK.
To get Spark metrics if Spark is set up on AWS EMR, use bootstrap actions to install the Datadog Agent and then create the /etc/dd-agent/conf.d/spark.yaml
configuration file with the proper values on each EMR node.