This check collects TokuMX metrics like:
- Opcounters
- Replication lag
- Cache table utilization and storage size
And more.
The TokuMX check is packaged with the Agent, so simply install the Agent on your TokuMX servers.
Install the Python MongoDB module on your MongoDB server using the following command:
sudo pip install --upgrade "pymongo<3.0"
You can verify that the module is installed using this command:
python -c "import pymongo" 2>&1 | grep ImportError && \ echo -e "\033[0;31mpymongo python module - Missing\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;32mpymongo python module - OK\033[0m"
Start the mongo shell.In it create a read-only user for the Datadog Agent in the
database:# Authenticate as the admin user. use admin db.auth("admin", "<YOUR_TOKUMX_ADMIN_PASSWORD>") # Add a user for Datadog Agent db.addUser("datadog", "<UNIQUEPASSWORD>", true)
Verify that you created the user with the following command (not in the mongo shell).
python -c 'from pymongo import Connection; print Connection().admin.authenticate("datadog", "<UNIQUEPASSWORD>")' | \ grep True && \ echo -e "\033[0;32mdatadog user - OK\033[0m" || \ echo -e "\033[0;31mdatadog user - Missing\033[0m"
For more details about creating and managing users in MongoDB, refer to the MongoDB documentation.
Create a file tokumx.yaml
in the Agent's conf.d
directory. See the sample tokumx.yaml for all available configuration options:
- server: mongodb://datadog:<UNIQUEPASSWORD>@localhost:27017
Restart the Agent to start sending TokuMX metrics to Datadog.
Run the Agent's status
subcommand and look for tokumx
under the Checks section:
- instance #0 [OK]
- Collected 26 metrics, 0 events & 1 service check
The tokumx check is compatible with all major platforms.
See metadata.csv for a list of metrics provided by this check.
Replication state changes:
This check emits an event each time a TokuMX node has a change in its replication state.
Returns CRITICAL if the Agent cannot connect to TokuMX to collect metrics, otherwise OK.
Need help? Contact Datadog Support.