If you know a resource not mentioned in here or can improve this list in a different way (adding descriptions to the links, etc.), please submit a pull request!
While you're at it, please make sure that your material focuses on the Tokyo/standard japanese dialect. ^_^
- Japanese Phonetics course by Dogen
- Japanese Pronunciation for Communication by WasedaX
- Video/Audio introduction to Tokyo pitch accent
- Yudai Sensei YouTube channel (PA quizzes, breakdowns of PA in texts, etc.)
- Tsutaeru Hatsuon YouTube channel (speech training videos, there's a site too)
- Prosody tutor Suzuki-kun
- 日本語教育用アクセント辞典
- Sakura-paris (online search for the NHK日本語発音アクセント辞典)
- jpdb (accent marks, audio, English translation and many media-related features)
- jotoba (accent marks, audio, translations in multiple languages: en, de, ..)
- Wadoku (github+database)
- Weblio
- Wiktionary
- Forvo (no accent marks but has a voice recording for almost every word)
- Jisho Pitcher browser extension
- Jisho-OJAD chrome extension (github)
- 日本語標準アクセントの概要
- Perception tests - minimal pairs, x-mora words, etc. (free but requires signup)
- 辞書 (You have to buy dictionaries within the app; compatible with MacOs Big Sur)
- 大辞林 (3rd edition, 4th edition) - PA marks
- 新明解国語辞典 (7th edition, 8th edition) - PA marks and voice recordings
- 大辞泉 - PA marks and voice recordings
- NHK 日本語発音アクセント新辞典 - PA marks and voice recordings for the word and the word+particle
- 三省堂国語辞典 第八版 - PA marks added in 8th edition
- 例解学習国語辞典 - High tone in bold
- Jaccent
- Migaku Japanese addon (github)
- Anki pitch accent addon (github+database)
- WaniKani pitch info userscript
- Memrise pitch accent course
- Apple built-in dictionary - スーパー大辞林
- 大辞林 EPWING
- NHK 日本語発音アクセント辞典 EPWING
- 新明解国語辞典 第五版 EPWING
- GoldenDict
- qolibri
- EPWING definitions on kindle
- Yomichan browser extension (github, can convert dictionaries from epwing using yomichan-import)